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History Channel Special: "The 9/11 Conspiracies" August 12, 2007

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posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:20 PM
History Channel 9/11 hit piece debunked.

Holes in the History Channel 9/11 hit piece.
I heard this was a hit piece and there is no doubt about that. They have the experts and just ignore facts all together. Haven't heard a word about the Molten Steel of Steven Jones analysis of it.
What about the highjackers that are alive?
They ignored the fact there are at least 10 different news clips talking about secondary explosions.
They showed a clip from Loose Change saying Flight 93 landed in Clevland and then said they said it was shot down.
By the way if any of you get within arms distance of either of the Popular Mechanics guys please slap those smug looks off their faces for me.
They tell you planes can't be tracked without the transponders.
They fail to explain why there is only one camera angle on the pentagon crash.
They Ignore other theories on how missle was delivered.
They ignore the family members who are with us.
And the firefighters.
They only showed a picture of the Pentagon AFTER the roof had collapsed.
They show almost none of the eyewitness testimony from the scenes that supports us.
Where is William Rodriguez?
They ignore the vaporized black boxes and the passport that made it.
They didn't show the problems with the Bin Laden confession tape.
They say the 9/11 commision didn't have much time but fail to mention it took 441 days to get it to look.
They said Flight 77 became "almost liquid", whatever the hell that means.
Where's the picture of WTC 7 with 25% of the wall destroyed?
They ignore the firefighter's transmissions describing explosions and saying they can put out the fire.
They just said there is no release date for Loose Change.
They said nothing about the drills.
They fail to explain Hani was a licensed pilot...of a cessna.
They say 7 fell in a classic manner, if it never happened before, what is classic?
They fail to mention buildings have never collapsed because of fire.
They say,"Pull it" is NOT a demolition term and then the demolition guys says it in the same video.
He says he meant firemen when he said "pull it".
They say Hani was "just steering"
They say if you are with us it means you think everyone in our Government is bad.
They fail to mention the lightpoles at the pentagon.
They fail to mention where the core went.
They fail to mention the Laws of Physics, Nature, and Motion.
They fail to mention Operation Northwoods

But other than that it seemed unbiased and fair to me.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by Black_Fox]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:22 PM
The program was awful. It never fully explained any of the theories presented. There was no debate between the 2 sides. It basically was done to make the theorists look insane and make the magazine editor look like an expert. I guess we cannot expect anything more when one of the sponsors was the U.S. Marines. How can there be a fair debate when the sponsors are the very government that is in question. I understand that the military is not neccessarily the government, but it sure is close enough to keep things skewed.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:31 PM
I will say one thing, they made no mention of operation northwoods. That is the one thing nobody wants to state, I mean they like to paint conspiracy theorists in a certain light and reinforce that it is preposterous that the government would even consider something like the 9/11 attacks. But when you have a document that clearly shows that it's not only in the realm of possibility but when it ended up on the Secretary of Defense's desk it was seriously being considered. And when something of that kind makes it that high up the chain of command it could have easily been executed and casts a permanent shadow of the government. You can no longer say it's "preposterous" to consider that the government had something to do with it. It is now "preposterous" not to look at their track record and ask questions. And like they say in wiretapping if you aren't doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about. They should practice what they preach and let the public keep track of what they do. There is reason for doubt in "the official story" and I would like to point out the program ended in saying "conspiracy theories are corrosive".

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:45 PM
I know a lot of you are angry but in all honesty there's no way to convince people if they don't want to be convinced. Let's face it, if people really wanted to form an educated opinion on what happened that day all they need to do is go online and do the research themselves. I won't condemn anyone for believing either way as long as they've come to that conclusion themselves.

People simply don't want to even entertain the possibility that things didn't happen exactly the way we've been told. You'll notice that the majority of people you attempt to talk to will become very agitated, I feel that it's because there is so much energy expelled trying to quell the cognitive dissonance that they feel it is a personal affront on their efforts. It takes so much work to deny your gut instincts and force yourself to believe the unbelievable that many people will get almost violent when faced with any opposition.

