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Supernova 2007: a Great Beam of Hope in the human future will visit us coming from far a way

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posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 06:19 PM
The bad events that are the bread of every day in our time are part of temporal crisis that the humanity must have before any important change in the collective consciousness.
The arrival of a new spiritual civilization based on love and not in the power of the law, or the fear is announced in many different ways by almost all the religions and great prophets for the begining of this third millennium. These facts are only temptations that we must pass over successfully to show that we have the necessary qualities to be part of the new order of things that is coming. If we maintain our faith, hope and love intact, this moral integrity will be our passport to the new world. This must be in this way and not in other since is the only manner to convince the humanity that there is no other solution of the problems that to accept the empire of love that is going to rule everything in the future, only by having this bad experiences before we will be able to understand that the happiness doesn’t depend on money, sex, drugs, vanity, egotism, hedonism, power, best weapons or who is more smart, dominant or violent but in the acceptance of our need of love, and the truly source of it that is God, as an archetype of the most pure feeling of perfect harmony within the human being, with respect to the other forms of life and with respect to the entire cosmos.
There is a very old war since the beginning of the times between good and evil, between creative forces and chaotic forces, that duality is the one that explains why Christ announces while he was still in the world that he was not going to bring peace but war, that even every person or family will be a battle field in that confrontation.
The visible explosion of the Supernova in the sky during this year is a sign of our times, well that is something that occur every time in which the world is in a crucial moment. It is important to recall you that the ancient Korean and Chinese astronomers in the year 5 B.C. reported in their records that there was another nova exploiting so low in the horizon in the constellation of Aquila (Capricorn, the zodiac sign of the Israel People), it was the Alpha star, at the end of March and during April of that year. That astronomical phenomenon marked the birth of Jesus Christ, a great prophet for many, a Messiah for others but anyway a signal of changing times and it is the so called Bethlehem star.
In a very similar manner the beginning of this new millennium is for almost all the religions the time of the arrival of the Christ for Christians, Maitreya Bodhisattva for the Buddhists, Al-Mahdi for the Muslims, Messiah for Jews, kalki Avatar for Hindus, Saoshyant for the zoroastrians; He is coming with great power and glory to fight and win the last battle of this very long war of centuries.
This nova is an advice of many terrible events that must happen before his arrival, events that are the last attempts of the evil forces to destroy or confuse the major part of the humanity before his arrival, but the important fact here is that he is so near to us now and he is coming to save the man and found the new civilization of love;
Many people is expecting the arrival of this Avatar or Messiah in a physical specific way or form, according with the different religions vision of the so called 'end of world' that is really not an end but actually a new beginning or renascence of the spirituality.
Even the people that is not religious but spiritual is open to the idea that we are going to have a close contact with a messenger from the outer space visiting the earth to teach us, or that perhaps this Messianic personage symbolize a drastic change in the Human mentality, a message that push upward the spiritual evolution of our specie. This change can be possible since it is necessary in our time of general crisis for our world, is the only solution to prevent the global collapse.
Your friend,
The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 06:24 PM
my goodness... could you break that down into a couple more paragraphs so it's easier on the eyes:shk::shk:

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 06:58 PM
Interesting. You posted the exact same thread just a few days ago, upon which I responded, asked you to prove it, and for some reason, the thread is now trashed, either by you or a mod.

It seems to me that you aren't trying to discuss anything, but just post your rhetoric to all those who will tolerate it.

I hope the mods keep on top of this and promptly delete this as well.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Kingalbrect79
It seems to me that you aren't trying to discuss anything, but just post your rhetoric to all those who will tolerate it.

Ok so it wasn't only me who noticed this nonsense. AOL will post the same crapload of useless nonsense in multiple posts. I consider AOL a troll, Do not feed the trolls!!

