posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 11:05 PM
I'm sorry if I came across as sounding as if I thought there was no life on other planets. I have a strong belief that there IS life on other
planets, and other systems. All I'm saying is there is no tangeble, hard proof of anything that has happened on Earth. The only cool thing I've seen
that I know was debunked were all the drones, and "artifacts" that were CGI's. Cool to look at, but a little too far-fetched to believe.
Mars has really gotten my attention lately the past year with all of the great discoveries and deep surface holes leading elsewhere. I'm
excited for the new mission there to take surface ice samples to see what is in the water. I also am curious as to what is beneath the surface as
well. John Lear, amongst others, including myself, believe there is something going on beneath the surface where water is most likely present, and
flowing well. But once again, skeptics come into play as we have several satellite photos of Mars, with again, no reputable evidence that Aliens are
actually present, or have even been on the surface (no left over artifacts, monuments etc..)
I've seen all the posts saying there are 20 or more UFO's flying above certain countries in the world. So why is it not plastered all over the
news like it was in the movie Signs. If something really does occur, and the government doesn't cover it up quickly enough, I will finally believe.
Everything is just hearsay, hallucinations, and far-fetched imaginations trying to stir-up controversy about the topic, someone's 15 mins. of
It's has nothing to do with "denying ignorance", it has to do with the time frame from the Roswell incident, until now, and not having a ROCK SOLID
answer if Aliens exist or not. I'm sure they are out there, but until I actually see raw videotape, or an AMAZING satellite photo that has not been
F'ed with in some way or another (which is also rare), I choose to not get too overwhelmed or excited about it. I do research these things, but only
the major stories that have stuck around for a long time. It's hard to filter out truth these days with photo editors, and people wanting to make a
quick buck with some video they made with a friend and a stupid shaky camera angle with the sun reflecting off the lens.
If there is life on other planets though, I don't see them being advanced enough as everyone thinks. Who actually made the ideology that Aliens are
actually super intelligent anyways? It is based on supposed crafts they fly, and the technology there vehicles hold. No one gave an Alien an IQ test,
or sat down and interviewed one, so how the hell do we know they are more intelligent then us. And yet again, I come back to the whole basis of my
Ignorance is something more along the lines of something happening right before your face, that is true, and choosing to not believe it, that's my
opinion anyways, as are my thoughts on this topic.
[edit on 31-7-2007 by SpadeofAces]