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Why not strike the White House first?

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
It's a good question, and the answer is a no-brainer. If you don't hit the towers, all of that demolition would have gone to waste.


Yes good point. Along with all the gold & silver that was there for the taking. . .


posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 01:19 PM
Were the terrorist attacks suppose to go in order instead or just near simultaneously?

Seriously guys the terrorist wants to attack their targets, but I doubt they are going to attack one target then wait for another hour and attack this target, etc.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by deltaboy]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Aim the plane right in front of it to the north & you're all set.

Again you are trying to pick out a relatively small target surrounded by
trees and other buildings using minimal trained pilots while moving at

Seems tinfoilers want to have it both ways - saying Hanjour flying AA77
lacked skill to make 270 deg turn, now saying can pick out small
target in middle of city. What is it?

The other targets while having great symbolic value were also very
large and easy to find (WTC were at southern end of Manhattan,
junction of Atlantic and Hudson river, Pentagon - largest office building
in world is in open area near Potmac River, Capitol on highest point in
DC with huge white dome)

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Were the terrorist attacks suppose to go in order instead or just near simultaneously?

Seriously guys the terrorist wants to attack their targets, but I doubt they are going to attack one target then wait for another hour and attack this target, etc.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by deltaboy]

I agree. The more simultaneous the better. It took only fifteen minutes after the second strike to know that it was an attack. The only down time they had to manage was takeoff & flight times of the aircraft. Even this proved to be too long for flight 93 to reach it's intended target.

My thought was only that it would have been first.


posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by thedman

Aim the plane right in front of it to the north & you're all set.

Again you are trying to pick out a relatively small target surrounded by
trees and other buildings using minimal trained pilots while moving at

Seems tinfoilers want to have it both ways - saying Hanjour flying AA77
lacked skill to make 270 deg turn, now saying can pick out small
target in middle of city. What is it?

The other targets while having great symbolic value were also very
large and easy to find (WTC were at southern end of Manhattan,
junction of Atlantic and Hudson river, Pentagon - largest office building
in world is in open area near Potmac River, Capitol on highest point in
DC with huge white dome)

Nice of you to snip that one statement out of my post to try to prove your point.

Here's the original image I posted stating that there was a huge arrow pointing to the White House, AND the 555 foot tall Washington Monument right in front of it!

And here's another photo that depicts how visible it's location is from the vantage point of an aircraft;

No need to resort to childish name calling. . .


[edit on 31-7-2007 by 2PacSade]

[edit on 31-7-2007 by 2PacSade]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 07:47 PM
Does anyone believe that Zacarias Moussaoui was supposed to hit the White House on 911? He claims he & shoe bomber Richard Reid were slated to do so.

Was he just a wannabe? I tend to believe so. . . Just a gut feeling though. . .

You can read about his claims here


posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Seriously guys the terrorist wants to attack their targets, but I doubt they are going to attack one target then wait for another hour and attack this target, etc.

This was an interesting thought, what if it was supposed to be an hour later, long enough for Bush and/or Cheney to get back to the White House and take control, that may have been the plan.............that way they get Maximum media exposure as well

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:00 PM
the reason they might not strike the white house is if a direct attack happened...

we would find who did it, and nuke em, if necessary

another way of saying this is

if you have a big strong jerk for a neighbor for whom u want revenge, and you are scrawny...

dont get in a fight with him, kick his dog when hes not home

posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by earth2
I agree 100%.

One plane hitting a tower would have brought both of them down since a falling tower is capable of making a large building fall(7).

building 7 was completely untouched by debris just some fires. the building fell at free fall speed indicating that the lower floors gave ZERO resitance. fire can't do that. compare a video of building 7 and a controlled demo. notice how all four corners are square to the ground the whole way?

this will help you out more then anything else skip to about 45 min in its about 1 hour.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:42 PM
Old topic, and I really couldnt resist...

Why? Ha! The White House should be considered a non- priority target, if anything.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 06:59 PM
Wouldnt have made sense to crash into the White House, where else would the NWO run their operations from?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:10 PM
It would of been really, really hard too.

while the white house maybe the headquarters of the freeworld.

