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Is the Nation's Marijuana Policy Misguided?

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posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 08:54 PM
Here is a great article by ABC News questioning the government's drug policy focusing on marijuana. This article also talks about how this anti-marijuana policy takes resources away from the real bad illegal drug crisis in this country, which is methamphetamines.

I call this a great article, because in my city and surrounding suburbs methamphetamines have become a huge problem. Meth addicts are everywhere and unlike marijuana users these people are completely addicted monsters who will do anything for their fix. Hence, why a meth addict stole my shed doors from my backyard for scrap metal money. :down:

I don't see marijuana being this nation's drug problem. I think many of the real problems from marijuana arise, because it is so strictly illegal and regulated. I know many people who use marijuana both illegally and legally for medical purposes in my home state of Maryland. I do not see them stealing to pay for their drug use. In fact, the large majority of them are some of the most honest and trustworthy people I know. Marijuana is not physiologically addicting, so these people have no problem not being able to use cannabis, if they can't for whatever reason.

Alcohol and tobacco are the real gateway drugs, not marijuana.

It is nice to see ABC News actually doing some real journalism, even when this subject matter is not popular with much of the disinformed populace. It is refreshing.

This is probably the best news article I have on the subject, period.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 07:29 AM
Thanks for an interesting post, frailty

Amazing an article like that would appear on such a "mainstream" news source...Surprisingly balanced, and I read all of the comments after and there was much food for thought amongst those


posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:04 AM
You quite welcome Rilence. Times definitely are changing. I think internet "truth movement" is helping that. I was also very surprised that this article was featured by ABC.

The question is why do they spend billions fighting marijuana, when marijuana really isn't the biggest problem drug in America?

Whose interests are they protecting, because I know many Americans think drugs like meth and heroine are much bigger societal issues. Meth has specifically gotten pretty out of hand over the last 10-15 years and is much more detrimental to personal and societal well-being, than marijuana ever could be.

I think they are protecting corporate interests. Dupont comes to mind, since they were a major force in getting it made highly illegal to protect their nylon interests back in the day. Also the big pharmaceutical industries would be hurt quite badly if marijuana was dropped drug classes, so doctors could prescribe it. From what I know marijuana can be used to treat symptoms of both mental and physiological illness.

I think the biggest interest being protected is big pharma, especially in the painkiller industry, which is a billion dollar plus a year industry in itself. From what I heard from people I know who use it medically, cannabis is probably the best painkiller known to man for neurological and muscular pain. Plus, users of it don't have bad side effects like they do with opiate-derived painkillers or designer NSAIDS like Vioxx. It also non-addicting, which makes it much better for treating chronic pain than opiate-derivatives.

[removed quote of entire previous post]
Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3-8-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:11 AM
The nations marijuana policy is completely misguided. They claim they are trying to punish the dealers but their own statistics that they're punishing mere users.


*this is for all drugs, not just pot

Oh boy , it's a good thing we keep arresting those troublesome pot smokers ! They're always starting fights, robbing stores and gunning down innocent people !

WHY continue to arrest MORE users than dealers ? Most users are guilty of no other crime than their drug use.

WHY not just give these people a ticket which will generate MORE revenue than JAILING them ? This will ALSO free up more cops to fight ACTUAL crime like RAPE, MURDER, KIDNAPPING and all that other really bad #.

Type of arrest Number of arrests*
Total arrests* 14,094,200
Drug abuse violations 1,846,400
Driving under the influence 1,371,900
Simple assaults 1,301,400
Larceny/theft 1,146,700
Disorderly conduct 678,200
Liquor laws 597,800
Drunkenness 556,200


WOW it's a good think we keep arresting these damn druggies ! Cause when I'm driving at night on the weekends I always see these druggies speeding and driving recklessly - OH WAIT THAT'S THE DRUNKS !

[edit on 3-8-2007 by discomfit]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:21 AM
Is the Nation's Marijuana Policy Misguided?

A resounding.. YES!

