Originally posted by htown
Have you heard about SETI's flaw? I read it would be easy to use the radio transmitions to reroute a virus back to the transmition base.
Hi htown!!
Thanx for your warning. However, I *think* this might be a misinterpretation of news from the SETI@home website, as follows:
"Information regarding unauthorized installs of SETI@home
Last Updated: November 17, 2003
Over the past few weeks we've been getting reports from users who found unauthorized installations of SETI@home on their systems. It should be made
clear that this is not due to a security flaw in SETI@home itself, but a flaw in your system that allows viruses to infiltrate and install our
software. As well, this seems to be only a problem for people using Windows operating systems.
In one case, a user found a Windows command line client running under the name "cpuidle" in the directory:
There is a real program out there called "cpuidle" - this particular infection was running SETI@home under this same name to confuse the user into
thinking it was the valid "cpuidle" and not a fake one.
Another user claimed that they got infected this way over an IRC channel.
In the past, known worms were distributed around the internet that infected systems, causing them to download SETI@home and execute it. For example,
we already know about this one from back in 2001:
Unfortunately, at this time we don't know much about the worm/virus which may be doing this. If you have any clues, please pass them along to us.
We'll update this web page as we gather more information.
Return to SETI@home Page
Copyright �2003 SETI@home "
(Article at
setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu... )
So, perhaps that explains what you've heard htown? If not, *please* come back and advise us!
All I can say is that I've run SETI@home since July 2001 and haven't suffered any type of virus attack to my knowledge. I run an AVP, of course,
which is updated automatically every day, and also "hide" behind a firewall - both hardarw and software driven.
So, I *hope* messages that "SETI@home" has a flaw, etc, don't dissuade you - or anybody else from running the program?
Thanx again htown!