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Car Conspiracy?

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posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:08 AM
This is obviously a joke. Common sense would tell you to watch your car at night.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
This thread reminds me of a story with quite the opposite outcome.

My dad worked for the FAA as an air traffic controller. Most of these guys are either ex-military, pilots, or techno-nerdy geeks. The facility where they worked was in a remote and secure location, ( not at airport ) and most of the controllers commuted at least 30 miles each way.

One of his co-workers bought a Morris Minor, a small English car. (BTW, this story is about 30 years old.) This guy was a real "pocket protector", "slide rule carrying" nerd and very boastful.

So this guy was so excited that he was going to get great gas mileage and decided to keep track of it. The first week he said he was averaging between 35-40 miles per gallon. The second week he proclaimed he was getting between 40-60 miles per gallon, and the third week, he proudly proclaimed that he was getting over 100 miles per gallon. In fact he had not filled up in over three weeks!

Well, as it turns out, my dad and his buddies were playing a trick on the guy. They would each take turns by bringing some gas in a metal can and topping off his tank. This went on for almost a month until one day, he was bragging about his mileage and they all busted up laughing.

I promise you the above story is true. I'm still wondering about the one which started this thread. Hope a little levity helped.


[edit on 2-8-2007 by kinda kurious]

The real joke is on your dad buying the co-worker's gas. I wish someone would play that joke on me.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Golack
The real joke is on your dad buying the co-worker's gas. I wish someone would play that joke on me.

Gas was cheap then, early 70's.

Let's pick another year we associate with low gasoline prices – 1972, the year before the Arab oil embargo. Gasoline was selling at 36 cents per gallon. Adjusted for inflation, however, the price was actually $1.36 in today's currency. Adjust again for changes in disposable per capita income and the price would have to be $2.66 per gallon to have equivalent impact today.


Well, I suppose it is a matter of perspective.


posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:29 PM
I sorry it was me.....

I had the munchies and needed a ride.....

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:52 PM
Here's a pretty cheap solution, though it may be a little stinky if it truely is somebody taking your car.

Go get a toggle switch, some wire and wire taps, and a loud siren. Put the siren behind the grill, facing forward, wire it into the ignition so that when the key is turned, it will scream like a banshee. Put the toggle switch in a place where only you know about it, so that you can activate/de-activate it when you need to.

Trust me, if you do this, and somebody is "borrowing" your car at night, you, and the rest of the neighbors in a three mile radius will know it. And the perp will need to change his drawers after he gets booked.

I had a nice little system like that in my ex-girlfriends car, it works. When I had my Firebird, the ignition was rigged up so that you had to do a combination to start it. I used to make bets for drinks at the bar, and hand the keys out to see who could start it. Might I add that many a night I took a cab home due to excessive intoxication.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 11:11 PM
Get something like this:
It's a GPS system that can show you the history of where the vehicle has been. I used a similar unit that I found in an ad in the back of a Popular Science magazine when I needed somebody tracked, but after a brief search couldn't find a link. The one I used was about $300, so if you're for real and not joshing us it may be something to consider because I can imagine your situation is unsettling. There are many cheaper methods already mentioned, but once you solve your mystery you can keep the device in your wife's car to keep her honest

Or maybe your car is covered under one of latest recalls - a few months back lots of Hondas and Acuras had fuel gauge problems. I don't know enough about cars to explain if they may have affected the odometer, but I know many cars sold within the past 5 years or so also have built-in miles-per-gallon meters.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 12:22 AM
well, everyone has there theories but where is the original poster? have you done anything to find out what is happening?

posted on Aug, 5 2007 @ 12:30 PM
yes this is a joke.....and poeple are talking about wires and powder and gps lol.The smartest most inexpensive thing to do is simply watch your friggen car and catch the person...nuff said

And the OP is not here because he does not really have this problem.Instead he is showing his buddy right now how he got 20 poeple to believe a bs story and they are telling him to use james bond gadgets to catch the purp..JUST LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW.....

cmon guys how could you believe him.The only half way believeable idea is someone in his own house is taking the car,wich would be easily figured out by WATCHING.not powder or gps or where you valve stem is lol/.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 09:49 PM
I agree about watching it yourself some night, or invest in a camera preferably something motion activated so you dont have to watch hours and hours of footage.

One thought I had about the gas disappearing is perhaps someone is stealing gas from your tank with a siphon??? but that wouldnt explain the mileage.

If it was me I'd probably hide in the backseat some night

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 09:58 PM
haha yea thats even better,hide in the back seat.or get one of those new awsome electric or flame throwing car protection systems ahhahaha.I may just have to google that to find a video of just how cool they truly are..

So if one day you wake up and find a crispy person lying by your know what happend.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 01:58 PM
I once had a Porsche 911 Carrera, and when I came back the next day someone swapped the body with a kia rio5, a kia engine, and that sweet sweet kia horn....

But regarding the OP, how about just deflate your tires before you go to bed?

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by quintar
I once had a Porsche 911 Carrera, and when I came back the next day someone swapped the body with a kia rio5, a kia engine, and that sweet sweet kia horn....

But regarding the OP, how about just deflate your tires before you go to bed?

haha that would be a bit extreme me thinks, What happens if he's late for work the next day.. 'yes boss ill be there by lunchtime im just pumping up all four tyres on my car because i deflate them before i go to bed!'...Errr Fired.

How about he he puts a potato in the exhaust pipe?

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 02:34 PM
Fuel gauge problem would seem unlikely given the odometer thing.

Whats your tank size and your MPG? If the missing gas and extra miles correlate, its a slam dunk that somebody is driving your car.

And you know, this isn't CSI. You don't need to hide on your roof with night vision goggles and a cam corder and triangulate the position of your valve stems using 2 landmarks anchored in concrete, or surround your car with a farraday cage and run your battery cable to the radio antena to create a tesla coil defense ala command and conquer...

I've got a simple 10 step plan, each step more ingenious than the next, which will solve your problem. It's already been mentioned by it will sound better as a 10 step plan.

Stand up
Pick up your wallet
Pick up your keys
go to the car
drive to pepboys
buy the club
go home
use the club
wait for whoever is doing it to find a new mark
sell the club

But if you really just wanted to make James Bond envy you, I suppose you could just place a trip wide next to your drivers door, then call the cops the next morning and ask if they can lift a "face print" off of your drivers window... unless of course you next door neighbor is sporting a bump on the noggin- in which case you can just maul him with a wrench and save the police a lot of time.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by quintar
I once had a Porsche 911 Carrera, and when I came back the next day someone swapped the body with a kia rio5, a kia engine, and that sweet sweet kia horn....

ROFLMAO Too funny

Speaking of's my baby.....

Sorry, I know this isn't a car site, but since the OP has kinda...vanished.
Besides, this is a real UFO. Unbelievably Fast Object.


[edit on 7-8-2007 by kinda kurious]

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