There is something that strikes you when you actually see it. It is not that big.

(for those who fault any president for high tailing it to Camp David, if you saw it you would understand why. There is no privacy, and not much space, it has to get very claustraphobic)my mother has seen the private apartment. And it is not very big, basically the size of a large apartment.

If you came from outer space and didn't know anything about Earth, you would never be able to pick out the white house as government hub.

So not only is it not that big, it is surrounded by tall, marble buildings. Totally dwarfing it.

There would only be one way to access it with a plane, only one direction, and you would have to veer around the monument to get to it.

You would have to be a pretty decent flyer. If the flyers were not that skilled, it would be very hard to do.

With a serious defense system.

[edit on 22-8-2009 by nixie_nox]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I agree with you; the Whitehouse was not a good target. It is too small, hard to see, and there was no certainty that anyone of import would be there. The capitol dome would have been a much better target and striking it would have inflicted maximum damage to the government while providing good PR for the attackers. It is good that it didn't get hit because then maybe Mecca, Medina, and Qom might just be glass lined craters -- seriously screwing up the Hajj.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Also, people should look at stocks and *Derivatives*, this explains a purpose for WTC first and inside job better than anything else could ever do, it makes put options look like a 5 year old`s pocket money, making sure the towers got hit was vital.

If you could look at "WHO" was holding the majority of "SHORT" derivative positions on the domestic and international stock index markets prior to 9/11, and then reaped over a trillion dollars in profits within weeks from the ensuing collapse of those physical markets, but unfortunately this is impossible, you get to a certain level of investigation before you hit blocks that can never be moved.

A stock that loves a sporadic irregular market, and a way to control the market to do just that.


And imho why the twins were imperative to hit 1st, who knows, but no matter what I bet if something would have stopped those planes the towers were still going to go down that day, no matter what.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 01:35 AM
In my opinion, the reason the White House was not hit is because a small group of our military (Air Force) wouldn’t dream of destroying something that they respect and were probably were order to leave it alone. I believe a small group of high ranking Air Force Generals who are corrupt to the core along with Dick Chenney used our own military Boeing 757&767 and painted them in the American and United Airline colors and logos and flew both airplanes into the WTC by remote control.

Our military has been flying Boeings airplanes over sea’s and back by remote control since the 1960’s with no one on board, this is old technology.
That is why the FBI was order NOT to investigate all the four plane crashes on that morning. That is why we do not have any proof to where those planes came from, or who really owned those planes. The OS is only a hearsay story it lacks evidences to support it self.

911 stinks of military Operations, I do not believe for one minuet a Boeing 757 plowed into the Pentagon. It lacks creditable evidences to support the damaged and the photos tell you that. Forget what all of the eyewitness stories that were told, all those photographs says it all, there were no air planes period.

The earlier photos failed to show any plane wreckage on the pentagon lawn, then later we are shown photos of men carrying black garbage bags, at first I thought they were picking up airplane debris but in the photos I saw how clean the pentagon lawn was. These men where planting old airplane bone yard scraps to help sell the crashed plane story to the American people. The media was only reporting what they saw and heard AND what they were told by the FBI and the Bush administration and that is how the OS was formed.

I do not believe a plane crashed in Shanksville, PA there is no real evidences to prove that any plane crashed at all, nothing. Recently under a FOIA lawsuit information has been released proven that flight 93 was still air born miles “away” pass from the crash site according to FAA flight records. I believe that flight 93 landed in Ohio as the Mayor claimed it did, you all know the plane that allegedly had a bomb onboard and landed in Cincinnati and was put in an airplane hanger for bomb sniffing dog and swat to check out. They never found any bomb, however the Mayor said it was flight 93 that landed.

In my “opinion” only two airplanes where used to pull off this false flag operation of 911 and those where the planes that were remote controlled flown into the WTC.

