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Question for those who believe that 9/ 11 was an inside job

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posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 08:26 AM
What gets me about this is that some people claim it was an inside job. Most of the claims are possibly based on the fact that some people living here in the states hate the government because of different things. Some of the reasons that people hate the government is because of simple things. It could be anything from the size of the government to not helping the small business. On the other hand, it could be because that people see this administration as to being an administration that can get by with breaking the law.

Granted that this administration is testing the Constitutional Waters as to what is legal by their standards and what is legal by the Constitution. Holding terror suspects at Gitmo for years without a trial should be defined as being in violation of Habeus Corpus, the Constitution, and maybe even the Gevena Conventions. Granted that the actual terrorists do not go bye the Geneva Conventions nor any other documents as previously stated. To say that if we don't find the terrorists before they strike us is an understatment. More than likely there are terrorists in this country that do want to strike fear into the hearts of us Americans and people around the world.

To me saying that the government intentionally did this is just wrong. I agree with what was said before about an attack like that happening. It could have happened the same exact way if Gore and Liebermann were in office in 2001. Whoever said this is dead right, "An attack can happen at any place, any time, during any presidency." However, I don't agree that if Clinton was in office and something like this happened that people wouldn't be bringing up the phrase "Inside Job." What blows my mind is that any person can claim that the attacks were an inside job.

The only the suspicious in my mind on 9-11 was the crash of Flight 93.

All I have to ask is that.....

Do these people even have the slightest of evidence to support the inside job claim?

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by gimmefootball400
What gets me about this is that some people claim it was an inside job.

Great opening statement. You're saying that you have a problem with the very idea of 9/11 being an inside job. Not with the arguments that are made, not with the people making those arguments, but 'what gets you' that some people claim this, that the claim is being made, and it's apparently unpleasant to you.

That's the real beef here and it shows sometimes better than others, but this whole "debate", all of this comes down to, more or less, a bunch of people that can accept the idea, arguing with a bunch of people for whom the idea is unpleasant or even scary.

What a coincidence, that such a polarization would occur, no?

Both "sides" of the issue have their experts, no? There are organizations now of professional scientists with Ph.D.'s, engineers with their proper licensing and degrees (for which I can post plenty of links with member lists, names, degrees, etc.), the member "Griff" here is one such certified and licensed structural engineer who disagrees with the official story, and I think most here will agree that he's a pretty reasonable guy, and certainly not stupid.

So the "polarizing agent" doesn't seem to be intelligence, or a lack thereof.

So you say, we must hate our government? Hate our country?

I'm not predisposed to really hate anything, honestly. I wouldn't waste the energy for something so pointless, and I'm really not a spiteful person. So, I'm led to believe that this isn't the case either.

What's left? I'm not a "liberal", either. I'm not even political. From what I'm seeing, I'm telling you that the difference is that some people can accept the idea, others cannot.

You said it yourself, what 'gets you' is that some people claim this. The claim is a frightening one.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by gimmefootball400

Do these people even have the slightest of evidence to support the inside job claim?

the bin laden confession tape being a fake. that was the one part of 9-11 that really has me confused about the whole thing. I really don't know what to believe, but the fact that the FBI does not have any link with bin laden and 9-11 is pretty weird. makes me
and then

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
You said it yourself, what 'gets you' is that some people claim this. The claim is a frightening one.

I think bsbray11 is right on the money here.

Good post bsbray11, I'm glad this forum has active posters as your self.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Regardless of who the administration was, yes, I would still very much like to know:

- What melted the steel girders of WTC 1, 2 & 7 in such volumes as to create the underground conditions described by clean-up workers (some workers described conditions like being in a foundry or volcano)? If these conditions were exaggerations, what caused the extreme 'hotspots' beneath the rubble (in some areas reportedly as hot as 1,500 degrees farenheit)?

- What caused the violent white plumes, appearing during the collapse of the building but well below the primary plane of destruction, to eject from WTC 1 & 2's faces?

- What was the cause of the sub-basement explosions? These explosions (it is relatively safe to call them that at this point) we recorded on camera, testified to by witnesses, and recorded on at least one seismometer.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:46 AM
DICK CHENEY, DICK CHENEY, DICK CHENEY !! He is not just ANY old VP. He chose HIMSELF (!!) for the job; he was supposed to pick a VP for Little Georgie Boy and he chose himself!! After all, he WAS the head of the biggest Federal contractor for many years, he was the inside man for the oil companies, he had a meeting that we still cannot get minutes of ( he will hide that info forever ) that set up the takeover of Afghanistan and Iraq for the oil and resources and hegemony of the USA and allies, he is the most secretive VP in history, as is his ' boss '. HE IS THE BOSS!!

Dick Cheney was and is the point man for the corporate takeover of this nation, he is a twisted and evil man with no soul. he cares ONLY about establishing a facist dictatorship here in the USA to make massive profits and tame the people who love the Constitution ..( remember, G. Bush says that the Constitution is ' just a Goddamned piece of paper ), and Cheney no doubt has even LESS respect for the rule of law.

WHO was in the bunker on 9-11 standing down the defenses? CHENEY!! WHO considers himself and his office IMMUNE from Congressional oversight? CHENEY!! His name pops up on almost every raw deal and denial of rights we see; he is an enemy of the USA and is clearly a front for the NWO crowd. Daddy Bush depends on Cheney to keep Georgie sedated and dumb and away from the cameras as much as possible until a few more trillions can be made for the cabal; then the Bushes and Cheneys can retire to their new vast spreads in South America to avoid extradition to the Haugue for War Crimes trials when the 9-11 truth is fully known and the depth of the deceptions and illegal actions are better understood by the average American.

The fools who watch Fox news and slaver over the lies and deceptions there will never know the truth about these awful traitors until it is long past doing anything about. Complacent media, crooked politicians, immoral leaders,a ruined 2 party system; a recipe for disaster.

No doubt Dick is salivating over the plans for the NEXT " attack ' that he and the private black ops boys are planning right now; this one will give Big Dick the reasons he needs to throw the Constitution away and install a permanent dictatorship in the USA. He is beyond a criminal, beyond a traitor, he is evil personified and a souless and immoral man at every level.

He is the most dangerous man alive right now, at least at the levels he travels in, and I pray that some truly patriotic military men and intelligence people are watching him very very closely and will spring before he is able to pull off the NEXT 9-11 style government sponsored terrorism.

In my opinion, ONLY a military coup can save us now; If the flag officers ordered a battalion of loyal troops to surround the White House and remove the Dick and George's pony and dog show to a new location: Preferably Guantanamo or somewhere that they have sent innocent men and women and kids to suffer. Payback would be so nice to see with these monsters.I hope that they get due process, of course, and after a fair trial, if convicted, I propose the death penalty for Dick and George for their many many horrific crimes against humanity and the American people.

Drag Dick and Company off to the Haugue and then put them in the cell in Spandau that Rudolph Hess sat in until he died; it would be a fitting place for the embodiment of the new evil to sit and think until their miserable lives end in a descent into the infernal regions, where Bush's relatives await him with open arms and Cheney's arrival at the sulphuric gates will herald a cry of joy from the legions of hell: they think he is their kind of guy!! Good riddance and the sooner the better.

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