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They Don't Want It But We Do!

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posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:15 PM
So, found out about yet another site allowing 911 discussion. I'm suspecting this site is being hosted by people that want to monitor the general consensus rather than allowing an official truthforum to come up. Probably owned by a company that also has their own forum posters to provide reactions to comments that attempt to change the mass opinions.

I see the 911 September Clues videos have been banned from discussion, so other than stating this I'll not go into these video's. However, I want you all to realize what is happening to you regarding not the contents of the video's but this 911 forum - you are being TOLD TO SHUT UP! Discuss everything EXCEPT ONE THING! "we have received lots of complaints" my ass. You're lying, and this site has been comprimised by more groups, hunting for your and my soul. They will never win. Deleting this post may only prove how right I am in that, because it is not against any rule to discuss this policy. So, in response to my statement, fire words at will! The truth movement can't be stopped!!


Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 1/8/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:18 PM
First, you're not supposed to have all CAPS in your thread title.

Secondly, starting off a little harsh there aren't ya

You obviously have no clue about the true open discussions that take place here...

I hope you're around long enough to discover for yourself....

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:28 PM
Why join this forum with so many assumptions?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Im curious, what are the 911 September Clues videos? I havent seen that I dont think, do you have a link?
And why come off in such an angry way?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by 911bs
I see the 911 September Clues videos have been banned from discussion

Why do you say that? We encourage discussion of all aspects of 9/11 conspiracy speculation.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by 911bs
I see the 911 September Clues videos have been banned from discussion, so other than stating this I'll not go into these video's.

You mean that load of videos which made more questions than it answered? Lets call all the media footage faked, and anyone who says they saw a plane that day is a shill or a complete idiot? Yes, I wonder why so many of those threads were locked?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:43 PM
um, poster - i see that you've just registered today. maybe you've been a long time reader and just now got around to making an account, but your impression of this site and its community is inaccurate. i have seen no sensorship of any kind regarding discussion of 9/11 events. you may want to open with something a little less offensive to those who might read your post. it's possible that posts like yours are removed because they are rude and contribute nothing.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:49 PM
It may be me ... but do I get the feeling ... KillTown is back???

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
It may be me ... but do I get the feeling ... KillTown is back???

Why do you think I would think that?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Hi guys,

I got worked up after reading the "official forum statement" I read elsewhere. Sorry for coming across with aggression or the BIGLETTER subject, i'm sure most of you realize I'm just sad.. and fed up.. with so many officials not doing a damn thing to help us. Instead I see that they are attempting to enslave us, our minds first. Take Alberto Gonzales as an example of a fnucker that wants the whole country up in flames before taking the fall.

Please understand this comes straight from my heart: I do not pose hatred towards any of you. However,I do pose anger (and attempt to make it constructive anger) against the post that has been mirrored here:

For those of you who haven't even seen this video about 911 video fakery: - six parts in total that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, the unmentionable.

Yes I am new on this forum. I am not saying anything about this forum beyond what is said in my starting post, in which I believe honestly, that whoever tells you not to talk about whatever because the members are complaining, is trying to obfuscate parts of what they see as a threat. And I bet they're being paid to do that, rather than it being a desire of truth coming out.

I do not want to be told to shut up, and I do not want to be prohibited to open up subjects that I find interesting, credible (more credible than most other theories), or otherwise of intellectual value. The post I am talking about, the first link in this post, is telling me to bow to their authority of not being allowed to discuss something, thought by many to be actually worth discussing.

Of course I understand that there are people who will disagree - it is not the point of my post and I respect their opinion as much as I respect anyone that uses common sense. Admittingly I'm also a bit allergic for people I think to clearly see are on the wrong foot, but I would never ever attack such a person. No disrespect intended to the members, not now and not in the future. I simply (or perhaps not so simply) just want more people to see the video's, all six of them, and discuss them in an open and friendly environment without attempts to SCARE ME by images like this one:

Don't tell me to shut up about things that are worth discussing. Disagreeing is something else than shutting me up! Hope I made myself and my POV clear enough, thank you.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:09 PM
Addendum: i am not in any way affiliated or actually even speaking with the guys named in the post, Killtown I assume is one of them. I do not know these people, have never met them. I'm just really worked up by the September Clues series, which the whole world should see, and talk about. Not because I want to force my ideas about anyone, but because WE THE PEOPLE need all the help and all the perspectives we can get!

