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The Answer to The Illegal Alien Problem is Easy

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posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:14 PM
We went to Mexico for spring break last year and while I was there I figured out the answer to the swarms of illegals coming to work in the U.S. I sent my idea (didn't copyright it or patented it, it is for the good of the colony afterall...i'm not greedy) to more then one of the Presidential hopefuls and not one of them has picked it up. Here it is in all its glory my million dollar with it as you wish.

**Make the minimum wage in Mexico the same as in the U.S.**


look up the American based buisnesses making a mint in Mexico..below are a few I noticed (well ate at)

Pizza Hut

and I saw:

Home Depot
Wal Mart

and we stayed at a Best Western!

guess what, a Big Mac will cost you the same in Mexico as in California or Louisiana for that matter

same with a BMT from subway! we paid the same for our room as we would have at any other beach town in the U.S.
WalMart charges the same for Hawaiian Tropics as in the U.S. I could go on..

The average minimum wage in mexico is about $5 a day...

So if the U.S. Government would make it a law that any U.S. based business conducting business in Mexico should pay the same as in the U.S.....their employees wouldn't have to come here to make OUR minimum wage when they could get it there!!!
the Mexcian employees would make more money..therefore they would spend more money and bring up the Mexican economy.

Can you imagine the windfall profits they're making if they charge the same for their goods as here but only pay a pittance of the wages they pay here?

so..tell me what you I a genious???or just brilliant??

edited for the usual spelling errors

[edit on 2-8-2007 by darkheartrising]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:21 PM
That would help to an extent....but I just cant see it happening. Sure it would solve a little bit of the problems but im not sure if its a End all Solution....

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:35 PM
while it sounds like a good initiative the real numbers of it might not work out...while cancoon and other such tourist locations have similar bussinesses in those areas as we see here in the USA,the distribution of them across the mexican country are scarse at best. If this and a whole host of intiatives are taken to boost the mexican ecconomy without a percentage of growth having to go to repay outstanding debt it might seem feesable,being that the interst on those huge loans and aid given are making any help a catch 22 in reality, as is the case in most southamerican countries. If instead mexicos growth can be directed towards building a diverse and far reaching infostructure, maybe within a decade or so they can start seeing a return on those investments, allowing them to redistribute a large amount of wealth towards social spending, and the like federal programs, the poorest regions that lack jobs can begin to see improvements. New bussiness, increased service based industries, etc.This would reduce the imigration drastically, being that those that live in the citties and dense urban areas usually find adiquate jobs to support their families, leaving a large majority of rural areas to the time honored agricultural existance. Rather than having Those imigrants in those rural areas come here with no jobs skills and no metropolitan survival skills, they would find the necesary jobs in their own cities and places of grand commerce. Mind you the model for my argument is Mexico in particular, I do think it does apply for most southamerican countries.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Also if such efforts were actually supported by the global community most third world countries should expect less regulation in the anount of agricultural based exports they produce, as well as letting them buy and sell to whom ever they please regardless of prior trade agreements. This would give them more power when looking for perspective clients, increasing their return on said enterprises. This is crucial since much more than half of third world countries across the board are still dependant on an agricultural existance. Look to our own country, even with the diverse and stable ecconomy we have, without heavy federal regulation our own agricultural markets would fall short of a profit year after year. This is primarily why the US engages in so much support of neighboring ecconomies besides the periferal return. They do this so as to regualte the compitition in this regard. Over all it is almost unnoticable, but to those that acctually do the numbers on the value of world markets,they dont joke about the value of corn and other commodities that mean nothing percentage wise to the US, but are crucial to third world economies.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:55 PM
Well i think just on a moral standpoint, we should not be allowed to import anything into America that was made by people making a wage( or workinging conditions ) that would be illegal here. Non of this moving out the country for cheaper labor. I guess it would suck pretty bad though cause then we'd have to pay more for everything. But this would probably make more companies stay here , creating more job, which I here was good for the economy.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:59 PM
first let me say how unbelievibly sexy u are!^^
about the thread...i dont know i guess ur right
i know im terrible^^

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:16 PM
The illegal alien problem can be easily solved by the United States simply annexing Mexico, Canada, and the rest of the Western Hemisphere. If they're citizens, then they won't be aliens, right?

