posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:16 AM
i watch a lot of videos on youtube about the 911 conspiracy, and as far as im aware they are all well researched.
i dont like to think of anything putting a dent in the case, as it is vital to show people a rock solid case, else they will latch on to the faults
and wont listen to a word you say.
the video clip i found is very interesting o me at least because it seams to show bin laden taking responcibility for 911, but i have been shown again
and again the fake footage of bin laden saying he is behind it.
if he was willing to take the credit why would they make a fake video? ill put a link to what im on about below:
you will know what im refering to in the first minute.
i hope these videos are carefully researched, but why did they make the fake tape if there was a real one? and is the real one real?
entirely confused