Good post

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:49 AM
Misguided?..............Nope, it's guided right into the Feds and Co.'s Pockets.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:07 AM
imagine this
MJ is made legal and you can do into a shop and buy it over the counter

that would stamp out the dealers who do their best to get people to try different and dangerous drugs, like coke, crack, meths and so on.
MJ is a lot less dangerous than alcohol and all of them other nasty drugs including tobacco.
someone said here, the police are happier to arrest a pot smoker but not the dealers, why..... i personally know of three people who have been arrested right outside a dealers house and the most the police caught them with was a few ounces of pot, why did the police not bust the dealers house...............
the Nation's Marijuana Policy is not only misguided it is bent and twisted..
just like the governments

but good post frailty and nice to see the real problem in the media

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:58 AM
I also know people who use MJ for medicinal purposes and it helps them to function normally just like others would use pharmaceutical antidepressants.

I recently read the book "The Secret" and it discusses a "universal knowledge" and the "law of attraction". It explains that people need to teach themselves to connect with these powers in order to achieve what they want out of life and for those who master the techniques, they truly have their own "genie in a bottle" because they actually can make all good things happen.

And the power becomes even stronger when groups of people practice it because a collective consciousness attracts more of the knowledge than a single individual.

I honestly think that MJ actually helps people to connect to that "universal knowledge" and the more people that realize this and begin to use it the right way, the more power they will have over the controlling government.

Since the government is already aware of this, they would know it's in their best interest to keep it illegal.

Additionally, in order to further prevent us from connecting to the "universal knowledge", the government manufactures huge amounts of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and then uses the media to push them on the public and pays off doctors to push them on their patients.

These drugs, in addition to the chemicals that we are fed in our food, water and personal care products are all designed to weaken us and take away our power because the chemicals cause neurological damage. How can anyone connect with the "universal knowlege" when our brains are fried with literally thousands of synthetic chemicals?

There is more to this scenario than people realize. Our health freedom and our "powers" are slowly being taken away and most people have no idea that it's happening.

I think that only the people who are truly "aware" of the powers that we all have will be able to lead the rest of us out of this mess.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by annestacey
I also know people who use MJ for medicinal purposes and it helps them to function normally just like others would use pharmaceutical antidepressants.

I recently read the book "The Secret" and it discusses a "universal knowledge" and the "law of attraction". It explains that people need to teach themselves to connect with these powers in order to achieve what they want out of life and for those who master the techniques, they truly have their own "genie in a bottle" because they actually can make all good things happen.

And the power becomes even stronger when groups of people practice it because a collective consciousness attracts more of the knowledge than a single individual.

I honestly think that MJ actually helps people to connect to that "universal knowledge" and the more people that realize this and begin to use it the right way, the more power they will have over the controlling government.

Since the government is already aware of this, they would know it's in their best interest to keep it illegal.

Additionally, in order to further prevent us from connecting to the "universal knowledge", the government manufactures huge amounts of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and then uses the media to push them on the public and pays off doctors to push them on their patients.

These drugs, in addition to the chemicals that we are fed in our food, water and personal care products are all designed to weaken us and take away our power because the chemicals cause neurological damage. How can anyone connect with the "universal knowlege" when our brains are fried with literally thousands of synthetic chemicals?

Great post, I wasn't going to say it, but I feel the same way. I think marijuana ties greatly into the nature of "The Secret" and "universal knowledge." I first had access I had to The Secret is when I watched it several months ago when I went next door to talk my Rastafarian neighbor and his Islamic wife (an interesting couple, to say the least). I really think that the government, and probably corporations for that matter, want to keep the spiritual intelligence of the populace to a minimum, especially corporations using very unhealthy and unnatural chemicals in products. These chemicals make you more acidic than alkaline that is why there is so much cancer and disease in our world. Healthy and organic living is definitely the way to go.