I'm a New Yorker, born and raised, I believed the official story, I thought it was grossly un-patriotic and un-American to insinuate what the theorists do. Then one day I decided to do my own research, it was then that I began to realize what true patriotism is.

Bottom line, if people don't want to wake up they're not going to get out of bed.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by shadow watcher
The program was awful. It never fully explained any of the theories presented. There was no debate between the 2 sides. It basically was done to make the theorists look insane and make the magazine editor look like an expert. I guess we cannot expect anything more when one of the sponsors was the U.S. Marines. How can there be a fair debate when the sponsors are the very government that is in question. I understand that the military is not neccessarily the government, but it sure is close enough to keep things skewed.

It would have to be a 22 hour show to go in depth, they used expert's and had them give their opinions. Why do you take a truck drivers word over an engineers?

I can see why some of you guys get looked at as nutjobs, it's like facts mean nothing to you.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 11:13 PM
I think my favorite part of the program is when they were talking about Flight 93. They stated that the plane's impact was so hard that it turned "liquid metal" and that it pretty much vaporized all that metal and steel. Then a few minutes later they claim that they were able to identify human remains. WTF!!! Seriously, unless everyone on that airplane was Wolverine from X-Men there is no way the plane could melt, and still identify human remains!!! I'm sick and tired of that BS!!!!!
That was a nasty hit peice and I hope that someone out there puts together a response like they did with the BBC hit piece. They made anyone who questions the offical story to be some self serving person with out disregard for facts. All we are doing is calling the government out, and saying that they have holes in their offical story, and we demand a truly independent investigation. No matter how hard they try, this movement will continue to grow!!!!

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by PriapismJoe
It would have to be a 22 hour show to go in depth, they used expert's and had them give their opinions. Why do you take a truck drivers word over an engineers?

I don't know what truck driver you're talking about but there are three or four separate groups of professional scientists, architects, engineers and pilots that all are formerly protesting the federal investigations into 9/11 and calling for reinvestigation.

I can post links if you'd like.

And you can try and post some facts yourself, if you'd like.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 11:56 PM
If you happened to miss this show the first few times around, its on agin in 5 mins on the history channle. 1:00 Am Eastern time zone

Thanks for all the input. I rarely watch much TV anymore but will give this a shot and see how it makes me feel after I watch.

Edit:added text to post.

[edit on 20-8-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Vinadetta
I think my favorite part of the program is when they were talking about Flight 93. They stated that the plane's impact was so hard that it turned "liquid metal" and that it pretty much vaporized all that metal and steel. Then a few minutes later they claim that they were able to identify human remains. WTF!!! Seriously, unless everyone on that airplane was Wolverine from X-Men there is no way the plane could melt, and still identify human remains!!! I'm sick and tired of that BS!!!!!
That was a nasty hit peice and I hope that someone out there puts together a response like they did with the BBC hit piece. They made anyone who questions the offical story to be some self serving person with out disregard for facts. All we are doing is calling the government out, and saying that they have holes in their offical story, and we demand a truly independent investigation. No matter how hard they try, this movement will continue to grow!!!!

No, they said that 77 turned into liquid metal, don't cherrypick.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 12:55 AM
Just saw some guy talking about how it would be impossible for explosives to be planted in the towers without someone noticing it.

Now i don't know if there were explosive sin the towers or not, but this guys statement is completely untrue.

Now i don't know about the Towers but I assume they would be the same as most buildings.

In that they have around 5-6ft of space above what most people believe to be the ceiling

This space is uses for wiring, Climate control ducts, Waters systems ect ect ect, there is ALOT of open space in these areas and access to columns and support beams is easy...

They can general be reached by maintenance elevators, ect and no one would ever even know what was going on.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 01:27 AM
Also watching this more, When it came to the question of the stand down order, the "debunker" couldn't explain it, and only said the gov needs to come out with an answer to hush up the theorists. he never considered the possibility the theorists are right.

