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wow in this place even the good guys are attacked

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posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
Well, I think I'm safe. There is no god.

Major, if you made love to a heavenly angel then you would believe......

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 05:07 PM
Angel, hmm.

I always thought angels were wise, caring, understanding, and servants of god. I thought they would have some basic grasp of all that grammar, and in any language to.

The reason you get so much resistance, is because why would god send an angel to just randomly chit-chat with a bunch of people on the net? It sounds crazy even to the believers.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by JessicaS
The reason you get so much resistance, is because why would god send an angel to just randomly chit-chat with a bunch of people on the net? It sounds crazy even to the believers.

Bingo!! Just us average folks here, no need to send a so called Angel. My word of the day "malarky".

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 05:46 PM
I know an Angel, he is this mexican dude in my class, I think he steals hubcaps from cars...

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I know an Angel, he is this mexican dude in my class, I think he steals hubcaps from cars...

HAHAHAHAHA!! I needed a laugh. Thanks Lysergic

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 03:12 AM
alright so here is how this goes you clearly need to grow up and face the facts escape from that security blanket your under hiding from the fact that there are really power beings out there and the fact that one of those being God is the most powerful and the very source of all power on this planet....i get over it you could decide to get with the real world that the world is not flat...the earth i not the center of the universe and that the fact is God is real....i mean humans really do have to grow up.......its like facing the fact that there is no santa........don't to be the ignorant little kid who believes in santa so much tell and convinces his friend then one day someone takes you to the north pole and you find out he isn't there and he isn't like the kid who finds out there is no santa at age 5 goes through life helping kids from ignorance.....DENY IGNORANCE......accept freedom........get that security blanket off please

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by thestatue
...don't to be the ignorant little kid who believes in santa so much tell and convinces his friend then one day someone takes you to the north pole and you find out he isn't there and he isn't like the kid who finds out there is no santa at age 5 goes through life helping kids from ignorance.......accept freedom........get that security blanket off please

Please excuse my ignorance with this thread but i fail to get any point you have made. Considering you believe you are an angel your take on Santa is a major concern. I have a little daughter and by golly, if she wants to believe in Santa for the next 12 years, she is only 6 months now, then i will let her believe in Santa. It isn't the belief in something that doesn't exist that is wrong - it is FUN for kids to believe in Santa as WE know him to be. It is teaching them to be giving and sharing.

However, what is wrong is someone like you who truly and honestly believes he/she is an angel and tries to play holier than thou where BS doesn't spin. Who do you actually think you are assuming you know who the people are that you are addressing here? I hope to God that you do not have kids or i can seriously and honestly say that they will have nothing to look forward to the way you are going on here. Do you take everything away from them? Their hopes, wishes, dreams and desires because they are not realistic? Do you demolish any excitement at the coming of Christmas or xmas? Regardless of one's belief (system) Christmas is a fun time of year - family gathered and having fun etc and kids playing on new bikes. You have just proven that you have nothing better to do with your time and sit here saying Santa does not exist - xmas/christmas is all about giving and sharing as did the real St Nicholas. St Nicholas DID exist and has been remembered for his ways in SANTA.

Here is something you can go and read to keep you out of mischief: (NO seriously - go and read it!!) :bnghd:


Through the centuries St. Nicholas has continued to be venerated by Catholics and Orthodox and honored by Protestants. By his example of generosity to those in need, especially children, St. Nicholas continues to be a model for the compassionate life.

I would say that it is a good idea to remind/tell kids when they get too old to "believe" in Santa why Christmas exists and why we give gifts and what it should mean and why we celebrate this time of year.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I know an Angel, he is this mexican dude in my class, I think he steals hubcaps from cars...

OMG! I just dribbled my juice! Along the same lines but. Do you know the Angel that plays for Aston Villa?

CW - The wife has been away for a few weeks, so tomorrow I will be getting some serious Angel love!

Earthly Lesson for Mr. Angel.

, comma.
; semi colon.
: colon - only use it when you mean it: I'm serious.
. full stop or period (if you're an American angel).
---Empty Space---
New Paragraph.

If your are an Angel I'm very sorry for the backhander.

