posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:01 AM
You should be able to see the fireballs, and even a few of the less bright shower members if you can find a spot with no direct lights shining into
your eyes. The more sky area in your view, the more you will see, as long as it's not cloudy obviously.
Keep in mind that not all Perseids will be bright, so the more light pollution you can get away from the more you will see. You'll probably miss 3/4
of them if your home is anything like as light polluted as mine, so it's well worth the effort to get out of town if you can. You could always try
and find a park, which may help a bit if you can't get out of town.
Here is a link to an article from NASA on the upcoming shower if you
haven't seen it already.
Happy hunting!