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9/11 Watch Gypsy at work.

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posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:49 PM
Well they look like hippies but at least they have the guts that most ppl don't have.
she is a little inexpressive. The monster on stage he is not human. If that guy has sentiments I am Santa.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Thanks for posting. I had not seen that. I applaud those women for standing up in a crowd like that. It should be an inspiration to all in the Truth Movment.

The 2nd speaker, Philip Zelikow has documented connections to Bush and Rice. I tried to find an extensive article I once read on him, but can't seem to locate it. In the meantime, here are 3 quick references:


posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 01:19 AM
Thanks for posting this video. Congratulations to these courageous women who take the lead in speaking truth to power. Nobody in the Contolled Demolition Company has the courage that these ladies have in one fingertip.

I was going to ask rhetorically, "When will the American people rid themselves of the various species of vermin that enable the Bush administration?" but I know there is no getting rid of this type of person. One can only remain on guard against them.

I hope the truth movement rolls like a wrecking ball through the campaigns of all the '08 candidates, knocking the stuffing out of all the phonies of whatever party.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:56 AM
Excellent video.
I love seeing that snake Zelekow squirming.
These women, which speak with accents if Im not mistaken, have more courage than many natural born Americans.
Its sad when immigrants are more concerned with finding the truth surrounding 911 then natural born citizens.
I recently met an immigrant from Bulgaria, about 50 years old.
He came to America 20 years ago to escape oppression.
He spoke passionatly about 911 and the NWO.
I thanked him for speaking out about these things, because he was showing more courage and intelligence then many Americans, and he is more concerned with America and her health than many people I know.

I think people that are not natural born citizens, people that have lived under other governments, are more aware of the dirty tricks that government elements are capable of.
Also I think many Americans are so scared to actually look into the events of 911 because if it is an inside job, then Americans would have to actually get off of their fat lazy asses and do something about it.
Thats why I now call America the land of the 'fraid and home of the scared.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:22 AM
THAT WAS GREAT!!!! These women should be commended. All the disinformation and lies can make us passive, but there is coming a judgement day for all the murderers. By almighty God!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:20 AM
That was great? That woman spewed out all the same crud that Alex Jones does. She looked like a looney and was probably sent away for 48 hours under close observation.

Other than that...she did do a good job at disrupting the event.

Lets imagine though, if she were to just ask Philip Zelikow one of the questions... for example.

What if the dialog was like this?:

Hippy Chick: "Mr. Zelikow, as stated in the 911 report, there were put options at a higher than usual number. There was in fact an investigation yet the 911 commission does not release the name of the company that did this. Can you tell us why this has been kept secret?"

Philip Zelikow: "Thank you for your question, in the matter of the put options, the FBI ... blah blah blah..insert reason here...blah blah"

See where I'm going with this? You stand up and start spewing line after line from an Alex Jones website... you will get treated just like she a criminal!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:52 AM
I may not agree with what she says about 9/11, but good for her for standing up and doing that.

If only more people were willing to speak out like that, the world would be a lot more interesting.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
That was great? That woman spewed out all the same crud that Alex Jones does. She looked like a looney and was probably sent away for 48 hours under close observation.

I totally disagree with this statement. In a very short amount of time and without any emotion or hostility, she iterated the litany of unanswered questions and was escorted out without resistance. Peaceful demonstration.

Other than that...she did do a good job at disrupting the event.

I totally agree. She did a GREAT job of getting people in the audience to question the company line. Otherwise, they would just keep sitting there nodding like bobble-heads.

Lets imagine though, if she were to just ask Philip Zelikow one of the questions... for example.

What if the dialog was like this?:

Hippy Chick: "Mr. Zelikow, as stated in the 911 report, there were put options at a higher than usual number. There was in fact an investigation yet the 911 commission does not release the name of the company that did this. Can you tell us why this has been kept secret?"

Philip Zelikow: "Thank you for your question, in the matter of the put options, the FBI ... blah blah blah..insert reason here...blah blah"

Oh right. Wait until the end and ask a question. All he has to do is dodge it by saying it was preposterous and didn't deserve the dignity of an answer, say the Q&A was over...ran out of time or simply say no comment. She drew him out dude. She made people STOP & THINK.

I commend her once again.

Just my .02¢


posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 11:53 AM
wow he seems like hes spent some time in the "mind persuation room".

"All who interupt my typing will be removed from this node.