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:32 AM
It looks that there are to many vague people that don't have more to do than to try to receive atention by giving the most rough and nasty comments somebody can imagine in BTS.
When I decided to publish my predictions here I thought the quality of the communication would be pretty more higher than the one I found, also that the policies are going to be respected all the time here, I think it is time that the managing team cease these type of atacks to my person that comes from this atheist maffia that is invading any thread that talks about spirituality, PSI or Prediction skills.
I request for more seriousness in the action of the administration to stop on time this type of unaceptable replies, this the consequence to the no action on time when I requested to be this insolent people. What must happen here to understand that this is harrassment & must be punished!
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 05:01 PM
The Peace of God for all that belong to the light,
This is to share with my readers a response to the letter and question of a person that wrote to me few days ago about this same thread and how can be connected to what happend after the death, and with respect to the personal salvation.
In resume my suggestion is be more concentrated to give and receive love, to share the best of you during the time that you can live, to have mercy, to pardon, to live with honesty, to give support to the people that suffer in this world in which the unfair is so common. That is the most perfect way to assure that you have the chance to have access to the eternal life in the presence of God.
Many people is now worried about how to build a secure future from the material point of view for them and their families but few ask the things that you did to me, I receive hundreds of messages asking me about the best stock, the best inversion, the winer number of the Lotto etc, but unfortunately so few think in the need to build a capital of spiritual goods instead of material ones, that is the most important active in the personal balance of anyone.
The Spiritual goods are granted to the people of good will in award of their good intentions & actions.
For the ones that are people of good will, it doesn't matter what is their particular church, since no religion can warranty the salvation without personal merits, the death is only the transit to the place of rest and consolation.
Nevertheless, for the ones that don't understand this message unfortunately there is no more opportunity, no hope after death, it doesn’t matter how smart they can be or how rich or powerful they can be, after death they are going to wait in a spiritual prison, the one that they built by themselves with their own sins, in which the spirit can not rest until the day of the judge.
When that day arrive for the world everybody is going to resurrect only for the judge, for the ones that were not perfect but people of good will and that really tried to live a life of love, God is going to give them the precious gift of the eternal life.
All the chosen ones are going to receive the lost paradise that was given by the Creator to Adam & Eve in the beginning, the New Jerusalem promised in the Revelation book, But for the others there is no more future than the destruction of their souls in the punishment place that is worst than any other thing that the human being can imagine, over there any pain of the ones we know , even the worst penalty, in this world is nothing.
However, pay atention to what was said in the letters the Apostles Paul and Peter that not everybody is going to die previously to the day of judge, there will be some people still young at that day and some others that will obtain the gift of god to be permanent alive only to see that day, that is one of the mysteries of God.
These special people are the prophets, martyrs, saints that are still alive since they have already resurrected in the same way that Jesus Christ did or never die, and that live presently in his court, with the Angels & only descend to the earth by special missions. These special beings are the ones that are going to contact us in the near future in the way I predicted in the Thread of the Supernova to give us a special message of God for the humanity of this epoch.
Peace of God in the earth to all that are of good will,
Happy Holidays,
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 09:32 PM
Kill God. He is the root of Christianity and the root of all the Holy wars that have ravished mankind and still continue to Ravish mankind. Kill God. Kill religion.

Quote from Marilyn Manson comes to mind:
"If God was alive, you know we'd kill you"

Man is evil, his "Good" god is the reason for this evil. Therefore, his God is evil. Religion is evil.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by deadangel23
Kill God. He is the root of Christianity and the root of all the Holy wars

No, man's misunderstanding and manipulation of what God desires is what is responsible for that, not God. You,sir, have a good day.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 12:56 PM

Kill God. He is the root of Christianity and the root of all the Holy wars that have ravished mankind and still continue to Ravish mankind. Kill God. Kill religion.
Quote from Marilyn Manson comes to mind:
"If God was alive, you know we'd kill you"
Man is evil, his "Good" god is the reason for this evil. Therefore, his God is evil. Religion is evil

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
This last Sunday of the 2007 let me meditate in public about one of the most grave tragedies of this so called "Modern World Order" of the Post-Cold War:
The Spiritual death that the Ego-idolatry, the Gold-idolatry, the Sex-idolatry, the Violence-idolatry, The addiction-Idolatry, Hedonism-Idolatry , is producing in the people of our time.