We essentially did some of that with NAFTA, which basically said that we can exploit your people and use your resources but we don't have to actually provide you with any kind of public health, safety, and Social Security support.

Ah, but we still need a nearby source of cheap labor, particularly in our country's agriculture and food service industries. So military or political takeover of the rest of the Western Hemisphere isn't a viable option.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by ThaDewd
Well i think just on a moral standpoint, we should not be allowed to import anything into America that was made by people making a wage( or workinging conditions ) that would be illegal here. Non of this moving out the country for cheaper labor. I guess it would suck pretty bad though cause then we'd have to pay more for everything. But this would probably make more companies stay here , creating more job, which I here was good for the economy.

This not a bad idea environmentally wise. It would force people to only buy neccessities instead of going into debt buying crap they don't need. Then precious oil miles won't be used in packaging and shipping.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Dark heart, it doesn't surprise me that not one of the presidential candidates hasn't even looked at your proposal. They are running from the whole issue of illegal immigration, and they will continue to run until they finally hit the wall called American sentiment. When they do, it will be too late for them because Americans will have had it up to their eyeballs by then.

By all means, U.S businesses should pay the same wages as they do here. It bothers me to hear that they aren't. To be quite frank, I wasn't aware of this. However, it gets back to the idea that corporation not only couldn't care less about America, they couldn't care less about people in general.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus
The illegal alien problem can be easily solved by the United States simply annexing Mexico, Canada, and the rest of the Western Hemisphere. If they're citizens, then they won't be aliens, right?

That's an idea that I have considered as well. However, I really don't think those countries desire to be a part of the U.S... I am damn near certain Canada doesn't... So, what do you do?

[edit on 2-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Unisol
first let me say how unbelievibly sexy u are!^^
about the thread...i dont know i guess ur right
i know im terrible^^

Unisol, I was thinking that but didn't have the "balls" to say it.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:20 PM
i dunno i just had to

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:34 PM
thx for the kind words guys but it is probably better if you just u2u me the niceties from now on.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by darkheartrising
thx for the kind words guys but it is probably better if you just u2u me the niceties from now on.

Yeah, it's not really applicable to the thread at all. That's another reason why I didn't say anything to start with.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:46 PM
I dont think the US can govern what a business in another country can do first of all.
Second, why would they increase the pay when they can get away with 5 dollars a day. Thats why outsourcing is so popular.
Good idea though, but it aint gonna happen any time soon.

ps: liked the heart avatar better

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by SuicideVirus
The illegal alien problem can be easily solved by the United States simply annexing Mexico, Canada, and the rest of the Western Hemisphere. If they're citizens, then they won't be aliens, right?

That's an idea that I have considered as well. However, I really don't think those countries desire to be a part of the U.S... I am damn near certain Canada doesn't... So, what do you do?

Hey, man. Afghanistan and Iraq didn't want to come under the control of the U.S., either, and look at them now. The Monroe Doctrine only says that the United States will protect countries in the Western Hemisphere from outside attack. It doesn't say that the U.S. can't take over. As soon as we pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, we're going to have to figure out something to do with all those people in the military. We can't just discharge them. That would be very bad for the unemployment figures.

I can see it now: "United America!"

[edit on 2-8-2007 by SuicideVirus]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by SuicideVirus

Hey, man. Afghanistan and Iraq didn't want to come under the control of the U.S., either, and look at them now. The Monroe Doctrine only says that the United States will protect countries in the Western Hemisphere from outside attack.

Ah, you're just trying to be facetious.. Please don't tell me you're another one of those "tear down your border" people... Good,God, have mercy on the future of this country.

[edit on 2-8-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by earth2
I dont think the US can govern what a business in another country can do first of all.
Second, why would they increase the pay when they can get away with 5 dollars a day. Thats why outsourcing is so popular.
Good idea though, but it aint gonna happen any time soon.

ps: liked the heart avatar better

and i liked the dolphin/cow one better too!

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by darkheartrising

Originally posted by earth2

ps: liked the heart avatar better

and i liked the dolphin/cow one better too!

Now,now.... No need to get personal.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:55 PM
world government anyone..??? That would be a simple enough solution....btw jk

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