Also, they claim they couldn't track the plane because they turned off the transponder, and that they cant pick it out of a thousand blips on the radar screen...

Umm if every other plane on the radar blip, is numbered, wouldn't the plane you were just looking at still show up as a blip just unidentified? thus making it easier to track... seeing its the only unidentified blip on the screen....

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 01:36 AM
Ok... there only explanation for Silvertein's "pull it" comment, was that thats not an expression used in control demolition?

I wasnt aware he was a demolitions expert versed in the terms used to bring down a building?

And "pull it" is being transformed into "pull them out"

thats makes no sense...

And the burden of proof is up to the truthers to prove that wtc7 was brought down by controlled demo...

Thats kinda hard to do when it was conveinetly shipped to china.

[edit on 21-8-2007 by C0le]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 01:50 AM
Not sure if you guys have heard of him, Alias Roy shivers, but checc out his page, and check out his 9/11 power point speech which didn't make it on this program for some strange reason.....

Speech here.

[edit on 21-8-2007 by C0le]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:01 AM
Great show. Of course the folks here are screaming and why not. Everything they base their beliefs on has again proven to be a fantasy.

Loose change was shredded..again...and even the Loose Change guys are starting to change their story and backing off from what were initailly keynote issues.

I loved the quote along the lines of .."The hallmark of a CT is the abandonment of skepticism....they KNOW the answer."

Great show, wish it found itself on a channel with a greater audience.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by SwatMedic

Thats the thing though man, it didn't prove much of anything, this show did what most truthers do, say something without proving it.

they made a lot of claims no different then that of the truthers, and in general responses to every claim was "they are wrong we are right" with no proof...

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:14 AM
No proof? So all the quotes from Demo experts, Air traffic control people, regarding their professional opinions and fact based data wasnt proof?

Even the Loose Change guys are backing off the "controlled demo" least I can give them credit for looking at the facts and realizing that they might be wrong. Some of the others on that show are not going to look at any data other than their own and defend to the death their Conspiracy Theory. Like they said in the show....its more about them than it is the facts.

I continue to look at data as it is presented and keep an open mind. I dont have all the answers but based on everything I have read, official and unofficial, things point toward the official version.

The CTers know the answers, have it all wrapped up in a neat package and anyone who thinks differently is a govt shill or a sheep.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by SwatMedic
Loose change was shredded..again...and even the Loose Change guys are starting to change their story and backing off from what were initailly keynote issues.

I found the Loose Chage bits really damning... the Loose Change guys talked more like a group trying to sell DVD's than anything else.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by C0le
Thats the thing though man, it didn't prove much of anything, this show did what most truthers do, say something without proving it.

they made a lot of claims no different then that of the truthers, and in general responses to every claim was "they are wrong we are right" with no proof...

You mean the expert's commenting on their respective fields... it's astounding what some people hold as proof for one side and not the other... When a Theologist and highschool student disagree with a demolitions expert, I'm gonna have to take the word of the man that works with the stuff daily vs the guys that watched some video for "anomolies".

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by sp00ner

You mean the expert's commenting on their respective fields... it's astounding what some people hold as proof for one side and not the other... When a Theologist and highschool student disagree with a demolitions expert, I'm gonna have to take the word of the man that works with the stuff daily vs the guys that watched some video for "anomolies".

No i could really careless one way or another im just saying that most of what was put out as fact was very simplex "i'm right you wrong thats not possible"
for every expert that says its possible theres another one that says its not, you never get either one of them to go into full detail about anything. which would completely prove or completely disprove something.

as long as these holes exist, so will all of this bs.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by sp00ner

So I suppose you didn't find it odd that the PM guy(s), with his disgusting smug look on his face, explained away his "theory" on how WTC 7 came down and presented it as FACT when NIST still hasn't released anything on it yet?

[edit on 21-8-2007 by Conundrum04]

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