This has been the rule that the New Savage Economical Globalism is trying to impose to the humanity expressed in its worst & most terrible form:
When God is replaced by the Man or by his creations, by his caprices, by his selfish desires, by his limitations, by his prejudges, by his sins: by his false sense of tolerance to the vicious but intolerance to the virtues, his perverse sense of freedom that protects only the indivualism even by distroying the social tissue, by his perverse sense of mercy that kill the patient to cure his illness, offering treatments or medications that are out of the reach of millions, or that condemn millions of margined human beings to starvation to erradicate the poverty.

America has widely known as the land of the opportunities, many people around the world still identify this wonderful land as the country of the American dream. However, few people actually realize that this nation has been for long time in a protagonist place in the History neither since it is different that the rest of the nations, nor since it was made by some special human material. In fact this is a country of immigrants, millions of them arrived to this land escaping from very difficult circumstances in Europe, Asia, Africa & many other places in different epochs.

America has been the Nation that it was for the respect of the people to the rule of Law, what Law? Primarily the Law of God, inspired in the power of the Gospel, since the majority of the Americans of all times were & are Christians. However, if that Law is abandoned or changed for another one it is sure my friends that America is not going to remain in any leadership position in the future.

It is so critical point that a little after the end of the Cold war it was also the end of the American Leadership in almost all the spheres.

It looks that during the present administration this nation is fighting a war of God against the evil axis but is that really true?

It could be true that this War was supported & ordered by God when for instance the principal authority of the biggest Christian denomination, and the oldest one, The Pope John Paul II, in person condemned the invasion of Iraq telling openly that there were no moral reasons or authority to support it?

It could be this the actual will of God when the Pope also menaced with the excommunication to any catholic that publically give support to this war?

It could be this a Christian War when the Pope himself pointed that this war is a terrible mistake that can lead the world to a conflict between different civilizations?

It is this really the will of God when the Pope also called for a meeting of the principal leaders of all the religions to pray together for the Peace after this war was started & precisely to stop it?

It could be this Globalization created and supported by the three last administrations really the will of God when it was clearly condemned also by John Paul II as the new world order in which mercantilism is going to be the only new world religion since now everything & everybody has a prize, everything is a trade good and the salvage competition & consumption without social rules is the only Law?

This is part of the terrible moral illness that America is suffering at present:
Many people think that the solution of the American current problems is to choose a miraculous savior in between the list of pre-candidates but the only truth that is evident is that the Entire Nation must return with humility to the respect of the Law of God, the truly God, and that law is Love, truly Love that: is patient, kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. ( 1 Corinthians, 113, 4-5) so in consequence has respect for everybody, for every different culture, for every different race, for every different civilization , for every different way to pray and celebrate to God, so it is pure.

Only when this occurs God will provide the type of leadership that the Nation needs.


Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

Yet you say, "The way of lord is not just." hear,
O house of Israel: Is my way unjust? Is is not your ways that are unjust?

If a righteous man tourns turns from his righteousness and commits sin, he will die for it: because of the sin he has committed he will die. But if a wicked man turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he will save his life. Because he considers all his offenses he has committed and turns away form them, he will surely live; he will not die.

Yet the house of Israel says, "the way of the Lord is not just". Are my ways unjust, O house of Israel? Is it not your ways that are unjust?
Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you , each one according to h is ways, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent!

Turn away from all your offenses: Then the sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die? Oh house of Israel?

For I take no pleasure in the death of Anyone. declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!

Ezekiel 18:25-32, Holy bible New International Version

[edit on 12/30/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 08:04 PM
The Peace of God to all the belong to the light,
Dear readers
This is to answer the messages that have arrived during the last weeks to my inbox. First at all let me apologize for the delay in this response but I was in a brief recess forced by other duties that requested urgent action from my part.

As I told since the beginning it is indeed true that many of my threads refer to events, natural or created my the man, that are probably not desirable although behind all their apparent bad consequences there is always some good intention that God, or if you are not believer in any religion, the Higher intelligence that is tutoring this world has in mind to allow that these facts happen.

