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Censorship and 9/11

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posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 11:26 AM

I've never been a regular on this site and i dont post very often but i'm always lurking.
Let me start saying that this new layout is horrible, making completly impossible to read the information in a eficient way. Theres way to much information on the frontpage.

Now back on topic:

Recently i've read some topics acusing this board of censorship regarding 9/11 opinions.

My question is: can you show me proof of censorship happening in real-life regarding 9/11 opinions? For example, if i were an american citizen and i said out loud that 9/11 was an inside job what would happen to me?

Is it allowed in the forum to say that 9/11 was obviously and inside job and that there are "forces" inside this forum trying to hide the thruth ?

From an European point a view, America is quite horrible this days due no to the terrorism (lol) but due to our own government.
If in the 90's USA seemed to be a nice country to live in (thanks to the hollywood propaganda), these days it looks like the stupidest country on earth.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by DrExtravaganza
USA seemed to be a nice country to live in (thanks to the hollywood propaganda), these days it looks like the stupidest country on earth.

Really, then how is your countries space program coming along? Does your country feed the world like the USA? Do you have free elections?

Also, what has your country sacrificed for freedom?

My only point is that the USA is not stupid and that was a dumb thing to say considering every point above.....

[edit on 2-8-2007 by ConstantlyWondering]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:14 PM
the anti terrorist act filed after 9/11 means that the FBI can storm your home without a warrant, if you are there or not, you can be detained for an indeterminate ammount of time and tortured if you are SUSPECTED(which means no real proof needs to be generated) of being a terrorist. hows your freedom?

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering
Really, then how is your countries space program coming along? Does your country feed the world like the USA? Do you have free elections?

Your countries health system is a mess. Your school system is a mess. You have 600,000 homeless. Thousands living in poverty. Bridges that collapse due to lack of spending on your infrastructure. And you talk about the space program? Great priorities you have.

The U.S. feeds the world? How do you figure that?

Also, what has your country sacrificed for freedom?

What have you sacrificed for freedom? If you buy into war for freedom BS then you're a little naive and even more miss-informed.

My only point is that the USA is not stupid and that was a dumb thing to say considering every point above.....

"About 40 per cent of college grads take no courses in English or American literature and nearly 31 per cent have never taken a math course. More than 56 per cent can't calculate the change from $3 after buying a bowl of soup for 60 cents and a sandwich for $1.95. Many cannot read and understand a simple set of directions." The article referenced "Beer and Circus", a book by English professor Murray Sperber of Indiana University. The book contends that "college kids are being fed a junk diet of alcohol, spectator sports and partying."

Illiterate America

[edit on 2/8/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
The U.S. feeds the world? How do you figure that?

"Feeding the world" may be overstating things a little, but the U.S. is far and away the most charitable nation on earth. That's really impossible to argue.

from Charities Aid Foundation Study

Americans give twice as much as the next most charitable country, according to a November 2006 comparison done by the Charities Aid Foundation. In philanthropic giving as a percentage of gross domestic product, the U.S. ranked first at 1.7%. No. 2 Britain gave 0.73%, while France, with a 0.14% rate, trailed such countries as South Africa, Singapore, Turkey and Germany.

The U.S. is far, far from perfect. But our citizens certainly do more good in the world than bad.

Where are you from Anok?

(For the record, unless your answer is "Paradise", then I think you're being a little cocky.)

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 07:58 PM
Hey, i'm not going to start the my-country-is-better-than-yours-game.

All i can say is that i'm seeing lot of americans getting pissed of at their government and that from an european point of view things dont really look good overthere.

And it really seems that only comedy shows can criticize somethings happening in USA. Mainstream news and media are completely powerless and those who are buying that war-for-freedom-horse#-handed from above should really wake up.

I'm glad we still have the internet.

USA is getting way unstable, and i think that everybody is getting a little bit paranoid this days, because we dont trust in USA anymore.

It seems almoust obivous that 9/11 didnt happen like we were told, and that raises a lot of important questions. Who's in really in charge ? Whats their agenda ? is it a good agenda ? Why do things this way ? I think that these are important questions...

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by ZGhorus
the anti terrorist act filed after 9/11 means that the FBI can storm your home without a warrant, if you are there or not, you can be detained for an indeterminate ammount of time and tortured if you are SUSPECTED(which means no real proof needs to be generated) of being a terrorist. hows your freedom?

does anyone know of someone who was arrested or interrogated just by saying in public that 9/11 was an inside job?

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 08:50 PM

this is sad but true,being an american and knowing this is hard to live with,and knowing how other people in the world see and feel about america is even worse.

i can honestly say that most if not all the people i know are in dissagrement with bush and his war... it's this war that is killing our country.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
The U.S. is far, far from perfect. But our citizens certainly do more good in the world than bad.
Where are you from Anok?
(For the record, unless your answer is "Paradise", then I think you're being a little cocky.)

