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CARET/Drones Debunked? – A “viral” fantasy

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Sys_Config

Yes, my Friend… you are reaching the conclusion, grasping a bit perhaps, but have gone further than all others. Kudos and accolades. But, sad to say, no booby prize as of yet.

Nevertheless, the thrill, as they say, is in the journey. Like others before you, and those to come later, a path is worn, trodden and true, but where it leads – well – for that we need more clues…

Faithful to your M.O., Sys, you’ve raised some interesting, and, imHo, insightful observations. Unfortunately, in many respects, this is the saddest truth of all: The gullibility (and, more significantly) the “guile ability” of man is paramount in our beloved/berated drone meme counter-motivational exercise.

You see, gentle and astute ATSers alike, though we may walk the valley of dread, we are not tired, and we will not falter – but we will be targeted, and we will be challenged, and we will stand strong to as we confront the quandaries and dilemmas before us. The answers will come, the revelations will manifest, in the end, I hope, we will have our vindication. In the meantime, however…

Sys is definitely zeroing in on the mindset, if not the embodiment, of our meme-nemesis. Crucial is the transparency found in the weaknesses of man, and the power that a diabolical mind can engender, i.e.,

..even machines will never be as creative as man when it comes to deception…

Yes indeed, at least for the short term. Even more so, since man is so easily deceived, the temptation to deceive is insurmountable for many deceivers. Like an addictive narcotic, the drug of conquest-by-deception is one characteristic of man that must surely disgust the more benign visitors as they may be. Yet, the rest of us take little baby steps to evolve, overcoming the temptation to gain from the credulity of others. Perhaps we will only be accepted into the family of the galactic sentients when we can conquer this en masse, rather than individually. As it is, as a specie, we are barely beyond:

… [I] read a story once that what killed neanderthal man was not the passage of time, but that coexisting with the modern, it was greater ability at lying, deception by the latter.that did him in..I can certainly understand that now.

The fact that you can understand it is commendable and worthy – now if we can only get the admittedly minority members of our homo sapien brethren to subscribe to, and positively act upon, such understanding, we’ll be able to claim some collective progress…

Until such time, we are faced with what we have today. No, it’s not just the drone-meme heresy (which, in and of itself is barely a drop in the proverbial cesspool).

It’s almost glaringly obvious to nearly all casual observers and commentators now that the whole drone/Isaac/CARET drama is a yarn spun for and by us all for some as yet to be determined purpose. The CGI arguments have been raised, beat to death, and withered. The LMH-variety of pundits have embraced, hugged-and-kissed, and moved on to greener pastures. The sleuths have dug plenty of dirt, thrown a bunch at the wall, some of it stuck, some of it missed completely, and the rest is slowly sliding down or drying in place. The philosophers among us ponder and absorb, digest and regurgitate and eliminate, and hopefully extract some meaningful, memorable, permanent sustenance, all as nature intended.

In the end, perhaps all we will learn that there is an entity out there, man or beast , or a collection of the same, that is conducting, or propagating, as Sys reminds us,

…and something else... quite different... a treasure hunt....who[/]what is the treasure…[?] yes someone is definitely oyster shucking…for pearls… or mining for diamonds in the rough…

Are we the oysters or the diamonds, Sys? Or, perhaps, we are simply the gritty beds of coral and silt at the bottom of the sea in which oysters, pearls, and rarely, diamonds are found. Perhaps that is it, my friends. The campaign is merely (memely) a method of farming. ATS is the farm. We are the sea floor. I hope that one day good folks like SYS, and Vic, Schuyler and Springer, Suicide and October, and all the rest of you ---- are given some credit for providing the Pearls of meme-wisdom our harvester is after. Hats off to you'all - you are the best this planet has yet to offer...

And now – in other news…

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 10:44 AM
Never has one singular subject "tuned-me-up" to so many potential possibilities at the same time... to see a running "engine" occur "in the wild" continues to be an object of my interest.

Whether that "wild" has been domesticated and brought to heel for our experience or is more "random" in nature does not diminish the notion that the potential for mass, local and individual specific effects are viable. If one had some kind of media analysis tool... you see? And that's only one of many potential darker aspects to consider.

Some of the folks who have given of themselves in studying this (and sharing resource and agency with others) time and again run across surprising linkages and happen-stances that would defy rational explanation as anything other than "connected". Not all these things have been made public nor should they without more work and confirmation... as Outrageo has stated "some are, to the wall, stuck."
It's hard not to find connections in a world of connections - some do stick.