Let me go deeply in this point to say that going beyond all these immediate or near bad events there is a plan for which the salvation of the humanity is possible and the amazing experiment that has been the growing of the life in this planet, and all its subsequent evolution, until reach the present time in which the life has turned conscientious of itself, through the human mind, has enormous sense.

The earth is a unique place in millions of kilometers of miles around us in the space, not due to its size or importance as a planet but precisely as its condition of oasis of a big diversity of life, the most interesting guided experiment ever has done.

During the near future, and specially after the first big issues of the incoming international conflict arrive, we are going also to be visited by one messenger of this Great Mind that is behind the Creation, we are going to experiment a collective close contact with a form of intelligence that is nor human nor earthman but that at the same time is not unknown for us and that knows more than we imagine about our past and our future.

This visitor of other world is actually contacting me, a subconscious communication of course, since some years ago and is guiding my mission in the preparation of that so important time in which the human genre is going to step toward a new stage in the spiritual evolution.

This is not going to be the type of encounter reserved for some few chosen but something that the entire humanity can live and can remember for many generations, also this will not be any crazy rite or anything involved with sects or fanatism of any order.

I am not free to disclose all the mystery that is inside this special experience that we will have but I can say that it will so important that the History will talk about it in the future as a crucial point in the ascend of the Life in this planet and of course of the Man.

With this message I would like to offer faith and hope to all of you that are worry about the future and about its consequences and about if who are going to supervive to this critical epoch, I would like to say that we are not alone and that there is somebody that is coming to assure that world civilization can surpass successfully the current moment.

This is going to be not the first time that the humanity experience such encounter, it was done before with the long chain of illuminates that have guided the humanity in ancient times:
Zarathustra, Krishna, Buda, Kong fu tse, Lao tse, Socrates, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, Hermes, the prophet Elijah, were some of the messengers that have contacted these visitors that the history has already registered.

Perhaps the most important figure associated with this chain of alien visits of the earth is Jesus Christ, so this is something that is not going to contradict in any form the religion or to try to refute it, to the contrary is going to give it its actual meaning and to show that science, religion and philosophy will converge to the same common point of light.

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/30/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:42 AM
Hi, can someone please help me.....

I think I must be "thick or stupid" but I have no idea what you are talking about...

Can someone post an "idiots guide to...." for this thread or at least put it into terms I can I alone on this.

Also I dont remember seeing a question, was there one?

Any help is appreciated...



posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 11:59 AM
yeah the first post was all jammed together into a mammoth paragraph so i started skimming. it all comes off as incoherent rambling to me. to the OP, please condense your argument. a lot of us have little patience for winded articles that lead nowhere. that's why you're getting snide remarks.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by An0maly33

The peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Hi Dear readers,

This is just to remind you that the Angel of lightness has an inbox in which you and anybody can write messages to request guidance or any type of information of his threads. Many readers prefer to use this option than to post directly since this doesnt require previous registration in BTS.

This inbox is available for any reader that wants to use it, it does not matter is if registered user of BTS, ATS,, Armageddon or any other site in which my predictions are posted, or if it is only a curious reader that is interested on them.

Of course that was the source that was refered when it was said here that there were questions that have arrived through messages.

Although you can send messages through this way the responses, specially the ones of public interest, can be posted on the respective thread on BTS.

Here is one fo the messages mentioned:

From: Mahesh Chandra ([email protected])
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: Mon 1/14/08 6:12 AM
To: [email protected]

Dear angel
God Bless you.

Thank you for your predictions and may there be some good ones as well for the world.

with Love

Any way thanks for your atention,

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/31/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 12:52 PM
sounds to me like you need your own website to "provide services"...not trying to be mean, but this isn't really the place for that sort of thing.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by An0maly33

posted on 9/17/2007 @ 02:26 PM single this post "quote"REPLY TO:
Oh, forgot to mention that I find it extremely interesting that the only people who really support AOL and his "prophecies based on scientific probabilities" are not members of this forum until the posts they make in support of AOL.

