posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
She is gorgeous, and so very talented. I saw the Miami Ink when she walked off, and was hoping she'd keep moving up to bigger and better things. It's
nice to hear she's getting her own show.
I'd love to have her work on me, but I couldn't afford what she must charge.
i think she is at like a $250 minimum whish would tell me she is around $200 an hour....she might not charge that way but instead by the piece but if
i had to guess, i would say thats about where she is at.
i would also love to have her stab me but for me, part of the whole getting a tattoo is calling my lady, getting in right then or next day...i'm not
to into booking out a year ahead and then having to wait.
i saw when she walked off miami ink too. i think they brought her in to make the people at miami ink more popular and in turn, she got all the
face it, garver is awesome but he is boring. ami is kind of a tool. yoshi can't be understood half the time and is not always there anyway. darren is
kinda meh and nunez is a reall arse.
only one wth any real personality just so happened to be kat.
what i do not like about kat is she KNOWS she is the shizz. she only wants to do black work and portrait stuff. i understand turning things down but
*sometimes* she goes about it the wrong way.
either way, i am a fan simply cause she is a lady pushing ink. my first tattoos were done by a woman and my last 25 or so have been done by the same
lady. they are rare in the bizz and i like getting worked on by them.....hopefully she turns some people in general and women onto art....
be it tattoos or painting or whatever.
i also think kats show will focus more on her 'style' of tattooing and her personality versus miami ink that devotes so much time to downer,
depressing crap.
the miami ink show will fade but the shop will always do good. tattoo shop on the beach ='s instant hit....i grew up in st pete and all the shops on
the beach had it pretty good.