Many hurdles have been spanned... dot to dot, node to node, stubbed-toes and bandwagoneering. At times it has been "too easy", and at others "too difficult", for warranting completely discarding conspiratorial notions. So many little "cells" and clusters of data points that lead elsewhere and back do compliment the potential scale of the phenomenon. Many in isolation could be considered all on their own merits... contextually? It "blows-up".

Victory is often the awareness offered by others. Got drones?



[edit on 9-10-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:06 PM

I am posting the following link for your edification and enjoyment..for when things get to good to be true or when they suddenly fall apart please read brief blurbs below the links before you jump on to will expand your outlook on reality.

feel free to comment if you think Caret fits the mold or is Caret the viral Crop circle it pretends to be...note the level of penetration by operatives in some of the this the prelude to a greater deception and how can we prepare.. the coming swarms. Do you have any names to be added to the Caret " family" album.? I will be adding Todd E schwartz after I retrieve some data from the UFC logs with a blurb of my own.


PS Mr have rapped up the essence of this..I miss the days when we could round up the usual suspects. we must be patientt in untying the knot..if we cut the string the Knot is on..then we lose the players..We can adopt the strategy of Tai chi, yeild, step learn then overwhelm..Aikido is same this way.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Sys... that's just one. How many similar "enterprises" from how many different sources have been run across? Those who take the time to "look up", do indeed "see things" others may not. By my count... it's almost easier to delineate who might not have vested interested in such research.

The social mapping in the last link does reflect an aspect of other research wrapped in a dissimilar nomenclature but with identical motive and perhaps players. Cells and cells, lose a couple nodes and the refinement continues... a self-healing conspiracy of neurality? Hmmm neurality...

By some estimates FSS (fixed satellite station) revenues were $7bn last year... Net Ad-Revenue? $13bn. Drop in the bucket compared to the not-too-distant future. It's obvious the "fad of the internet" will evaporate at any scintilla - NOT. Information society or society information?

As always Sys', Cheers,


[edit on 9-10-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:18 PM
Even though the the internet started from Darpa, just as google from military, as well DOD lagged behingd the commercial sector badly on intellegence gathering for the new assymetric (guerilla) warfare..which traditionally has been succesful against larger well organized sytems.
What is happening is DOD and its affiliates are throwing money at the university, hoping to vector in young rads to theat area, and cull them..and use them to develop the architecture of weapons. Thats all fine and in good. The other sapect is establishing predictive models..well the best people to do that is microsoft, and others that do continual viral polished args gaming sites etc..thus they have algoryths for some predictive modelling, peer peer, statistical, all kinds of neat things..and can glean whether a product will be succesful..same whether a miltary campaign, or recruitment drive will work.naturally this makes for a good marriage. They can deveelop and even help the military push a hoax , for whatever quid pro quo they agree too, and the military grant procees can fund researchers that are tied to or identified microsof and many others..lets not make bill gates a total bad guy here..bus is bus..One of my sources said in the end the Gods would be laughing..(our material Gods?) check out all caret named organizations are tied into education brain mapping .another point another source said they are in your one member was doing that and i knew he was giving clues yet knowone seemed to pick them up..he would literally crack jokes..over their head..contempt? Yes maybe..perhaps we just don't get the caret thing is winding down..time to move on to another study..Besides info..the ufo community was hurt..more rather than helped by this affair..I hope we are better prepared the next time, I think you will see people do a little better, although their will be less people. Its hard to get peple interested now as the tech we have is the tech they dreamed of..they are just now telling us what our dreams should be from now on thats all.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 01:01 AM
ok folx get ready for this..I cannot post my results as the results will not fit on screen..but i borrowed my sons computer that does hi rez..and blew up the diagram..on the loewst dial like object..along the border are minute lines or least 3 had pix of kids college kids playing what looked like a game ..possibly twister..another marker abocve..had building facade with lights onanother had girl with band of color nearby by had almost like a mural effect..they used a thick paper overlay with cutouts and placed over images..there appered to be a signature on an upper dial hidden between two plus signs..but it was very smudged..I used photoshopcs2 but could not cut and paste innto clipboard..perhas someone else can. I asked Woy who had done been working on this to stop cleaning up and do a cut paste and blowup on another file so weall can see what I saw..
This may turn out to be just a school project..thats all right I can foorgive that..I did cxrazy stuff steal hubcaps..hehehe far as I am concerened the essential message has stayed consistent ,..they wont be able to really profit per se off this once word gets out it was kids ..playing twister., but profit inwardly yes..I am amazed at the detail..I will do no further reconstruction of this alien thank you..but what were all those phd mibs doing lurking in the shadows.? I find it starnge that woy pointed us in that direction..and had done blowups..I found them first time around..I am sure woy saw them before me..why dinot he just come out and say takes a powerful system to uncover this..we are just average folx..regular stuff..meaning the next one will be hard to do ..
and take just as long..but this has been a collaboration as I mentioned of many this case looks like the kids and their teachers..
nice job guyz and even a another puzzle like a math problem ..any body care to try that? Not!! and Arthur..I emailed we were storming the castle