MajorMalfunction at the thread other seismic events on 2007

The peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Hi Dear readers,

Again let me insist that the question and the answer were both enough clear to be understandable for almost everybody, but if I was wrong in this assumption it is clear that there is no offering of personal services at all here.

The questions that I mentioned are related with my threads posted in public sites as BTS, the sender, one of my readers, also clarified it in his question requesting more information about positive predictions concerning the future.

The guidance that it was refered precisely is to help the readers to realize what is behind these threads, what is actual meaning of them, and why I am posted them here.

On 2007, one of my favorite contradictors MajorMalfunction suggested that it was so suspicious that some of the people, of the one that reply in favor of my threads, register them only to give positive opinions about my predictions.

Now you are telling that if they contact me through the emal is also bad, So it looks that it is bad if it is done through registration and also bad without it, Any way the only clear thing here is that it is bad to express support to my predictions, isn't it?

So What is the matter with you Sir, or May I ask don't you think your position is extremely radical Sir? at least I know that I am working in favor of the truth ,Justice & to bring information to the public opinion.

Of course any reader at BTS or ATS has the right to ask why these threads or predictions are showing unusual accuracy during almost a year, that is not contrary to any policy of this public site. To respond to those inquiries is not only question of good education but mandatory for the author of the threads.


The Angel of lightness

posted on 1/31/2008 @ 01:52 PM single this post "quote"REPLY TO:

sounds to me like you need your own website to "provide services"...not trying to be mean, but this isn't really the place for that sort of thing.

[edit on 1/31/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by John Q

Can someone post an "idiots guide to...." for this thread or at least put it into terms I can I alone on this

Hi John Q.

This is a really simple business, let me ask you 4 simple questions:

Do you believe in the immortality of the soul or spirit and its connection with a superior intelligence?

Do you believe in the possilbility to have intelligent life in other planets or solar systems of this galaxy or in other points of the Universe?

Do you believe in the possibility to travel through the space-time to some other time in the future or the past ?

Do you believe in the existence of the subconcious mind and the possibility through it to contact other minds?

If the answer of at least one of these questions is Yes go ahead & read this thread with entire confidence. If to the contrary you have answer a clear No to all of them don't lose your time and look other threads in BTS, this is not for you.

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/31/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by The angel of light

Please accept my apologies for my first was not my intention to cause any offence, I am here only to learn...

With regards to your questions I did answer yes to all the questions apart from time travel which is still only a maybe for me. So with that in mind I did read through your material once again.

I am still unclear as to how you want this subject matter to be viewed, are you offering it as a prediction or are you trying to create a "new religion" therefore are you looking for people to follow you. Im affraid I am not one of those.

The way you have worded your material does come across as someone who is "preaching" forgive me for using that term but I wanted to make a point. Even more so in the last two lines of your reply to me. If I answer "yes" to your questions then I can read the material if I answer "No" then I cannot. This is not how you worded it but this is how it feels.

So therefore I cannot see how this material can ever be dicussed, when you yourself are not open to other points of view. Forgive me if im wrong but I thought the point of this site was to discuss all possible views and beliefs and then from that draw your own conclusions.

However, I still feel that if you "re-worded" your material into the same context as you have written your questions, (in a clear and concise manner) then you will probably have much better or positive response to your material.

I hope you find these comments useful.

Your friend,


posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by John Q

Hi Johh Q.

Let me clarify that I am not any type of religious leader, I am not trying to found a new religion, I am not going to request contributions of money saying that I am receiving them in the name of God, I only working in a job that was assiged to me by certain type of Superior Intelligence that is the one that is actually behind the multiple accomplishment of the predictions that I disclosed publically during the last year.

I am of course not enemy of any particular religion, faith or church, to the contrary I am trying to show , as part of my mission, clearly that is not the will of God to have this type of confrontation between religions that we can see it is begining in the world, that there is no such thing that we can name Holy or fair war in the name of God at all, and more over that there is a portion of truth in all the religions.

