posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 05:09 PM
If I wanted to become a terrorist today (which I never would) there would be several things that could help me. A: I could fly to saudi Arabia, meet
an Al Qaeda operative, and go wherever I was ordered to go or B: I could go to google search around a bit for a Al Qaeda affiliated forum. The latter
would probably be easier. When George Bush says Iraq is the biggest recruiting place for terrorists, hes got it all wrong. Iraq is merely propaganda
for terrorist, a success story. The Internet is the biggest recruiter. Members of terrorist organizations only have to make an account on Myspace,
Youtube, or any other social networking site to spread the word of jihad to the world. And when we leave Iraq, that will strengthen Al Qaeda
immeasurably. If the Iraqi government we set up falls, Iraq will be a war zone comparable to chaos. I fear there is nothing we can do
to shut down Al Qaedas internet operations...except hope they dont have as big of an effect as they're capble of.