Tang Soo!

I haqd a good omen today..Both my old martial arts teachers showed up to visit..I explained about this dilemma.. how the Taichi..ran thru..Tang soo is better I think
dont you Arthur, Reason, Siddharta, Droneonline, and a few more to but...I hope they come back..and thank you woy for leading us to the waterhole..My boy Woy! Yesss Im goint to have to keep an eye on the lad , he is going places thats for sure (but ..something is just not quite right..

End of my end of I have said a thousand times befoore this is it..its over..leave me alone..For heavens sake ..I am just a librarian not inspector Cluseauo>>but those phds..hmm..something doesnt feel quite right.. what did feel right was every point I reached that I could see all around the mountain climber does whe he she reach the top a point, and see the vastness of the world..that is true discovery, I am addicted to tdiscovery, and as A climbr, I must stay in motion.and we can all have these moments to be humbled and understand. Thank you Reader and Sidharta and fellow seekers ..may you find a path that works for will. lead to discovery.

good night..


[edit on 10-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 07:30 PM
closing before the next grand opening
I posted this at OM in response to a nice story by reader

Reader..You never ever have ceased to amaze me..That was wonderful..we all thank you for that.

Murnut..yes some did..Thats why I saluted 11 august a nobleness all the small as well as the large..a..those like him are our last hope.and can I forget them yes..they collaborated..Open ear and view to the "orpaned child in the wild has returned to us..with iopen arms and a healthy appetite.
yes collaboration..bright side..danger dark side..
to WoY, always in my face Woy..good complex yet elegantly simple

yes enjoy the art the science the philosophy..the methodology can transmute and blur the lines..between artificial and "real" but Know this :the true owner of reality is not an absentee landlord.!.his principle of opposites allows for chance..our emergency exit out and our back door any good programmer does

in the meantime..enjoy the parade and cotton candy
and I see the grandmaster now ..oh awsome..

His Banner SURRENDER RESISTANCE IS FUTILE..well indeedee I have heard that somewhere in the last TYA thousand years..
the wheel turns again., oh my next to him is the man from xfiles the cigarette chainsmokier also..plans within plans for all of us.

Don't worry about mulder he's useful to us..its that Reader fellow we have to catch he'is disrupting our plans..

cliche' "The more things change the more they stay the same.

Thank googly mcgoogle, googles and wiggles ,gog and magog ..those anagrams dog deemit..

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 11-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:58 AM
greetinz..wake is the lliknk to the 45 mb diagram file
Thanx to Woy at OM need a strong processor and video card .and memory..
to open in photshop or photo elements shut down any other prgs me this will slow things down. keep task manager open just in case of lockup

once you open..zoom in..cut pieces copy into another file..making several files that are manageable.. parts of interest ..the fan type dial you see colors red yellow blu

if you have blue glasses you can pick out lettering great..dont cut huge chunks its a waste..

while in the big one you can see the adorning of fact has more a graffitti look than katana.. if you step away from screem some words will appear like steal read joy..but main thing is snip file as not to lock up system
you will see in the snippets what I saw..I will not spoil it. but please post back asap..with your most interesting snippets..just so folks can see this..they need to. ..
once you get the files if you have time you will see on the white canvass paint smudges..yes ET paint...they got really sloppy at end ..also in dark bands you will see arial views of rooftops and lakes..cities..and if real lucky there is a smudge brown hidden with a signature ISS then a smile shape. underneth... If i locate it again I will post that.


[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

special thanx to WildAlfe for his music we are one now and intro to other att Azure, Cactus Azure and Stephen..
WildAlfe and Rasta Donovan listen download some great cuts there. hear tro unfettered artists at their best..

