posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:52 AM
Im not sure if this is the right forum or not for this but its the closest one i could find. Anyway i was looking at a website that showed the
transition of the modern day English alphabet from Phoenician to current. And something caught my eye a few of the letters really haven't changed
much they just look like someone dyslexic or someone with bad handwriting mutated it somewhat. Looking at the original letter A it just looks turned
sideways, B,C,E,P,got flipped backwards m & n got flipped upside down S got flipped sideways. Those are just a few i noticed, it just looks to me
like Dyslexia or bad handwriting gave birth to modern day letters. Anyone else ever notice this?
Heres the site with the evolution of the alphabet i was talking about!/Alphabet%20Evolution.gif