Well I continue to read piles of information on 2012 and what may transpire, now I would like to share with all of you what I think could happen.
I have read some interesting theories but here is mine, loss of everyone’s memories, let me explain.
Most of us know that in 2012 we are reaching a galactic alignment that only occurs once every 26,000 years, which is extremely significant. My
particular theory was hashed out long before the Net was established, so I will do the best I can to remember it, but I think I am starting to forget
it a bit.
It goes like this our minds are like computer hard drives saving data, memories, and everything else we experience in life, also this theory goes a
bit further and adds genetics into the mix, but I will stick with memory for now.
Now many of you know the theories of polar shifts, possible loss of gravity, earth’s rotation stopping, etc....now what if in all of this shifting
that are human minds are just like hard drives, and a major shift wipes clean, reformats, or erases all data in our memories?
Think about it, whales are losing their ways in the oceans; bees seem to have a difficult time finding their way back to hives worldwide, and what if
these precursors are indicators like the canaries that the miners used to use? What if certain species are more sensitive than we are?
Can you imagine an entire society not remembering a damn thing, words not looking familiar, or anything for that matter just a blank slate, like a
bunch of Alzheimer’s patients but on a global scale? We would have to learn all over again or maybe not.
Here is where my genetics theory kicks into play, now many on this site know about inactive DNA or some call it junk DNA because science doesn’t
know what it is for or does. What if, in this loss of magnetics those DNA were all activated and contained latent means of higher communication to
universal database, kind of like us going from dial up to wide open fiber optics and going from an intranet to a WWW or Universal Web. So our
unlearning old ways would make way for our new learning, receiving and communicating with all. I have coined it “The Universal Degauss”, an
opening up of a universal channel to all information everywhere, in the entire universe, on every level. Now how is that for a theory?
[edit on 25-7-2007 by Realtruth]