They can't contain it forever. I would say at the college I attended around 50%-70% of the students smoked MJ at least recreationally. I have had corporate bosses and manager that partake in the use of cannabis. I am Catholic, and know a ton of young and old Catholics who use it legally and illegally. So, it is pretty well permeated throughout our society, even if the official numbers don't reflect it.

It's funny, because many of the local gas stations around here sell smoking accessories. One time, about half a year ago, I went to the usual gas station I go to and as I went to the register to pay for my purchase. The somewhat foreign clerk, said out of the blue, "sunglasses mmm smoking accessories!" in his funny foreign accent. One of the most surprisingly funniest things I have ever heard. My eyes were probably somewhat glazed over that day.

I think many state governments don't mind arresting users is because it is easy numbers for them, which increases their federal funding. Plus, many times marijuana users in my state get fines levied against them for unlawful use and possession. as well as possible prison time. It is a very big "cash grab" at the state and local levels.

It's funny though, because in the urban hood which I grew up. They don't even care and smoke marijuana while walking down the street right in the open. They are smart enough to know that the police can't arrest them all. I have never seen one of these public smokers in the hood arrested or even harassed by the police.

[edit on 3-8-2007 by frailty]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:24 PM
I don't believe it will be made legal as it should like alchohol due to the fact that any Joe Schmoe can grow it and the government couldn't regulate taxes on it like tobacco. If they can't make money from it, it's illegal.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:27 PM
i'm going to get a slapped for this one...

i personally think all drugs should be legalised, the drugs themselves are not inherently bad, its the people who take the drugs who do the bad things. excuses are the refuge of the weak. when a junkie goes out and robs an old lady, he should be held responsible, not the drug. these people accept the fact that when they take the drug, i'm going to use heroin as an example, everyone knows that heroin is horrendously addictive so people who take it should be aware that they will get addicted. after they have accepted that everything they do to gain this drug is on their head because they put themselves in that situation in the first place.

as for the dangers of drugs, what i do to my own body is my own business so long as my good time affects me and only me in a negative way, i think its my right to do so. alchohol is just as dangerous as the other substances i have been known to partake in plus its addictive.

like i say, i know most/all of you will disagree with what i've said here. but this is how i see the problem.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Is the Nation's Marijuana Policy Misguided?

Catching kids smoking marijuana is a very easy way to get them fingerprinted and in the system. Also, people are often wrongfully accused of having or using marijuana by the police. I've had a cop pull me over and say he smelled pot, and I don't even smoke pot! He illegally searched my car and then just sent me on my way like it was nothing.

These accusations sometimes lead to arrests on major criminals that would have escaped the system otherwise. While it's good that we caught those criminals, with all the harassment and wrongfull arrests, I'd rather see these cops looking for the real criminals in the first place.

Without the ability for a cop to wrongfully accuse a citizen of smoking pot, who will do the real police work? IMO this is the only reason why it hasn't been legalized.

[edit on 8/3/07 by AcesInTheHole]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by ZGhorus
i'm going to get a slapped for this one...

i personally think all drugs should be legalised, the drugs themselves are not inherently bad, its the people who take the drugs who do the bad things. excuses are the refuge of the weak. when a junkie goes out and robs an old lady, he should be held responsible, not the drug. these people accept the fact that when they take the drug, i'm going to use heroin as an example, everyone knows that heroin is horrendously addictive so people who take it should be aware that they will get addicted. after they have accepted that everything they do to gain this drug is on their head because they put themselves in that situation in the first place.

as for the dangers of drugs, what i do to my own body is my own business so long as my good time affects me and only me in a negative way, i think its my right to do so. alchohol is just as dangerous as the other substances i have been known to partake in plus its addictive.

like i say, i know most/all of you will disagree with what i've said here. but this is how i see the problem.

I actually agree with you for the most part on the idea that all illegal drugs should be legalized and strictly regulated by the government. I think our tax dollars would be much better spent on drug education rehabilitation. I think highly addictive and harmful substance like heroin and meth should be provided by government or non-profit facilities by professionals who would be trained to educate, dispense and rehabilitate users who feel the need for such a powerful high.