There we go bases covered... Ball 3

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Shearder,you read my post wrong it was an meant to prove a point about not believing in God....Sure i support kids believing in Santa but if a kid were to grow up and base their entire life on Santa then it'd be a problem....But it was simply that i was support that the disbelief of God is as sane as a belief as also the earth being flat.....Also just to get something straight there have been events where a family could not afford anything for Christmas,angels got together provided them with presents and signed the cards Santa......We do not oppose the idea of Santa......It was meant only to prove that point of belief in God.

[edit on 27-7-2007 by Thestatue ]

[edit on 27-7-2007 by thestatue]

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by thestatue
i get over it you could decide to get with the real world that the world is not flat...the earth i not the center of the universe and that the fact is God is real

God's real? Wheres the evidence? The bible is just a fairytale book. So I guess technically you BELIEVE in fairytales, which ARE NOT REAL. My youngest believe in santa claus. You got an issue with that feel free to come knock on my door and we'll settle that the easy way. What MY KIDS or anyone elses offspring on here,believe is NONE of your concern. I am raising them, not you.

Also, don't sit here and tell us we need to do squat. If you got a belief that's one thing. Trying to push it on other people is annoying as hell and I don't appreciate it one bit. Talk about growing up, act your age and have a friendly debate like adults do. Don't sit here and talk down to us because we think you're full of crap. My honest opinion is you're not right in the head and need medical help and meds, which I hope you consider doing.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 04:01 PM
**Puts down popcorn to respond**

First, I need to clarify something, namely, your post. I am not a moderator, nor do I claim I should be, however, for the sake of my own response, I need to clearly understand what it is you are saying.

(I apologize in advance to the mods for the long quote)

Originally posted by thestatue
Alright, so here is how this goes:

You clearly need to grow up and face the facts, and escape from that security blanket your hiding under. The fact that there are really powerful beings out there and the fact that one of those, being God, is the most powerfu.l He is the very source of all power on this planet.

I think you should get over it, or you could decide to get with the real world. The world is not flat, the earth i not the center of the universe and that the fact is God is real.

I mean, humans really do have to grow up. Its like facing the fact that there is no Santa. Don't to be the ignorant little kid who believes in Santa so much he convinces his friend, then one day someone takes you to the north pole and you find out he isn't there, and he isn't real.

Be like the kid who finds out there is no Santa at age 5 goes through life helping kids from ignorance.

DENY IGNORANCE, accept freedom and get that security blanket off please.

1. Now, the first thing I would like to suggest is that if you need to be taken seriously, then you need to speak.......CLEARLY! If no-one can understand you, then how can you expect an intelligent, respectful response. You claim to be getting nothing but hostile responses, this is probably one of the reasons why.

2. Second, your posts have very quickly shifted from your original claims to direct statements that God is the only God, and that we all need to face facts. The second point I will make is that if you want to be taken seriously on ATS/BTS/PTS, then you need to have substancial albeit even coincidental evidence that you might be able to use in your defense. By making false claims here in these forums is an outright death sentence for your profile/account, what-have-you. ATS is not here to listen or tolerate any one person or persons who just want to spout their rhetoric and leave it at that. You WILL have intelligent responses, as there are some geniuses on these forums, and some very very respected members of varying communities.

3. Third, Divergance of topic. If you claim to be an angel, fine, we here at ATS are subjective enough to let you speak your side of the story. Up until you prove to someone that you are what you claim you are, you are just a story, nothing more...I'm sorry.

4. Denying Ignorance. This is EXACTLY what the members here posting in reply are doing. So far you are not giving them any reason to believe in you, about you, or of you.

I am an atheist, I do not believe in God, I may be a heretic to you, but I will still listen to your points of view, and I will still have an open mind, even though my opinions clash with yours.

Clarify yourself.
Defend yourself.
Do not attack, but convince through proof.

I hope this helps you at least some to adjust to life here at ATS, and I hope you continue to delve into this topic as it could be very interesting.


[edit on 27-7-2007 by Kingalbrect79]

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:07 PM
And please, for the love of FSM, STOP USING THE ELLIPSE ...

Use an ellipse...

* to show that words have been left out

Then he told me that she was outside riding on her bike, and out of nowhere, we heard a crash in the kitchen. After running there... nothing seemed different.

