posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:26 AM
Christ himself introduced it and taught it. He told us all to take care of the sick. Just that simple line says it all. When he said that, he was
talking to you and me. It means everyone contributing to help the sick. Perhaps through a specially funded heath care program. One where we all
contribute a little and everyone is assured of being taken care of. Yes, everyone. This way we are all doing as Jesus told us and we are all reaping
the benefits. Would you contribute some small amount to assure that seniors are cared for? All children would be cared for too. Don’t you want
that? Imagine the thousands of Americans (yes, Americans) who every single day are left to die, at last being helped out. Is Jesus smiling down at
us now with the way we treat those less fortunate than ourselves? No, he’s not. He’s not smiling at any of us when we allow others to die, let
alone live in fear and pain. A Christian Healthcare system would put us on the track of doing God’s work as he expects us to. Giving to help each
other. Giving to help ourselves.
Yes, sure, some would say it sounds a lot like socialized healthcare. And in some ways, it is quite similar. By it’s very definition, social means
to interact with other people. For instance, we contribute to our police officers so they may protect us. This is social interaction. But social
is just a word… a word Americans have been told to fear. We can call it many things. What we need to do is the Christian thing. No, not just the
Christian thing, but the RIGHT thing. That which God would approve of. We are on the wrong track. We are not thinking. We are not giving. We are
not caring. Look at the people around us. Look at the Earth around us. Are you satisfied? Is God? It is time to change. It’s time to see the
light. Spread the word… Christian Healthcare is the way. It is what we have been called to do for two thousand years.
[edit on 24-7-2007 by jupiter869]