posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 12:53 PM
I can imagine almost no scenario (short of not finding out about the ship until it was already in an Iranian harbor) under which out first choice
would be to torpedo a ship that is carrying the smoking gun against the two remaining members of the "axis of evil".
Can you imagine what it would do for Bush if he had a situation that big fall into his lap and he actually nailed it for once? It would change the
entire political landscape.
Picture if you will, getting home from work, turning on the TV, and hearing this from the president:
"My fellow Americans, this morning, the United States Navy, acting on reliable and timely intelligence, boarded a North Korean ship bound for Iran,
and seized from it a cargo of weapons grade highly enriched uranium.
At my instruction, samples of the material and all intelligence related to the seizure are being handed over to the IAEA. The samples and other
intelligence will prove beyond the possibility of error or fabrication that the Uranium did come from North Korea, was bound for Iran, and was
completely unnecessary for any peaceful purpose.
In a few hours, our envoy will be presenting this evidence to the UN Security Council, and calling for the most stringent economic and diplomatic
sanctions ever imposed by the UN, and also for a commitment to specific conditions which will constitute a point of last resort, which, if reached,
will trigger an international military response. In light of the evidence we will be presenting, I have every confidence that the Council will agree
to our proposal.
Today we have saved American and European lives, without question, and we will do everything within our power to continue doing so by seeking a
peaceful resolution to this crisis, however, peaceful or otherwise, I can promise you that there will be a swift resolution."
Bush's approval rating would jump 20 points instantaneously- every former member of his political base that has been alienated by 5 years of
fruitless bloodshed would instantly be less afraid of him than of the outside world, all over again. He'd get to hit Iran and for doing so his legacy
would go from General Custer (idiot) to General Sherman (controversially heavy-handed success). It might even put the Republican party back in the
game for 2008.
Hell, he'd have enough political capital to nuke Iran's nuclear facilities without being convicted in the inevitable impeachment trial, and people
would defend that legacy even, saying it was the only option for lack of troops (conveniently forgetting that it was his fault).
In short, Bush stays up at night praying for North Korea to ship HEU to Iran and for us to find out about it, and believe me, if it happened, the last
thing he'd ever want to do is send his golden opportunity to the bottom of the sea.
And no, we would not scuttle the ship and try to claim it sank. It's not the Uranium that we want. We've got plenty, the Koreans have plenty, and
odds are that the Iranians are sure as hell going to get plenty if left alone for long enough. It only matters because it is evidence, which means
secrecy isn't much of an issue, and we'd want every last scrap of proof we could lay hands on. We'd want to test the ship and see what else had
been carried on board in the past, we'd want to want to point out any smuggling-oriented modifications that had been made, we'd want to build a
miniature arch de triomphe on the deck and hang a banner from it that said "mission accomplished" and watch Bush prance under it in his flight suit
just so that we'd have something to throw in his face if he dropped the ball afterwards.
OK, so I made the first two up, but I was serious about the third one... (did I mention I sometimes say the opposite of what I mean? Some say it's a
weakness but I say it's very presidential of me.)