A message to all you officials. your just dirty fascists liars, in disguise as freedom loving americans. i hate you. and pray you find out someday that hatred and making devices to control minds, and ufos, and drugging the populace is all in vain of reality, and you waisted your lives, driven by the ultimate liar, using the most attractive lie.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 12:04 PM

absolutely fantastic! The world needs more people like her... who use truth as their crutch.. and just stand up in the face of liars/deceivers and call them out!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

I totally disagree with this statement. In a very short amount of time and without any emotion or hostility, she iterated the litany of unanswered questions and was escorted out without resistance. Peaceful demonstration..

She sounded like a cyborg! And ALL of the questions she asked HAVE been answered. She is one of the blind people that can't stand the truth.

Originally posted by kinda kurious
I totally agree. She did a GREAT job of getting people in the audience to question the company line. Otherwise, they would just keep sitting there nodding like bobble-heads...

They pretty much did just sit person actually held up the 911 Commission Report for her to read. I'm sure if you ask the audience, most will think she is a loon.

Originally posted by kinda kurious
Oh right. Wait until the end and ask a question. All he has to do is dodge it by saying it was preposterous and didn't deserve the dignity of an answer, say the Q&A was over...ran out of time or simply say no comment. She drew him out dude. She made people STOP & THINK.

Would he have dodged it? Not sure you can answer that honestly...pure speculation. She made people think alright... she made people stop and think alright....made them think she was a few fries short of a Happy Meal!

Again....she had a perfect opportunity to ask some questions and go on RECORD as asking them. So what if she had been ignored or the questions were not responded in the manner she hoped for? There would have been a lot more respect for her. Instead she was lead out of the facility by two women...

[edit on 25-7-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Would he have dodged it? Not sure you can answer that honestly...pure speculation.
Agreed. I am allowed to speculate, correct? It woud be based on the likes of the ENTIRE administration whose dodges are too numerous to list. Yes, I am guilty of speculation based on assuming he would have done the same.

she made people stop and think alright....made them think she was a few fries short of a Happy Meal!
I like that, I will use it and say I made it up.

Again....she had a perfect opportunity to ask some questions and go on RECORD as asking them.
Uh..I think she is on the record, at least she is on the videotape.

So what if she had been ignored or the questions were not responded in the manner she hoped for? There would have been a lot more respect for her.
It is just me? I think there have been numerous posts to this thread with utter respect and admiration for her. She saw her chance and went for it. She did not risk "being ignored". She ELIMINATED the possibilty for that to happen. Check-mate dude.

Regards....kk ( Ready to Rumble )
edit for typos

[edit on 25-7-2007 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 01:59 PM
There are truthers on here that love her for what she did... as far as getting others to "hear" her? That was not the way to do it.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
There are truthers on here that love her for what she did... as far as getting others to "hear" her? That was not the way to do it.

Wow....that is your come-back? I certainly expected more and I am sadly dissapointed.

I wonder what the proper way "to do it" would have been.

OK, I say it's time to move on. over and out on this one......kk
BTW, I love your avatar. It is perhaps my favorite on the board.

Edited to add compliment.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:39 PM
Many informed and intelligent people ask on these forums and many other forums, yes okay, we know 9/11 was an inside job, but they won’t answer our questions, so what can we do.

People who know the truth and cannot get the answers, because they wont answer us, THIS is what you can do, grow a set of balls, like these two ladies have and shout, the more people do this and do it in groups, the more the media and yes, mainstream media, will HAVE to start reporting it.

We will only get the answers IF we start shouting as a group.

The ladies in the clips are true Americans, is this real America, take the country back.

9/11 was an inside job!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:45 PM
Look at the Fathers for justice campaign in the UK, when they started out, the mainstream media was not reporting them, now, because of some of the high profile stunts they have pulled off, they are a household name and make every national news paper and mainstream news channel in the UK. They started shouting as a group.

You don't even have to attend something to do with 9/11 in order to shout about it, pick big events, any events and make sure you are heard.

Actions speak louder than words.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:32 PM
CaptainO, KindaK is right about your avatar. It rocks!

So do those ladies. Even people in the room where the reptilians were speaking, were applauding them and saying right on. Wait til the '08 election. Then you'll see what that applause and those right ons translate into.

I live in Canada and we had a prime minister who was hated about one third as much as the cheerleader from Yale. The people suffered until the next general election and then the up to that point governing party was massacred at the polls. The hated leader (Brian Mulroney) had even retired but the voters kicked all but two of his party's members of parliament out of office.

That can't happen in the states because of the way that senate and congressional elections are staggered every four years, but mark my words, in '08 there is going to be a republican bloodbath.

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