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The Whitehouse Coup - Prescott Bush

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posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:58 PM
I understand how someone could say "don't judge somone because of actions taken by their fathers or father's father." However, I don't think this applies to our president, George W. Bush's situation because he has proven several times that he isn't a very good president. For example, he went to war on completely false pretenses.... Now, reading about his grandfather's plan to overthrow the American government sheds some light on GWB and for sure makes me suspicious. On the other hand if GWB never went to war and was a good president, then it would be fair to say we shouldn't relate his grandfather's agenda to his at all.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:58 PM
I understand how someone could say "don't judge somone because of actions taken by their fathers or father's father." However, I don't think this applies to our president, George W. Bush's situation because he has proven several times that he isn't a very good president. For example, he went to war on completely false pretenses.... Now, reading about his grandfather's plan to overthrow the American government sheds some light on GWB and for sure makes me suspicious. On the other hand if GWB never went to war and was a good president, then it would be fair to say we shouldn't relate his grandfather's agenda to his at all.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:58 PM
sorry double post...

[edit on 25-7-2007 by thizellewashington]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 07:49 PM
I think Vegabond has laid it out pretty clearly.

I dont think that he should have to bear the weight of his fathers if he truely keeps his own council, he should be given a chance. but it was never brought to light, not even during the elections when it could have been crippleing.

Why havnt the skull and bones society been attacked by other politicians, are these guys really that scary? The entire board of directors of Brown Brothers Harriman bank during its laundering days in WW2 were members of the skull and bones. Shouldn't that club be shut down by now?

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:06 PM
The more you learn about the elitest it is truly overwhelming.

How do we the people go against power like this? Maybe one step at a time.

I know I could never say anything good about the man after he had the nerve to say, Our Constitution was nothing but a God dammed piece of paper. As far as I am conceerned the man should have been ................................................. don't you agree.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by observe50]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by observe50
If you read about the past Bush family and the Rockerfeller's and how the Harriman's are involed you can see how there Dynasty evolved.

To say little Georgie can't be held accountable for what his past family did IMO is wrong for he is carrying on the LEGACY.

When reading you will see how the Harriman's were involved and what they did and how they pulled in the Bush family.

It's always been USA/ENGLAND the elite are so far imbedded that it is probably impossible for we the people to crumble them.

We have had blinders on. They know we are learning to take the blinders off and they are watching us. They have prepared and they have the money and weapons and Executive Orders to control and/or execute (Holocaust style) us.

If you really get into it you will learn that they have boxcars ready that have shackles in them for people that fight if/when an uprising comes. I have heard that hugh buildings have been built where people will be hearded. A man working on the construction realized what was going on and left the crew and went into hiding. He said at first he thought they were just doing regular construction, he started to wonder when he saw gas lines being put in high up in the walls. He said the way these gas lines were being installed was to cause mass murder. He down right said when he realized what was happening he disappeared.

There are others that have written that there are empty camps with armed guards with high walls and barbed wire waiting.

The way I see it we are screwed.

You have heard Georgie say before, you are either with us or against us, get the hint.

This is one reason I feel either something is going to happen and Georgie is going to issue an Executive Order and stay in office or this next election is a joke for they have already bought and paid for the next Pres. If I had to guess I will say that Daddy Bush and Bill Clinton became close buds and daddy runs the shows so Hillery is my bet, it's all control.

My question to you is do you think the Bush Dynasty (DIE-NASTY) can be taken down? Think about what I wrote then start doing some reseaarch on The Bush, Rockerfellers and one thing will lead to another.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by observe50]

Do you have even one fact to backup these paranoid ramblings ? Boxcars.....Huge buildings with gas lines running up the walls......un-named construction worker dissappearing......empty camps with guards high walls and barbed wire ?

Where did you get all of this. Please show some evidence and post some links. This has to be some of the wildest stuff I have ever read.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:30 PM
Not to "guild the lily", but I pose a question for those of you who feel that bush should not be judged based on his family's legacy, and that questions is:

Would GW Bush be president today were it not for Prescott and George Senior?