The Pentagon and Shanksville PA, where missal attacks and airplane bone yard plants to make us believe that planes crash at both sites. Again just look at the photographs right after both events, you do not see anything that even looks like a huge Boeing crashed, nothing! All staged events. It is obvious with all the cameras all around the pentagon and surrounding business that were recording that morning, the government only released only five lousy frames of nothing. The government had to be sued for this information and they still didn’t give us anything, but they want us to believe in their lie’s and don’t dare question it.

Sorry folks this was a military operation from the start and some very powerful politicians and people in the Bush administration pulled this whole event off and they used the FBI to help cover it up. Notices who is supplying all of the OS planted evidences, notices who is given most of the OS’s Press releases, mostly the FBI; their hands are in every part of the OS.

In all false flag operations there is going to be innocent people killed. That is part of the operation, it was to terrorize the American population to plant fear in their minds.
When you have covert operations carrying out such evil secrete operation killing our own it’s called “collateral damage”. These people in power don’t care about YOU, or me, to them we are bottom feeders. We are just in their way, these people do not think like you and I, they think they are above you and I assume they think they are above the laws in this Country. I mean look at Dick Chenney, no one can touch this man, look at the 32 articles of impeachment that Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio who tried to get congress and the House to impeach Chenney. I saw a sad day in America when our government decided to protect this monster, perhaps to many congressmen are tied to some parts of 911 and profiting from it and their friends who were awarded the war contracts worth billions.

I believe our government has lost their way running this country for the people by the people “We The People” what we are seeing is a government that is being elected and run by big corporations such as big pharma, big oil industries, big world banking cartels, big Autos industries big media, the stock exchange tycoons, and the Federal reserve, this is who runs this county and our government. Our government is only for big corporations who line their pockets to pass laws to benefit them. America needs to wake up; we do not have a government for the people any longer. No one is looking out for our interests anymore.

As far as the White House there is an old saying: A dog does not … where it eats, that is why it is still standing.

There is no doubt in my mind, that 911 was the work of an evil, greedy, Neo-con, cartel, of organized political criminals working in both the Bush and Clinton administrations and a small group in our own military (Air force & Army).

Most of our government and our military is ignorant to what really happened on 911, I DO NOT believe that the whole government or the whole military was involved in 911, just a very small part of it and it has been cover up very well.
We all know about Dick Cheney’s assassination squad that worked for him only and to only report to him. Who to say that Cheney didn’t order his hit squad to take out the military officials who carried out 911. We really don’t know but I have to ask, what is our vise president doing having a hit squad working only for him?

[edit on 23-8-2009 by impressme]

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:16 AM
There is some information the government was not open about:

The timing.

At the towers, it happened on a day that was an election and the first day of school. Many of the inhabitants were coming into work late. Either starting their kids off to school or voting first. The towers were actually only half occupied for that time of day.

Also, tuesday is the slowest flying day. So WHOEVER did it, was trying to minimize casualties. They didn't have to pick thos specific flights to time when the buildings were only partially occupied.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:22 AM
POTUS was nowhere near the white house that morning. Besides he is just a puppet for TPTB. If someone really wanted to send a message that would change the world they should have targeted the Bilderburg group. The people who were killed that morning could not have harmed or helped the terrorists.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:24 AM
I'm still on the fence as to whether 911 was an inside job but it seems that a lot of very powerful men(and corporations owned by them) have profited quite nicely since then.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 10:34 AM
Hitting the white house would not of made the same statement at all - for quite a few reasons.

1) Whoever did the whole attack wanted to show that money is the ruler - not some guys in a nice white building... Those guys just make policies that work around where all the money is going. So in a way they did hit the financial version of the white house... It's one of the reasons I'm worried that any other accack on the same scale will be on the square mile in London - one of the most important financial districts in the world... Although as the years have passed I think military targets are more likely.

2) It would not exactly get the public out rage - a building full of senators and such (people that the everyday US citizen probably didn't give 2 hoots about) vs 2 towers packed full of everyday people... Also the potential death toll was considerably higher.

3) The nature of the buildings - one had no defences at all - the other has stingers and god knows what else for miles around... Probably got all sorts of air defence systems - closed air space for miles, fighters loitering around.

that's just 3

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 11:14 AM
The British already burned the white house so why would they do that its not original.

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