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:12 PM
I have never heard of or seen the September Clues Series. Can you please post a link or a website where we can reference this. I feel this forum has been the most positive forum to research 9-11 Truth. The people that post evidence of an Inside Job as well as those out to debunk do a great job on all these threads!!! Keep up the great work everybody

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:13 PM
911bs, first of all, welcome to ATS. Secondly, why all the hostility? I think you'll find that things are smoother between people when you use civility. "Honey instead of vinegar" and all that.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Vinadetta
I have never heard of or seen the September Clues Series. Can you please post a link or a website where we can reference this. I feel this forum has been the most positive forum to research 9-11 Truth. The people that post evidence of an Inside Job as well as those out to debunk do a great job on all these threads!!! Keep up the great work everybody

Your request already has been honored

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
911bs, first of all, welcome to ATS.

Thanks man.

Secondly, why all the hostility? I think you'll find that things are smoother between people when you use civility. "Honey instead of vinegar" and all that.

I was just so.. so angry for reason stated above. Yes, it was hostile, sorry for that, I'm calmed down now. Please read my second post for why I responded the way I did, but alright from now on I'll adjust my tone of voice.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by 911bs
I got worked up after reading the "official forum statement" I read elsewhere.

There are two sides to any given story, and in situations like these, our side is rarely properly represented.

While I have your attention, let me try to approach this with the utmost clarity:

No 9/11 conspiracy related topic, issue, theory, or idea is any way shape or form restricted here on

However... we do operate with strict rules of civility and decorum. If someone is rude or abusive, they are banned for their behavior, not their theories.

Unfortunately, we've had some encounters with proponents of one 9/11 theory or another who have presented their ideas in a manner that conflicts with our very simple rules of polite decorum. After being banned, they often try to imply that we're censoring their theories, when in fact, we're punishing their behavior.

If you present your ideas with civil and collaborative intent, you and your ideas will be welcome. It's that simple.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Thank you for your post, I see you're the forum owner and would much rather shake hands than anything else. As I understand this as you say it, it was not the discussion itself but rather the way in which it was discussed that got those guys banned? So, If I think that the world in which we live, did see video fakery on that painful day of 9/11, I am allowed to discuss this when I do it in a civilized way?


Alrighty then.... Far out! See, it are not my intentions to be rude towards anyone, I'm not a saint and can be provocative, but I usually do that with humor as intent, not by flaming. If you tell me that I *am* allowed to discuss 9/11 fakery and thus my views about it, I humbly apologize for my starting post, hoping you do realize the road that lead me there.

Thanks then, I actually feel better now.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 04:51 PM
No problem.

In fact... I think you'll find we're the only online discussion board where all aspects of the debate are welcome and encouraged.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I understand your pain 911bs..

The initial reaction to TV fakery by the majority really does push it out of the spotlight. Its also blatently obvious this was intended from the very beginning... they know people catch on to the truth, all they can do in response is tarnish it when someone brings it forward, in the hope others will just ignore it. Slander is the last resort of a desperate man..

But don't be down about it mate. The truth IS coming out, and its spreading fast. Don't worry about everyone else who has yet to accept it, they will all come round in the end.. it can't be avoided. The truth is self evident. "You get praised for saying no plane crashed in Shanksville and the Pentagon, yet you get laughed at for saying no planes hit the towers".. its double standards by the 9/11 "truth movement"... people just getting caught up in it all.. it always happens. People like to feel important and angry, boosting their egos, by stating they know the truth.

Just today Rense put up this article..

I praise him for doing so. He also covered the micronuke theory aswell when no one else would promote the idea.

If you want to discuss the TV fakery, Psyops or even micronukes, i'll be willing to listen and share information with you

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:40 PM
I watched the 6th part a while back and I tought it was outstanding, I wanted to open a new thread about it but I did not for fear that it would have been cancelled (as suggested in the warning).
This theory is actually not very welcome in this board lets be honest about it. This is just my opinion.

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