I may be wrong, but that to me is the PURE definition of being a direct product of your legacy.

I mean c'mon.

Your grandfather tried to overthrow the government and install a Nazi inspired fascist government

and then BY CHANCE

your son goes on to be the head of the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY then to Leader of the "free world"

AND THEN his C average son just HAPPENS to become president (after governing Texas)????

Other son GOVERNOR of Florida?



[edit on 25-7-2007 by TruthWithin]

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 11:47 PM
The main reason G.W. is the president is the wealth of his family. When was the last time we had a president that came from a middle class family. Big time politics is played by people with big time money.

Unfortunately politics American style has become the game of the super rich. I honestly don't see much conspiracy beyond that.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 08:21 AM
Don't know if this is any help but I thought it was interesting

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by VampyrOsis
Here is a link to an interesting article. It is a bit lengthy but a good read.

Wow that's a good article. Loads of information that i wasn't aware of. Everyone should really check it out.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:31 AM
If anyone is interested in listening to The White house Coup on BBC-Radio
here is the link.

Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA in 1933 by a group of right-wing American businessmen

Just click the "listen to the latest edition button"

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:53 PM
has anyone noticed the new british priministers surname?

John Prescott

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:53 PM
has anyone noticed the new british priministers surname?

John Prescott

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 09:00 PM
The current British Prime Minister is one Gordon Brown.

John Prescott resigned as Deputy Prime Minister when Tony Blair stood down.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 10:55 AM
I've been studying this for a very long time, not counting living in the Middle East four years, Kosovo for five and the Congo for one. Mostly government contracts. The actual conspiracy that we are experiencing is linked throughout history. At the present, I'm going to toss out links relative to the Coup attempt only.

I've got the original book that was written by Jules Archer in 1973. The thing cost me $532.00 because very few on are the shelve. I found out in November that the book has been republished as of January 2007 and last time I heard it was available.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 11:57 AM
More on the same subject, from "The Plot to Seize the White House" by Jules Archer

Also from Wiki.....from the Congressional investigation of the incident, by The McCormack-Dickstein Committee, this is the public statment that was issued:

Public Statement

If anyone is interested, I found a site listing inter war period documents, up to 1941, ...This is a huge list...VERY ACADEMIC.... Lots of digging, probably lots of info to be found.....on this and other things.

I wonder how comfortable we would have been if Hitler's son or grandson had wanted to become a leader in post war or modern day Germany??

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 07:30 PM
It's not who you can buy, it's who wants to buy you.

If wealth alone could explain Bush's presidency, Ross Perot would have been elected in 92 and probably served two terms, and odds are that Warren Buffet would have followed him.

Money alone won't do it though. Those with not only the real money but the real power, through well-placed investments and connections to others who are well invested- in short those who own the machinery that makes our society possible- don't lower themselves to the level of the white house (which is the office of the Vice President of Public Relations). They buy off lower-level people to do their dirty work. Like kings, they choose families to a hereditary peerage, and it is the duty of these lesser families to be the middle management and to handle the serfs.

The Bush family is one such family. Samuel P Bush was the "knight" who made the family- he did well in the service of the Rockerfellers and so they got his son Prescott Bush into the Skull and Bones to be groomed to fill his father's shoes in the future.

Prescott Bush furthered the family through his willingness to dirty his hands and do what was asked of him. He was successful in the business he was charged with, he was willing to be the person at risk in such business as dealing with the Nazis, etc.

His son was groomed to fill his shoes in the Skull and Bones, and on the basis of two previous generations of dependable and faithful service he was allowed into the big game. He played it well- perhaps too well for his family's own good. He was greedy. He wanted a promotion. He wanted the presidency. Ford tried to make him unelectable by sending him to the CIA- that was not a gesture of good will.