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:31 PM
posting the latter updated link if you had problems with the one above

this is a link file splitter for jpgs etc that will do just that and can view each pievce individually its shareware and very tiny
that should save some time
if probs downloading that then use this this one looks promising
only a nag screen no limits

its even higher rezed ..
Good lLuck!!

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Sys_Config

i have done a ffew for you to put in paintbrush and view by zooming in
the smallest images family graffitti lunch in marseilles are self explanatory..These people went thru a monumental effort to deliver a wonderful message from so many people in so many walks of life. As cynical as I am about manythings I will yield on this one...




some dont have comments because they are just there for you to copy and check out..thas all..
graffitti is meant as a reminder of style, mexican gratti usually has name number like Taki 13 or 130 example 13 14 were popular numbers in LA or evo77 its taken on dimensions in the mobile cell and communications world tech fuses with art.

So what think ye all of the power source activating the symbol really is

whom or whos technology does it 'really" point to, us or "them"?
The autopsy continuesbut I am pretty sure Qincy MD would have a few things to say "off the record "wink wink"


[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:24 PM
and in case you think Graffiti is absurd let me give you a taste of this so you do not think I am pulling this out of thin air like some eclectic technobabble we run across from time to time

Between the years of 1969-1974 the "pioneering era" took place. During this time graffiti underwent a change in styles and popularity. Soon after the migration to NYC, the city produced one of the first graffiti artists to gain media attention in New York, TAKI 183. TAKI 183 was a youth from Washington Heights, Manhattan who worked as a foot messenger. His tag is a mixture of his name Demetrius (Demetraki), TAKI, and his street number, 183rd. Being a foot messenger, he was constantly on the subway and began to put up his tags along his travels. This spawned a 1971 article in the New York Times titled "'Taki 183' Spawns Pen Pals".[8][6][9] Julio 204 is also credited as the first writer, but didn't get the fame that Taki received. TAKI 183 was the first artist to be recognised outside of the graffiti subculture, but wasn't the first artist. Other notable names from that time are: Stay High 149, Hondo 1, Phase 2, Stitch 1, Joe 182, Junior 161 and Cay 161. Barbara 62 and Eva 62 were also important early graffiti artists in New York, and are the first known females to write graffiti. graffiti
Kaso (born Simone Poggiali on January 21, 1980 in Genoa, Italy) is an Italian visual artist and graphic designer who is the pioneer of Regenerative Graffiti and experimentations with abstract shapes and Fibonacci numbers.
Regenerative Graffiti is an experimental project, which aims to create new forms of graffiti from previous graffiti artworks, modifying the original artist's color schemes, new visual patterns and reinvents new compositions, makes abstract shapes and reinvents the visual urban landscape over time.
Fibonacci Graffiti is an experimental project that brings mathematical schemes in the world of graffiti art. It has the intent to create new visual pattern and harmony in the urban space.

its been with us before the written writers , they are truly are great ave of protest against the government and corporate greed and corruption..a can of spraypaint and an idea can have a dramatic lasting impact when you cannot afford pay several thousands of dollars for a one day in the NYT you yield on the coloring at least as generous of you..even Sony and Xparc would agree as to the value of graffiti But I am prepared to go farther..

the symbology reminds of something universal ..a universal language..I am sure the authors were not merely trying to address the yanks..but the world..and, internet or not ,it is still a big place. (though the chinese and Japanese might vigorously disagree) so perhaps a convergence of of euro-asian symbols would suffice..something off the shelf..(remember this is all retro with an avante garde twist))with definitions for vowels and consonants.. i found one such here and see some rather delightful " parent child relationships "

the language is Godgul created as an amalgamation of Korean Japanese german and English
pay particular attention to the last few the third box chart the slants dots etc.
it may well be we can assign some sounds to the symbols we have already. very nice and guessing whatsoever..mix n match.

with that I retire for today..I hope someone will tai (sic) the sounds together

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:30 PM
Hey, Sys'. You are a treasure... been watchin'. Pioneer - you are. So parts of this were a collaborative effort? Sign of the times...

Cheers large


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 04:11 PM
At the risk of giving away too much information about myself, in the 'real world' I am a graduate of a prestigious Art School and was a highly active graffiti writer from 1994-2004. I have travelled the US, and have had my work published in some mainstream magazines, as well as helping advance the artform. Lately, I have been doing legal mural projects and consulting/freelance work for major/minor corporations. Part of that process, in a way brought me here.

