posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 11:33 PM
It's s hame that in a country founded with the focus of freedom and liberty, there are so many prople afraid to protest in fear of losing both
ProfTom is the exact kind of die hard ignoramous that has sent this country into a downward spiral. Blindly following their daddys down republican
What is there to protest and or have changed?
How bout the companies profiting ever so greatly on the deaths of our young men and women being sent into a false war? For one thing, I think it
should be illegal for any company to profit over a certain amount from wars. It should be more about the honor of getting the contract that the
wealth. The honor of being selected to produce something to help defend the nation.
#2. If you are running for presidential office or a high ranking member of an administration, you should be absolutely restricted from being paid by a
company that profits from your efforts in developing a cause for war in your position. In other words, Cheney making money from a war he started is
beyond redemption in so many ways and the man should be hung for treason.
#3. If you are the president of a country and you send people to die in a war based on false information, I dont care how you justify it or who you
blame, you should be fired without question.
This is by far the most corrupt, careless, lawless administration there has ever been in the white house and anyone that can honestly continue
supporting it are in flat out denial of what this country is becoming.
You cant blame people like ProfTom too much. The man obviously lives a very simple life where he is most likely untouched by the plages of most men.
Living in a trailer park in the hills of boofunk animal reserve poaching pigeons isn't exactly the life style one would associate with a common
voter. I'm guessing there is a Rebel flag somewhere in his house or on his Chevy. People like that simply dont know any better.