* to show that words have been left out to the end of the sentence (use four dots)

The cat ran up the.... I couldn't believe what I saw.

When you type with it constantly it looks like you're calling people names under your breath or something to that effect.

Free the ellipses three! ...

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:39 PM
Now that we have clarified our position to you, the ball is in your court......So to speak.

(sorry, I HAD to)

What do you have to say on "being an angel"

1. Why are you here?
2. What are your reasons for contacting the human race via this message board?
3. Do you have any special "celestial" powers?
4. Are you completely human with an angel spirit, or half and half?
5. Why now?

Just for the sake of the argument......

6. Can you talk to "god", and if so, what is the meaning of life?


posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Speaking of angels,

One day I realized, they make war, they are powerful and in Revelation pour out vials of wrath on mankind, so angels were also powerful warriors,

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Speaking of angels,

One day I realized

To keep this going, I realized that the "book" is nothing but fairytales. Santa Claus isn't real, neither is God, the Easter Bunny or fairys. But in our minds they seem real and can be good or bad, depending on your mood.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by vckums
Talk about growing up, act your age and have a friendly debate like adults do.

Really? I haven't seen Thestatue post anything unfriendly yet.

Don't sit here and talk down to us because we think you're full of crap. My honest opinion is you're not right in the head and need medical help and meds, which I hope you consider doing.

You sound the like the playground bully, if you think that calling someone mentally ill is going to get you somewhere in his forum then your wrong.

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 03:33 AM
no being an atheist does not make you a heratic its hard for me personally to understand how someone can try and say they are an atheist cause no matter how hard you try to zone out proof of God or "a higher power" it still exist even if it's for a plit second in you mind it was there.agnostics i can handle because they are at least here somewhat the basic principles they inlay in science point to him if you step back and look at both ends real science and science that is supposed but disproved by itself I.E. matter cannot be destroyed,before the universe there was nothing then all of a sudden a small condense point if light and energy......i don't wanna waste space by listing everything.simply look at this scientist finally have adapted intelligent's as big a step as when scientist decided the earth wasn't flat at the time people still insisted it was so just like that soon Godlessness will be faded out it's inevitability (mr. anderson ha ha)but lts use that the matrix i mean come on pop culture these days Agent smith moved through that world meeting different people he took over there body......the conversion Godlessness moved through this world just like agent smith taking over almost everyone except those already free of course.then it cam to one day his day ended.just like one day Godlessness will have to end it has no chance but the days will grow very dark before that day........

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 03:58 AM
1. Why are you here?to directly mingle with humans because you guys are so awesome and God loves you so much also to fight the over all demonic threat that could cause more problems with you own freedom
2. What are your reasons for contacting the human race via this message board?basically just to contact i mean why else read all my post on here.this is a public venue just like myspace
3. Do you have any special "celestial" powers?yes question is what do i not use?alot of them cause they could cause problems.... but near death or major injures for myself and others have made cause for usage.never ever have i or will i for simply to prove myself because my powers are linked to me from God
4. Are you completely human with an angel spirit, or half and half?well for me it's a special case my body consist part angel and part false human called humonculous (sp?).most of the time its all angel you see angels arent invisible naturally only most demons are angels blend in to not distract of take human form
5. Why now?kid i've been playing this game since seth had his first kid

Just for the sake of the argument......

6. Can you talk to "god", and if so, what is the meaning of life?why were humans made to worship and fellowship with God you not so different from angels purpose just humans are made from different things thats why we're so different

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 05:27 AM
Now I know why the early humans have such a hard time trying to understand the divine. The divine just never mastered the art to communicating properly and simply to early mankind. A problem which still exist today, I think.

If the forces of God cannot communicate clearly, effectively to their audience, but their enemies can... well, let's just say that it is a mightly important flaw.

Sorry for sounding so nasty, I am just pointing out what I have observed from your post.

Out of curiousity, how old are you?

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Falken

You sound the like the playground bully, if you think that calling someone mentally ill is going to get you somewhere in his forum then your wrong.

I didn't post this to get somewhere, I posted it so that he'd think about getting help. If I wanted to be the playground bully I'd ask him to meet me after 3 o'clock on the playground. Nice try though.

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