In November 2005, I was subcontracted by a firm to do graffiti for Sony's PSP handheld game machine. My territory was San Francisco, which was a bit difficult since I had only been to SF a few times, and really didn't know the city. The campaign gained nationwide recognition, and I was one of maybe 30 artists hired to do the project nationwide in the major cities combined with regular billboards/posters with the same images. Here is a link to an article about it Sony Draws Ire With PSP Graffiti

So small 'cells' of artists all over the country got paid a few thousand dollars to do these characters. Some of that stipend could be used to pay the building owners for the right to paint their graffiti covered walls. Most jumped at the chance to get a quick hundred bucks to cover the expenses of removing the graffiti.

Either way, after I had completed the work, and saw the impact the campaign had, I was a bit sick to my stomach. The people above me on the totem pole heiarchy from ad agency all were getting their cut of the dollars, to the point that I think I ended up losing money on the deal once my taxes get taken out... I felt like I had sold my soul to the devil, and been swindled on my returns... I had done corporate consulting for others in the past, but nothing that made me feel so dirty at the end of the day.

So being well versed in viral campaigns, that is why I originally emailed Springer that I thought the drones could be a viral campaign. That is also why I had to join, in order to really voice myself better than emails. Thank goodness I have, it has really opened me up to a lot more 'ideas' of how we are getting screwed. But along the way, I have also felt other 'pressures' on this case that do not feel as corporate. Maybe military/black op (which 6 months ago I would have though ridiciulous) or maybe individual/group hoaxers.

Now that you understand more of my expertise, I would like to agree with some of what you have to say. In graffiti there is a certain 'element' that some call 'freshness' or 'dopeness' but in a more discriptive way, it is a sort of unlocking of hand style that communicates to all in a pleasing manner, even though the graffiti maybe done without permission. It is almost like an ether or meme in itself. Something that some artists may have inherently, and others who paint for years but never get any fame.

Also, it is the goal of many of these ad agencies who use viral campaigns to use graffiti artists as consultants. In many ways, we are the best versed in placement of image in public space to achieve the most lasting impressions. We also have no fear in subverting the 'rules' that some teamsters might not be cool with. When the Aqua Teen led campaign occured, and there was the terror alert in Boston, I was sure that somewhere along the process that some graffiti minded people were in on the campaign. Maybe not the actually people putting up the art, but the designers of the campaign perhaps. See this link LED Throwies I am sure this is where they got the idea for the Aqua Teens campaign. In fact I think that the Graffiti Research Lab is the ATS of graffiti websites in many ways. I recommend you all check it out. They have some innovative technologies there.

I won't lie either, the totalitarian laws after 9-11 scared me legit in my graffiti endeavors. I won't talk about my past deeds, except to say that I have been places that I really shouldn't and done things there. There is a multimillion dollar war going on with the graffitists vs the NWO. I know it sounds crazy, but who do you know that is willing to commit various felonies, risk their life doing so, and act in stealth while doing so, all to put their message into the public space. As I have aged, I also have gotten tired of the name fame game aspects of it all.

So all in all, it is very interesting how you find connections to graffiti in certain aspects of the drone affair, and that is some ways why I came here. I had made the connection in my mind that if it were a viral campaign, that 'graffitists' might have a hand in it.


posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 04:50 PM
Oh boy, and now we have a viral campaign spam thread from a video game, where a fake journalist has been tracking a black ops group... Thing is, the fake journalist has joined ATS!

This underground organization may be owned by the government

Like I said in that thread when I debunked him, ATS is now a googable viral campaigners 'landscape' for their graffiti. The way the google algorithms work, ATS is looked at like a blog. So if we have a thread... "Paris Hilton prison sacrifice" or whatever, and there are more than 5 new posts in that thread a day, with links to 'sources', the google-bots see this and google thinks that our Paris Hilton info is the best... So it might even be number one in the google links case in point:
Google Search of Peterstack7, the ats threads are 4th ones down. The threads were started today...

We are in for a crap load more of this I am afraid...