But Bush came back anyway in the 1980 campaign- at least he could be controlled. Nobody counted on Reagan beating him senseless in the primaries. They scrambled to force Ford onto the ticket, and he would bring Kissinger and Greenspan with him- the fact of the matter was, they intended to steal Reagan's administration from him with a "co-presidency" dominated by Ford.
Who knew that Reagan hated Ford and Carter more than he feared Bush's "liberal" appearance? Bush bowed down to a new master, embracing Reagan's platform, and got himself a vice presidency that was never intended to be his.
To make it right again, they shot Ronald Reagan- a favor done for Bush that gave him more clout in the administration and repurchased his loyalty, as well as serving as a reminder that the elected are meant to follow orders.

By virtue of the position he'd manuevered himself into, Bush 41 was allowed to become their president briefly. They used him for their manuever with respect to Iraq, expecting it to destroy him, but "The Mother of All Battles" was a shockingly one sided affair, to the shock of all the experts (even the commandant of the Marine Corps took one look at the original battle plan from Schwartz-wartz and said, "My God, it'll be another Tarawa"). So they used economics to get rid of Bush and they put up Clinton, with stunning success.

Bush was still pushing his dynasty, and it was time for the next move in the middle east anyways, so they went ahead and gave Bush enough rope to hang himself with.
This Bush didn't have the moral courage or the cunning to manuever the way his father had. He broke from his father and he was a good soldier, much more in the style of Prescott Bush than George H. W. Bush, and he didn't even understand that he was being punished for his father's ambition. They used him to get what they wanted and destroy the Bush family at the same time.

The Bush family is bought for a purpose, and punished harshly when it does anything other than what it is paid to do. It's not the money, it's making yourself a commodity.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by justyc
and what was bush snr doing for a job at that time and what jobs did he go on to do afterwards? you just don't go from being a nobody straight into being the cia director. just look around the circle of friends then and now.

besides, do you think his father wouldn't have included him and the rest of his family in their plans? these people don't plan what they're going to do the next day - they plan what they're going to do for the next couple of centuries! taking control of america was just their opening move in their game of global chess. and the worst part is that they are going to win it for lack of any opposing player because they bought/killed off all their oppositions pawns a long time ago.

During the Bay of Pigs fiasco two of the ships that landed the invasion force of cuban exiles were named the "Barbara" and the "Houston." Bush Sr. at the time was CEO of Zapata oil co. which happened to be based in Houston. The CIA is well known for using front businesses to launder money and host operations.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:48 AM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Smedley's own book "War Is A Racket". in which he talks about the whole coup attempt. It is a short read and very worthwhile. Smedley was a war hero, the real thing, he loved his country and was appalled at the coup attempt.
At that time Prescott Bush worked for Avrell Harriman, doing his dirty work. It's no stretch to surmise that Prescott was probably in on the coup in some way, at the very least he would have had known about it.
Prescott actually INVESTED money to back up Hitler's Nazi machine. He was charged with aiding and abetting an enemy, I believe in 1942. I don't know the exact outcome of his trial, but 10 years later, he became a Senator.
The Bushes have had enough money and power to become elitist players themselves, which they have done.
There is also documentation that Bush Sr. was in the CIA at least as far back as Aug. 1963, several months before Kennedy's assasination. Check out "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper, a picture of the document is in there.
The Bushes were closely allied with Hitler, it's no stretch of the imagination to say that Prescott had a part in the planned coup, especially since they were hoping to institute Hitler's ideas.
Also, if you haven't read Kitty Kelly's book, it's an excellent resource. She has tons of footnotes and documentation to back up everything she says. Her books are always very well-documented. In fact, she has less information on Prescott's Nazi dealilngs that I've seen elsewhere.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by clay2 baraka

During the Bay of Pigs fiasco two of the ships that landed the invasion force of cuban exiles were named the "Barbara" and the "Houston." Bush Sr. at the time was CEO of Zapata oil co. which happened to be based in Houston. The CIA is well known for using front businesses to launder money and host operations.

ahh - you missed one there.... don't forget his wife's name is barbara! but of course that is all coincidence as is everything that follows the bush family around.

info on zapata and its dodgy characters/history here

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