Originally posted by Morton_devonshire
Lastly, shame on all of you for dishonoring the memory of the over 3,000 people killed by our enemies, by trying to capitalize on the tragedy for
personal profit. Shame on all of you for making up wild conspiracy theories, then trying to hawk those ideas by videotape, books, and paid seminars
to the weak-minded. And lastly, shame on all of you for believing that the good people who serve us in the intelligence agencies and in uniform would
be complicit in such plots -- those people swore allegiance to the Constitution, and would happily disobey the command of any manipulative leader who
sought to harm our people. If you don't understand that, then you have no clue what being an American is all about.
Welcome to ATS.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, please do not come here and spout "shame, shame, shame on you" in such a holier-than-thou way. It is
intellectually repugnant and appeals to the basest instincts and emotions and is no decent argument about the true subject at hand.
And believe me this is not a unique tactic, it pops up here over and over again.
Now, let's look at your contentions:
The first one, that the members of this board are dishonoring the dead of 9/11. I would respond that seeking the truth of those events, and with that
truth, finally bringing the perpetrators to justice, does great honor to those who died. I have seen little attempt on the part of the gov't to
prosecute those it claimed led the attacks, though it did launch a staggering strategic blunder in Iraq--which had nothing to do with 9/11 and has
destroyed that nation and killed and maimed tens of thousands of our soldiers--but nonetheless justified it with false linkages to those events. Is
this honoring the 9/11 dead? And if the official story is true, and gov't incompetence allowed the events to unfold, as the 9/11 Commission claims,
then who in our gov't has ever been held accountable for that criminal negligence? Who, other than the whistleblowers, has ever been punished for
Second, the members of this board are "trying to capitalize on the tragedy for personal profit." This is ridiculous on its face, and merits no
further discussion. Simply highlighting it is enough to show it is pure hyperbole.
Next, you say that we are spinning "wild conspiracy theories" and are profiting off them. The official story of 9/11 is a "wild conspiracy
theory." 19 fundamentalist Arab terrorists (one, Atta, known to enjoy brothels and coc aine) and a mastermind in an Afghan cave (a creature
created by the CIA to terrorize the Russians in Afghanistan) managed to lay low our many layers of security, military and civilian, and to wreak such
unprecedented havoc, using what? Box cutters?
That is the very definition of a "wild conspiracy theory."
The official NIST explanation of the collapse of the 2 WTC towers is an embarrassment to science, and as yet, nearly six years later, no explanation
at all has been given for the collapse of WTC 7.
Lastly, let's take a look at some of the actions of "those good people in our intelligence services." They ran heroin to pay for the secret war in
Laos, coc aine to pay for the secret wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador, concocted Operation Northwoods, the USS Liberty incident, the gulf of
Tonkin, and have overthrown foreign governments for decades--the most damning of all being Iran; thanks to FDR's son, we have the mess we have there
today. And I won't even get started on the treason of selling arms to our enemies--to Iran, to hold the hostages until after the 1980 presidential
election. You know--GHW Bush's secret trip to Paris, and the cake and the bible and the 80+ billions of arms transited through Israel and Turkey.
Such "good people," all.
So please, do not wrap yourself either in the flag or in the burial shrouds of the victims of 9/11; to do so stains them both.