[edit on 18/10/2007 by DocMoreau]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Gotcha Doc'... on it. Yep. Sometimes patience and the right shake-of-the-tree yields - Apples. Hopefully of the non-road variety.



posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:49 PM
Yes Doc I read that Sony fiasco thing .I am honored you confirmed some of this ..and I think the fact it hasn't become a real cash cow for LMH is precicesly because they are against the corporate greed that overtook ufology. !.hahaha sacrificing true investigation for hits and entertainment with intrigue..built in.Yes part of this is an in your face tag.Sony is very tied up with Partizan..and their virals as well as Nike and several major brands.. well thats what they get for sending MBA s into the hood.I have reconciled the Darpa factors..because they were in all around us before all of this with serpico with Titor and have you checked silicon Laude on the Rutledge affair..not accusing him ..but rather it resembles an aerospace "Honey Pot" with Space heroes org, amazingl the name peter Koenig turned up with Jerry Harthcock owner of silicon Laude and Core technologies..or Quick core at one time..for the aerospace business.whose company hosts a scholarship for the UTA in texas, where a hero of mine is from. We go from 2 disconnected stories same school ..and I have already posted on UTA earlier. But I can't go there now until we tie up the loose ends with the Caret..yes there are many hands in those..some jumped on afterwards...but I am going to stick with the good guys theory and see what else they are saying.

Doc ..when you got sick thats good your soul saying stop..think about those that didnt ..sold they joggin the parks with aquafina water bottles and blackberry PDAs and lost their have to be in the thick of it to have a creative resonate..I hope you can direct me to your work..I love that art. I always wanted a Blackberry though

as for those wanksters don't worry bout them.I have secured the services of an outside contractor ..just for these operations..someone who can really help clean ot this Den of Iniquity and Intrigue... Its been my experience that when you leave out a certain factor in an equation things can have an unsettling and unanticipated effect.

A small donation to the kids orphanage and Father Merin was more than happy to come here. There that should level the playing field

say you might be able to pick put some of those numbers 3000 or something ..i saw a 155 signed..not printed ..there is a 156 graffiti at group..but not 155 ..and there are thousands of groups good grief.perhaps the other numbers a signature is like mandatory...but if you see something after you copy into your program and look at it in Zoom , by all means run with it. My anagram analysis did mention military a couple of connections are possible.
perhaps as part we can get a thread posting the art..hmm taggin a thread..
you may have opened a whole new genre here Doc..Caret may well be the famous trojan horse about the cat out tha bag..

the phonetic sounds on the bottom chart underneath each symbol are in english ..i have a good feeling about those..they might even spell out

In actuality I accept their hand as a if I can find the children ,,thats my next step..not the dilitium crystals to power the antimatter generator.

Oh Our friend Klatuu is ill I hope you can all send a tsunami prayer vibe..his way. amen


[edit on 19-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 03:21 PM

I have identified the little character in diagram number 2 ..i had marked family in one spot then the atom..its is a little boy sitting on one of the "alien" letters, directly above the atom!..followed by the + symbol
it is none other than the Little Prince..yes Le Petite Prince..vouz et tres belle ! no zoom necessary its him .My prodigal son returns on the caret ship from B216 or something like that.what a great little embassador .for a great story.Just as he made his flower special caring for it it This story is special for me among all the other stories on the landscape. Do these people sound as if they are mocking us as a Hoaxter does ? No. A resounding No! I have submitted this to other places..yet I am met only with silence..That only makes this even more special for me..and especially to you who want to know what the hec is going on here..get the picture?


[edit on 19-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 19-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 19-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Sys_Config

I asked a friend of mine to ask the little rascal some questions..

photo from thelittleprinceopera and I am sure a smart reader knows that the little prince publishing company are very very touchy about consequential matters.. that will be the crack in the "nutcracker suite"..will someone faxblast them?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Well then you "Really" want to know... Have we learned any lessons in this..

I am happy that some of you know of Le Petite Prince , (if you dont shame on your teachers ! it is sacred knowledge)but will be impressed more if you know the Petite Prince and where we stand in comparison to Antoines work. Are we the Businessman, The geographer, The king..would you pull the caterpillars legs off to see how it works..before it could turn into a butterfly? What do you hold special or are you special and visible to someone elses heart..What is essential to you? What does your heart see in Caret? If nothing then clearly it will remain cloaked from you forever as it will from my friend up above. Yes the little Prince can tell him..but like the Geographer , or the Businessman, he would barely understand.

My grandmama would tell me as I grew..tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you many times..I will say if you walk with the Little prince I already know who and what you are!

