Thank you outrageo
I agree with you and most especially myself, you will never find a more candid, courageous,thoughtful, persistant, charming, witty, insightful,
spiritual, worldly..and lets not in any forum on the net
and in the meantime..fellow members..take your time. with the file not look for a thing..acclimate your sight..things will fall into
place..the creator Venerable WOY before he took down the the file..commented this one line below in the last section of this post....I think tells it
all..Its why and how I discovered what I did..
It being Christmas..also I will paypal 25.00 dollars (US)to the person who finds ISS with the smiley underneath (without the circle around a
smudge just 2 dots and a smile) and pinpoints the spot..(otherwise I would have a slew of of them..) then again..Only I know what it looked like. .U2U
when you do..Please note 1st come 1st must cut it and paste ..marvelous..
I already know about that silly atom. there is more all over..again take your time..Think how good you'll feel not having count the "loose change"
in your pocket when you walk into a Ryans and go straight to the buffett..
you deserve it..
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Re: can you handle the truth? how about a 45mb jpg
« Reply #5 on Oct 8, 2007, 3:01pm »
please post pictures of people playing twister on it if anyone can get it printed big :
right hand octal junction, left foot HST
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at omf
Also No time for Pity Party for me..
I sent the following :
Dear Mr. Sternbach,
I have been conducting research on a project called Isaac Caret , an alleged reverse engineering proram. In examining the diagrams and photos [ ] I noted an eerie similarity to some of your work and that of Michael Odaku, so much so I was wondering if someone
had plagiarized your works. The drawings are quite beautiful, recalling to mind much very early even Borg sketches done in Germany, and control panels
in later movies. Even an illustration cover done back in 1978 bares remarkable another of the devices as in the story of Shipright by
Donald kingsbury, which you illustrated, and one of my favorites also.
Hear is what Syd Mead had to say in response ,as he himself used the graphics at a recent Sigg Conference.
Silly sys (edited by me)
…I was cruising the net when I ran across some interesting graphics that were purportedly a part of a reverse engineering program run by a
government agency. The patterns are beautiful, arabesque, intricately geometric. I combined three of them into one graphic and used that pattern as a
graphical background between segments of my presentation...
To continue
Initially, I thought the whole thing was fantastic viral for an upcoming Star Trek movie but , suddenly, everything stopped. I say star Trek because
within the diagram under high resolution (1600) was an Inscription ISS then a smiley underneath, much like one of Michael Odakus’ cards at his mac
site. But Mr. Michael has disavowed his connection.
My question is it your opinion that there is someone passing or using your designs as theirs, or used them without your permission?
I know how sensitive this is Mr. Sternbach. If it is not your handiwork or with your “ blessing”..are then these people in violation of your
copyrights? Some people think if they don’t charge money they are not in violation..I have had warm debates telling them(my little Sci fi readers
club)they are incorrect.
Any comment you can give will mean a lot to my research and me personally, and help allay others curiosity expressed to me on this matter. As a
Librarian I like to have the answers.. I hope you can help me .
Again my utmost admiration for your work in art, film, science, and especially our collective dreams for the future.
Warmest Regards,
Silly Sys (edited by me)
Asst. Librarian
xxxxxxxxxxxx Library System
South Carolina
[edit on 17-12-2007 by Sys_Config]