posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 05:25 PM
Hello ATS. This is my first post here and I would like to introduce you to myself. I've heard about your website for a few weeks by uncle who is
under the handle vrkmaverick
here. I have been a member of a few forums in the past (mainly video game forums where I spend a lot of time in the off topic disccusion which seems
to be this whole website.
Some of you are going to come in and probably tell me that my name is spelled incorrectly and should have and e instead of an a. I actually spelled it
wrong about 4 years ago
when I first became a member of Xbox live and I shortly after that found out. Ever since than I decided that I liked that spelling better so it
became my username for everything.
From Xbox live to counterstrike.. it is my username. If you couldn't tell yet... I am an avid gamer and have been playing ever since I could remember
starting with the old Mario
Bros on the SNES. I am 16 years old but I consider myself a lot more mature than a lot of my fellow peers. My hobbies include gaming it up,
building/toying with computer, and
weight lifting. (Yes I know interesting combo). Yesterday I just hit 210 lbs on the bench press so I was pretty happy with that. I would consider
myself a kind hearted person
who opens doors and helps a person in need. I know that sounds very cliche but it's true. I am very open to peoples opinions because I have
experience with forums and I know
that there can be two sides to an arguement. But anyways, I hope you have a good understanding of who I am and if you have any questions please ask. I
appreciate you reading
this post and thanks for your replies.