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Big Test Tomorrow, wish me luck.

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posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 12:20 PM
Tomorrow morning I go in for a Stress Test.

A couple of years ago ( I'm 37 ) I started experiencing chest pains, well not pain, but a "pressure" right in the middle of my chest. It would come and go and there were never any other symptoms.

I don't smoke, never have however, very little exercise and my diet is terrible, lots of red meat and french fries, and other deep fried foods, little or no veggies and no fruit.

So, about a month ago, I was having headaches, not bad ones, but bad enough to where I would get tired and just want to lay down. I went to see my doctor and explained what was going on, we determined that I was likley dehydrated, I didn't drink any water, ever! Always soda pop or maybe juice every once in a while.

That same day I told the doc about the chest "pain", he immediatley said that he would like to send me for a stress test.

Well in the month that has passed, I drink a lot of water every day and the headaches are gone. I'm working on changing my diet too.

I just wanted to stop in and ask for everyone's good wishes and prayers tomorrow, I really hope that nothing major is wrong.

Thanks and I'll be stopping by as soon as I get the results.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 12:23 PM
I'm glad that you're not taking any chances. You're doing the right thing. Best of luck there my friend! Keep us updated!

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 06:35 PM
Wishing you the best of luck!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 12:17 AM
GOOD LUCK!......>english
حظا سعيدا......>arabic
bonne chance......>french
viel Glueck......>german
buona fortuna......>italian
boa sorte ......>portuguese
удачи ......>russian
buena suerte ......>spanish

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:28 PM
I'm glad to hear that you've chosen to listen to the doctor and do this test.

The truth is, people often don't like taking this test because it's a bit physically straining, especially if you're not in great shape.

However, the things that could be revealed by a stress test CAN be corrected, through changes of diet, medications, and even surgery. The things that could be revealed by a stress test, if left untreated, can cause you lots of damage.

Just knowing that makes me happy to hear you've decided to get it done.

If you get the all clear, fantastic. If not, at least you were smart enough to find out now and have options open for treatment.

You've made the best decision possible!! Good luck!

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:34 PM
Well the test is done.

It wasn't bad. One of the Nuclear Medicine tech's was a Steeler fan, so that was cool and the nurse was a real hottie.


My EKG looked good they said, blood pressure was okay today.
I did the treadmill with no problem.

Now I just have to wait for the actual results, should be back in about 10 days.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I'll post again when results are in.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Good luck.. Hope its nothing to serious.

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Here's to 10 days time when you hopefully get good results

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
One of the Nuclear Medicine tech's was a Steeler fan, so that was cool and the nurse was a real hottie.


My EKG looked good they said, blood pressure was okay today.
I did the treadmill with no problem.

Now I just have to wait for the actual results, should be back in about 10 days.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I'll post again when results are in.

Dude. I'm thrilled to hear that the preliminaries are positive. That's great news!
A Steelers fan, eh? An Eagles fan here. Wouldn't a Turnpike Super Bowl be awesome? Assuming that your results come back as A-OK, then I smell a Pizza bet should it happen. A tofu and bean sprout bet just doesn't have the same pizzazz........

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 08:21 AM

Well, I got home from work last night, there was a message on the machine from my Doctors office, to call.

I called this morning.

I have to see a cardiologist. It appears that there is some "blockage".
They're setting up the appointment, supposed to call today or Monday with the date.

I'm worried. It's going to be a crappy weekend now. I hate the waiting.

As I said, I beleive in prayer, so please keep me in mind this weekend and over the next few weeks.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 09:09 AM

Well the wife and I had a talk. She's making me change my diet, no matter what the doctor says.

I know this is a good thing though and I'll try. I just hate veggies and greens and fruits etc. Yuk.

However, I love my wife and daughter and want to be around for a long time to come and grow old with them, so I have to do it.

I'm also going to look into joining a gym or at least using the fitness center we have at work.

Can anyone recommend a good starter workout? Remember I have to start slow.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 11:35 PM
Ok, glad to hear you've gotten the results in. Waiting time can be more painful than a surgery without anesthesia!

When you go to a cardiologist they'll run another EKG, and an echo which is basically an ultrasound of the heart. They basically will want to have a map of everything before suggesting treatment.

Have they told you how serious the blockage is? Often times when people here blockage they automatically think surgery. It doesn't always have to be like that. A diet change is the best and easiest way to get started. Also, if you smoke (I hope you don't) you MUST quit.

As for working out at the gym, you have to start cardio very light or you'll get winded, which is a very unpleasant feeling. I can't give you any specific numbers, but start out on the treadmill, at a zero incline, and keep the speed to what you would consider a nice brisk walk. That speed is different for each person based on height and weight etc, so you need to get into your own comfort zone.

Try to stay on for a bit. Even if it's only 10 minutes, that's ok! It's better to build yourself up into a full, regular routine gradually rather than burn yourself out the first time. You might be inclined to say "I'm a strong guy, I'll do an hour!" Tempting.... but you shouldn't. When it comes to cardio, gradual buildups are the best. You do this for a few weeks and before you know it you'll be able to stay on much longer and at better speeds.

Bottom line is, you have been told/shown that you need a lifestyle change. It's wonderful that you're willing to do it for your family's sake and your own. Do it gradually and with their support you'll be on your way to recovery and to a new healthy lifestyle.

Best of luck and if you ever need any advice don't hesitate to u2u me! Stay positive!

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 08:27 AM
My Regular doctor looked at the film and his exact words were:

"it appears that there is some blockage, I want you to see a cardiologist to get this looked at.".

Didn't give a percentage or anything. I feel confident that it's not major.

Yeah, I'm already looking into some exercise programs and so far everything I'm reading and being told is start slow and work my way up.
Thats exactly what I'll do.

The wife is changing my diet for me, she said she'll just stop cooking the stuff that is bad... man I'm gonna miss those deep fried foods...

Oh well, life goes on.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 08:51 AM
Remember a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart.

All you need to do is find a glass that fits a whole bottle in it!


Take it easy! And with the work outs - slowly slowly catchy monkey - you know it makes sence.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Didn't give a percentage or anything. I feel confident that it's not major.

If it was critical he would have sent you straight to the ER from the office...

This is definitely something you can work on

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
Can anyone recommend a good starter workout? Remember I have to start slow.

Hi elevatedone

The first thing I think of is taking a daily walk. A short one to start off and increase the distance (and gradients) gradually.

As for diet, yup steer clear of deep fried food.


posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 02:00 PM
I love cheeseburgers and tater tots.... man I'm gonna miss'em.

Not to mentioned, a baked potato with lots of butter and sour cream oh and the salt... everything must have salt...

Oh man... what am I going to eat... :bnghd:

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 09:00 PM

Just happened upon this thread and was wondering how you are doing?

Did you get the new diet and exercise program started?

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