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Building 7 theory

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 08:18 AM
I have been thinking about building 7 and it being "pulled"

Is it not possible that the P.A. plane that was "shot" down, meant to hit building 7?

Think about it, building 7 held alot of important info same as 2 towers and it got pulled along with the 2 towers.

My theory is this, the P.A. plane got shot down by mistake as it was supposed to go on and hit building 7. Building 7 along with the towers was already primed with explosives waiting for the planes but only the towers got hit - leaving building 7 only slightly damaged (5%) and now you have info on 911, inside government departments that needs to be destroyed - so lets pull the building...


posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:14 AM
I would go with a theory they meant for it to be damaged more by the collapse ... the cutting of the beams worked too well ... it would be interesting also to note which direction the beams were cut diagnally ... if it would have had an idea of 'pushing' it that way ... I would assume they expected a little bit of error since a building that high had never fallen before, and the top of the tower did tilt for a moment. I don't know.

How hard would it have been to fly a plane into that area? The towers were hit high and easily exposed ... the Pent., was more open for the most part ... at least not surrounded by 'scrapers.

Wasn't the PA plane 'supposedly' for the w. house?

Interesting theory though.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Valorian
I have been thinking about building 7 and it being "pulled"

Is it not possible that the P.A. plane that was "shot" down, meant to hit building 7?

Think about it, building 7 held alot of important info same as 2 towers and it got pulled along with the 2 towers.

My theory is this, the P.A. plane got shot down by mistake as it was supposed to go on and hit building 7. Building 7 along with the towers was already primed with explosives waiting for the planes but only the towers got hit - leaving building 7 only slightly damaged (5%) and now you have info on 911, inside government departments that needs to be destroyed - so lets pull the building...


Yes possible-

But not a new theory. . .

You can read about it here
and here
and here
and here
and here

sorry. . .

I speculated that if it was indeed the intended target that flight 93 was chosen because it would arrive from the south and have a clear shot into WTC 7 AFTER the towers collapsed.

Otherwise the trajectory into the building would have had to be almost vertical. ( Much harder to strike the target. )


posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:11 AM
good theroy... i think 93 was shot down because whoever was in the driver seat either got cold feet and bitched out,so they shot it down,or if it was by remote... they lost control.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 06:12 AM

I speculated that if it was indeed the intended target that flight 93 was chosen because it would arrive from the south and have a clear shot into WTC 7 AFTER the towers collapsed.

WTC was ringed by buildings to the north and west (World Finance Center
WFC 1,2,3), east by Deutschse Bank, Millenium Hilton. Approach from
south would have been obscured by dust and smoke. Also waiting for
buildings to collapse would have taken too long - WTC 1 collapsed at 10:30
by that time fighters were in place over NYC and all flights cancelled and
ordered grounded. This was hour after United93 was hijacked, passengers
had attacked hijackers just before 10:00, not enough time for hijackers to
maintain control.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 04:41 AM
I always figured that 93 was supposed to hit wtc7, but that those HERO passengers actually did wrestled control back from the "hijackers." Of course, this meant that Cheney's demons had to shoot the flight down . . . . Then they co-opted that whole "let's roll" heroism into their NWO paradigm and used it to inspire troops in their fraudulent wars. Despicable.

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