posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 05:03 PM
Hi All,
Once, back when I was around 13 something that could be called levitation happened to me. Summer night, full moon, heading over to a friends house I
had a run in with the granddaddy of Western Cottonmouths.
I was crossing a field that all the kids used as a shortcut to the other side of the subdivision, sticking to the little trail we used. Just as I was
on the last bit before having to cross the ditch (there was a log that we used to walk across it) I looked down and at my feet, maybe a foot in front
of me I saw it. The moon was shining on the biggest, fattest, meanest looking cottonmouth I had ever seen. He was curled up with his head raised,
his mouth was open and it was hissing at me, standing his ground.
Instantly, my friend Toby came to mind. He had been bitten a month earlier. The snake had bitten him on the wrist and couldn’t free himself from
Toby due to the barbs on his fangs. Toby had told me he wrestled with that snake for two or more minutes trying to get if off of him. Finally he
just ripped it out, and the two fangs ripped flesh out and made two ragged four inch gashes down his wrist. He was close to home and his parents took
him to the ER and he almost lost his life and then when his life was saved he almost lost his arm from the poison.
All instantaneous, all wrapped up in one moment when I saw it. From my gut, all my mind, all my body said, “NO!, AWAY!” As I said this in my
mind, I rose up five feet, straight up. Then ten feet back, straight back at the five foot level. Then from the five foot level straight down,
slowly. The second my feet touched the ground I ran home.
Whew, this was hard to write about, I really, really hate snakes,