But that being said my liege and forgive my boldness, ..the rest deserve a "little" something. After all my prince..certainly all the time invested and displays of affection ,unshakeable unwavering faith, thruout the realm , rivaling even the fanaticsm of some of the worlds greatest religions..requires "something".no.. nothing dramatic like a burning bush , nor even fatima like appearance on a grilled cheese sandwhich..but "something" that will leave them saying..I seen the light !
yes something like that , I am sure you have something in your veritable cornucopia of surprises ..

I had a dream last night..I dreamt I saw the Caret ship in a great white marble hall..standing like a man on trial before Pilate of Rome, who asked are you the Christ? and it said nothing. Then Pilate turned to the crowd and said This thing has committed no crime! By Law I can set one person free ..who shall it be?..somebody in the crowd..yelled Free Serpico Free Serpico..soon the whole crowd was chanting same in unison..and so it was that Serpico was freed ..then Pilate said take it from my sight..I wash my hands of this..I shall not have its Teflon on my hands or consience..
after that, Serpico was freed and The Caret Drone was taken to the hill on Calgary and dismantled..
I woke up in a cold when I see a ceiling fan it serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifice it must have made., instead of the sign of the cross, should I now make a motion with one finger over my a whirlybird?

I have no idea.. what it all meant..perhaps someone else does..The answer is out there somewhere..perhaps I need some counseling or maybe a Cutty Sark and Ginger Ale.., an inner voice tells me the latter..
Good Night..

[edit on 21-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

[edit on 21-10-2007 by Sys_Config]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Great stuff, as always, Sys, Doc...

You guys must be applying extra juice to the problem - if only the solution would leap off the page with equal gusto, eh?

Thoroughly enjoyed reading (and thinking long and hard about) the graffiti meme connection. The more I reflected upon it, the more the similarities became apparent. It couldn't be that simple, could it? The Caret/Drones merely a pseudo-modern grafittized meme-form of expression?

If so, again, again, again, by whom? For whom? For what purpose? What point is there in expressing a 'message' in this way if no one "gets it"?

Back to the increasingly complex drawing board...

[edit on 10/22/2007 by Outrageo]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Outrageo

thats the beauty..we are all on this world..and we don't get it yet..its a metaphor..we have to look.all good thing..we have to learn from the past..(chinese thing) its a pandoras box in reverse..its letting all good things is skin started as a lie a pretty of perspective..It was many drawing boards..many of the people who I shall not name were also bicyclists..trail hikers..desert lovers..ohh yes..the clues were in there..and besides nature lovers they were also avante garde program developers..they were without exception..80s developers of open source networking ..things like Ruby for mobile pen computing..things that would make your little pda a virtual server..think of it..the whole kit and kaboodle in your mobile device..a whole virtual museum or store in your back pocket..its coming now..( no more monopoly of knowledge by microsoft..)e people..all socially conscious help fight poverty by donating money clicks ..actually....the graffitti aspect..was a way to draw attention to that powers like microsoft vs IBM (oddly open sourcing now) to the old way..those letters that could not be useless technology..
Google things like The UN art projects..communications ..a myriad of things happening..but message is not getting out..we are too busy with hollywood and toxic consumerism.
I am a Michael savage Fan..therefore am not easily impressed and quite cynical of things by nature..but the nature of this..I make an exception..if 50 people came to you and said we all did it, and showed you their input
(probably based on numbers of characters flitting in and out on this thats how many took part just like those giant circles ) then would you slap them or kiss them ,probably both ..yes..the slap , who first?, for fibbing for wandering off too long and the hug for returning home safely..we've all been there at some children we couldnt understand is a paradox to me even today

But at least we have gone further in terms of well as suspects..most other sites are still addressing just a one person few witnesses scenario...Ats did correctly in resting early on mufons, paracast and LMH behaviour.and common sense, We can thank Springer and friends .that gave us time to dissect this from a coroners perspective..I am glad we have..The other sites have yet to take off the blinders..still counting pixels, looking at is it a hoax or real.rebuffing even efforts made to broaden perspective..because i was an ATS member..among ex ATS can well imagine the difficulty..thats all right..thats aaall right as my pastor always says..yes..thas alll right..

This could turn out to be something like giant monty python production..and I am just Catweazel
totally out of time and well out my league..I love Docs will take me a while to go thru them Thank you Doc you are awsome ..and keep the spray cans handy.maybe we can give them our own return message..!!


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