My message is directed not to some specific religion but to the humanity in general and is a message of spirituality, peace, love, harmony, tolerance ( in the good sense of the word), mutual comprehension, Justice, return to the most essential ethical values that are the base of this Civilization and any type of Civilization that has existed or will exist.

The point, my friend, is that there is such order of things that are occuring in this world that even the celestial entities are afraid and so worried about what is going to happend with the humanity if it continues advancing through the violence, egolatrism, addictions, materialism, religious fundamentalisms and neoimperialisms without control.

In resume My message is one that comes from somebody that is incharged to supervise what is going on with this planet & is trying to preserve the conditions that guarantee that the miracle of the life will not collapse under the presure created by the men, and the earth planet will not become dangerous for the stability of this Universe or the entire Creation.

So if you are thinking that I am a new Messiah you are wrong, if you are thinking that I will call for a collective crazy rite you are wrong, I am only one that is preparing the way of the one that must come soon, only a channel of his message to the human kind, and that one is going to arrive in a form that everybody,even the most skepticals, or the fanatics of any religion in any place of the world will know that He is Who is. I am only his messenger, a voice to all that are looking the light.

I hope I have answered all your questions with enough clarity. I am so sorry if some times I look a little authoritative but the question is that I know things that are going to occur that are really important and grave and I am working against the clock, and unfortunately the time is short to finish my job on time.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 2/1/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:21 AM
The Angel of Light,

Thank you for your glad I continued with this thread.

You are clearly a very intelligent person and I thank you for giving "clarity" to your original post. From my understanding, your first post is a message of a prediction that was giving to you. Nothing more.. I havent seen any of your work before in other threads...

Maybe though, and this is just my personal opinion the reply you offered to me would be a much better starting point for any thread you wish to create, or maybe offer the prediction and the reply you wrote to me, together.

For me, I feel that I have come to end of this thread as I do not feel comfortable with the subject matter being discussed (this will be my last post here) although now, I do have a much better understanding. Thank you.

I hope to see your opinions in other threads, as I do feel that you have alot to offer..

I also wish you luck with your journey...

Your friend,


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by John Q

Dear John Q.

Just some last words to finish this interesting dialogue, to answer your final conclusion.

I am perfectly concious that it was probably better to start my job with this type of explanation that I only gave in my response to you.

However, knowing that the humanity at present is so skeptical, an so lack of confidence, and in some sense with good reasons, since the world is plenty of new sects, new "prophets" and a lot of other species of liars and trafficants of false expectations, I needed to proceed in this only way to show that this is something entirely different.

In March 2007 I disclosed the first of all my threads, it was about an incoming earthquake that was going to happen in Guerrero, Mexico, a region that previously to that event didn't had any big seismic motion in many years, only small motions.

The earthquake finally happend and it was over 6 degrees in Richter scale. I decided to continue advising only seismic events for many months only to show that I was indeed viewing the future with clarity.

I know that not all of my threads are already accomplished, not yet at least, but I never lie to the people, I have a lot of respect to the public.

Sometimes I see things a little farther than others in the time, so my most common error is to say this event is going to happen a year before its actual occurence but any way the information is truth at last.

After I considered that there were accomplished to many predictions about natural events, to still remain skepticals, I started the second stage of my mission that is to advise about human events, specially in the fields of national or international economy and politics.

This second stage was perfectly logic, under the present circumstances, since if I would had started with human caused events, instead of natural ones, somebody could put me, by mistake, in the list of suspicions of Terrorism or something similar. My God pardon me to be so sincere! , but the situation in America is so complicate even for an Angel in our times!

We are still in that stage but your questions were a good reason to go ahead in the next stage of my mission that is to talk clearly what is the reason of my activity, what is my mission and why the humanity must listen me carefully since I am the only channel from above that is offered to see the light in a time that is plenty of darkness.

thanks my friend,

If you or any other new reader wants to check all my threads you can see them at:

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 2/2/2008 by The angel of light]

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