posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:06 PM
As someone mentioned, it's how far the food has to travel to make it to my plate that dictates a lot of my choices. Pescetarianism is a wonderful
choice if you live near the source of your food, (ie. an ocean...).
But other than it being a good dietary choice for your health, if you eat fish imported from the other side of the globe you're doing more harm than
good. It would be better to eat the cow grown and slaughtered nearby than to import a fish product that needed to be transported a great distance.
I'm a huge fan of fish, and it's on my plate at least twice a week, but I choose fish that is not endangered, and it has to be indigenous to my
region. I have totally stopped eating tuna because of the method of catching them and the amount of heavy metals that build up in a fish that size.
But for a recipe:
I cook basmati rice and steam some fish in separate pans.
Scramble one egg with a little hot sauce and mushrooms.
Pan fry a couple 12" tortillas just to scorch them, and make two wraps.
It's a perfectly well balanced meal, and damn, it tastes so good.
Beef, pork, and chicken may not be what you want to eat, but they can be better choices if grown locally and not shipped half way around the world.
Just one more note, see some of the stuff Worldwatcher has posted in the food and cooking forum. She knows her way around a kitchen, and her recipes
will fall right in with your dietary choice.
Just add fish..............
Edit: sp
[edit on 15/9/2007 by anxietydisorder]