You are right and thanx for admitting it. What erks me is not what America does per se but just just this attitude of 'we're the best in everything' when clearly you're not. But there is nothing wrong with NOT being the top dog all the time, especially when this illusion blinds everyone to the real truth.

I am not bashing America with this, just trying to wake people up because going around with your hands over your ears, and your eyes closed tightly shut screaming 'We're number one!', you are not seeing or hearing the people who are behind your back holding huge knifes, and frothing at the mouth as they franticly stab away.

We can't just keep sweeping the nasty stuff under the carpet and pretend everything is just fine.

Being cocky? No dude just trying to point out the truth because illusions are killing people. Paradise? What a defeatist attitude that is! The system has conditioned you to believe you are powerless.
I'm not the one making 'my-country-is-better-than-yours' arguments. I've lived here for 20 yrs, 6 of those in the USN. I believe I've earned the right to voice my opinion. Paradise? No bud I live in hotelo infero...

I live in California, but was born and raised in the UK.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by KINGOFPAIN

this is sad but true,being an american and knowing this is hard to live with,and knowing how other people in the world see and feel about america is even worse.

i can honestly say that most if not all the people i know are in dissagrement with bush and his war... it's this war that is killing our country.

Could you please post a link with the censored quote ?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by DrExtravaganza
does anyone know of someone who was arrested or interrogated just by saying in public that 9/11 was an inside job?

No but the police love to harass them. There's a few videos around showing cops harassing the truth movement. BTW, I'm not condoning the truth movements activities either.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 10:48 AM
i do not know of anyone who has been harrassed/arrested/killed for saying that 9/11 was an inside job...but that doesnt mean it hasnt happened, i'm an ocean away mate...what i do know is that the usa will open its borders to mexico and canada you will be the "northern american union" and will soon be adopting a currency called the "amero"

in europe we will be the european union with no borders and a currency called the "euro" i know the european union exists at the moment but thats mainly a political thing when the merger completes the government will be in berlin and they will have a say over what happens in all of europe.

also china and the rest of asia will soon be...guess what...the asian union thats right folks...hows my freedom? my freedom sucks...hows your freedom?...i think we have more in common than you know!


[edit on 3-8-2007 by ZGhorus]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
What erks me is not what America does per se but just just this attitude of 'we're the best in everything' ...

I've seen that attitude in a lot of countries. Everywhere but the U.S. it's known as "national pride." In the U.S. it's called "unwarranted arrogance."

Again...the U.S. is not perfect...but I sincerely believe that the U.S. is held to a higher standard than other countries.

We can't just keep sweeping the nasty stuff under the carpet and pretend everything is just fine.

I think the number of people who think "everything is just fine" with our country is very very small.

What you seem to be advocating, however, is paranoia on the extreme opposite end of the scale. I think that's just as deluded as the "everything's great" outlook.

The truth, as always, is probably somewhere in the middle.

What a defeatist attitude that is! The system has conditioned you to believe you are powerless.

Which system is that? The healthcare system? The judicial system? Or just that big bad ambiguous SYSTEM that makes for good fiction?

I am a realist when it comes to complicated environments like healthcare and social justice. And, I'll stand by what I said: If you live in a place where those sectors boast an 80% or higher approval rate among the population they're serving...I call that place Paradise.

I've lived here for 20 yrs, 6 of those in the USN. I believe I've earned the right to voice my opinion.

No need to earn that right. This is the U.S., my man. You automatically get it when you cross the border.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Essedarius
I've seen that attitude in a lot of countries. Everywhere but the U.S. it's known as "national pride." In the U.S. it's called "unwarranted arrogance."
Again...the U.S. is not perfect...but I sincerely believe that the U.S. is held to a higher standard than other countries.

Your answer is defensive. This is exactly what I’m talking about. You don’t think America should be held to a higher standard? America portrays itself to be of a higher standard! So what do you expect?

You’re still looking at it as an ’us and them’ thing. This is not what this is about.
This is about the population of a country not afraid to lose once in awhile. Americans are so obsessed with wining, to the point they’d rather believe a lie than find out they’re really not top dog. The most defensive bunch of people I’ve ever met…lol

But the real point is some things are not right here in the land of plenty, but those problems keep being ignored in the hope they will just go away. People need to wake up and stop pretending, the dream is over, welcome to the nightmare. America is in a mess.
We live in a fantasy. The space program will not save you. Who cares how we compare with other countries? Saying, ‘what we have got is better than what they have got’ shouldn’t be used as an excuse to ignore what we need to fix.

I think the number of people who think "everything is just fine" with our country is very very small….
What you seem to be advocating….
The truth, as always, is probably somewhere in the middle.

I hope it’s very small. I know it’s getting smaller, but obviously not small enough because I don’t see anything changing yet. But if you go by the posters on ATS I’d say the numbers are actually quite high…

What is it you think I’m advocating exactly? You don’t think the problems America suffers from are extreme? Maybe that’s the problem?
The truth is staring us in the face, somewhere in the middle is apathy.