Drug addiction is really a physical and mental health concern more than anything else. I think as a society one of our worst mistakes was make drugs into a street game between cops and black market dealers. Just the bloodshed alone caused by the illegality of drugs is a great tragedy in American society. Since this is a conspiracy forum, maybe the plan the elites was too make poor neighborhoods into a battleground over drugs and money. Thus creating more reason for higher taxes and more profits for companies that benefit from the upheaval of neighborhoods.

I think education is the key thing, because most people have not much scientific knowledge of harmful drugs and the effects on their body. In poorer neighborhood it seems like the myths are known more than the truths, and that is a shame. Not many would use heroine if they knew what the physiological effects of the mix of opium and nicotine did to your body. The mix is what makes it so addictive and hard to quit. Not many would use methamphetamines if they new it caused irreversible damage to your brain, pretty much burning it up over time and use. Some people do not have the means or capacity to educate themselves. So, they only know what they are told and their is confusion.

I think these are very real issues that need to be discussed in our society, because the drug war is not worth it. All it does is create big problems in our society and around the world. We can not win the war on drugs, unless we become a completely lock-down fascist country. Our drug policy is just our government spinning their wheels and kicking up clouds of fear, anguish and mistrust of other humans. Maybe it's just another reason for the general populace to want a big, strong and powerful government.

I think this article by a very mainstream source shows that the government does use disinformation to reel the public into its agenda and policies.

I ain't gonna slap ya!
I have actually have done much research on the illegal drug topic in college and have come to the same conclusion.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:05 PM
drugs are just another in a long list of reasons for people to hurt other people. why did you beat up that old lady..."i was on drugs" people like that are pathetic, i'm sorry, but they are and pathetic people should be culled...if you cant take the personal responsibility to say..hmmm i'm a jerk when i do this...lets stop doing it...i'm unfortunately a violent drunk, when i drink past the stage of tipsy i'm a ticking time bomb(i'm not a fighter which is lucky so i mainly get beaten up lol) so i choose not to drink, i'll have a beer every now and then...mainly watching greenbay packers matches on channel 5...but thats it. i take ecstasy and speed and i smoke pot...i'm not ashamed to say it why should i be? they dont make me better or worse they make me a wasted me without the hassle of getting beaten up.

"All research and successful drug policy show
That treatment should be increased,
And law enforcement decreased,
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences" - system of a down

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:23 PM
I think that the government has created this society to drink and take drugs because they know that people will do it to escape the harsh reality of the life that we live. If the economy was good, people were healthy, and could actually feed and shelter their familes comfortably with one job, I think people wouldn't feel the need to escape reality so much. But with so many people barely making ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck, maxed out on credit cards, sick and on the brink of bankruptcy, who can blame them for needing to drink or take drugs to get an escape from it?

This government has created exactly the society they want using chemicals, drugs, and the economy. The crazy part is that WE think we have more freedoms than everyone else in the world, but in reality... we do not.

They've got us all right where they want us... herding the sheep in whatever direction they want. And very few people even realize it.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:17 PM
in this country it's ok to be on drugs, but only the ones they deem legal. Otherwise, your'e wrong, and a cirminal.

I'll keep going to this until the day that I die, but there's no lethat dose recorded of Marijuana, but there are of the legal drugs that exist.

That being said, it seems like the government is single-ing out those who don't fit the mold.

I don't see how a "drug" without a lethal dose can be considered a class 1 narcotic...

[edit on 8/4/2007 by acegotflows]

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by frailty
Here is a great article by ABC News questioning the government's drug policy focusing on marijuana. This article also talks about how this anti-marijuana policy takes resources away from the real bad illegal drug crisis in this country, which is methamphetamines.

I think that says it all. Weed's going no where, it's been here forever and it'll never go away. The only problem I see with it is driving under the influence. Aside from that why are tax dollars spent on something that can't be controlled? Jailing people for it? More tax dollars spent. I can think of a dozen other places to spend that money.

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