Which system is that?...
If you live in a place where those sectors boast an 80% or higher approval rate among the population they're serving...I call that place Paradise.

The’ system’ is the system of power and control, and no it’s not fiction.
Paradise? Maybe you need to set your sights a bit higher?

[edit on 3/8/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:54 PM
No, there has never been a case of censorship of 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Censorship is ridiculously rare in the USA except for on network television and cable television. For god sake, the KKK and other groups are allowed to run around doing what they do.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 12:52 AM
i have one small question...if its been censored, how are we supposed to know about it? like a film, you dont know there's a deleted scene until you buy the dvd. unfortunately life doesnt have special features.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by ZGhorus
i have one small question...if its been censored, how are we supposed to know about it? like a film, you dont know there's a deleted scene until you buy the dvd. unfortunately life doesnt have special features.

The media would jump all over that # like conspiracy theorists on a terrible accident.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 01:06 AM
the propaganda machine? jump all over it you say, depends on the level of censorship doesnt it, since as i mentioned the FBI can storm your home, without you being there, seize items arrest and detain you in secret for however long they want. if they happen to find some evidence of you being a terrorist in your house, while your not there and there are no witnesses...oh...look a bomb. there are a great many things that happen in this world that the media do not cover such as a judge over ruling your first ammendment.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 02:23 AM
First off, the FBI can't just storm into your house, steal your stuff, then throw you in jail indefinitely for no reason. And no, you aren't going to get thrown in jail for being a "truther". Unless you break the law while trying to get your message out. (If someone has evidence otherwise, please share it with us.)

Many "Western" nations have passed strict terror laws since 9-11. It always seems like people that live in these countries tend to downplay this fact and exaggerate the Patriot ACT.

The UK shot down a good portion of their version of the Patriot ACT. Then what happened? A bunch of buses were blown up by "al Qaeda". A new Prime Minister comes into office, and immediately a "terrorist" attack is thwarted. An attack that was going to be carried out by, how conveniently, Iraqi's.

And now this new Prime minister is talking about strengthening your terror laws.

The first WTC bombing was carried out soon after Clinton entered office, OKC occured whle he was trying to get a domestic terror bill passed. 9-11 happened a few months after Bush entered office. And now, a major plot was foiled soon after a new British PM entered office.

9/11 is merely another event in a series of related ones that have been occuring around the globe for years. These events have been capitlized on by many different people adhering to many different ideologies.

Who has the narrow or closed minded view of things? The American that can't believe that their government could have done such a thing, or the non-American that thinks only the American government could do such a thing?

It seems that a lot of you are focusing on a very small aspect of a larger conspiracy, and by the theme and tone used in this thread, to prove to Americans how stupid they are.

What a waste.

I don't think that the US is in as rough shape as some of you think. And I don't think that the state of things in other nations are as rosy as people believe them to be.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by PistolPete
(1)First off, the FBI can't just storm into your house, steal your stuff, then throw you in jail indefinitely for no reason. And no, you aren't going to get thrown in jail for being a "truther". Unless you break the law while trying to get your message out. (If someone has evidence otherwise, please share it with us.)

(2) I don't think that the US is in as rough shape as some of you think. And I don't think that the state of things in other nations are as rosy as people believe them to be.

1. I'm not sure if you'd noticed but the government can do what ever it wants :

-domestic spying
-seizure of assets without due process of law for undermining the democracies of Lebanon or Iraq
-"sneak and peak" warrants where they break in and do whatever and keep is a secret from you "until a later date"
-listen to your telephone calls
-ease drop your cell phone even when it's off (but with a live battery inside)
-read your emails
-never ending war against a shadowy global enemy
-has removed itself from international missile treaties and began developing new weapons
-selective suspension of the first amendment ("free speech zones")
-illegal destruction of voting records in heavily contested regions
-the supreme court selected the president ?

I could hammer away at this one all day but I think the point is sufficient.

None of those things are theories, those are facts and it's important that they be recognized as such. If you desire I can provide multiple credible sources of information for these claims and more


The EURO, Pound, Loonie (Canadian) and others have been making progress against the dollar*. The housing market is tumbling and that will have a domino effect on the entire economy.

Government improprieties are at an all time high, violations of civil liberties are at an all time high. I long for the days when the president was acting bad with his secretary, or if we only had Iran/Contra. I never thought I'd say it but those were the good old days. I pine for a Watergate.

* Here is the 5 year chart of :

Canadian Dollar VS USD
British Pound VS USB

Source : Yahoo Finance

The general public just recently started noticing the peril of the housing market and ARM (adjustable rate mortgage). I guess like previous downfalls some people believed it would just keep or rising forever .

National Debt : $8,945,504,468,375

The Death-Spiral of Private Debt (Jan 21 2000)

[edit on 4-8-2007 by discomfit]

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