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Chavez Warns Critical Foreigners Will Be Expelled

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posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 10:12 PM
Uganda Congo Venezuela or the US?

May, at least eight French and British reporters attempting to cover L.A.'s enormous E3 computer-game conference were blocked, probed and sent back home, drawing protests from Reporters Sans Frontieres.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 01:20 AM
Chavez knows those dispicable Men leading America want to oust him and take control of the oil.He says they have tried to kill him,so getting people to speak badly about him in his country is no surprise.

Thats what the CIA do,spread rumours and throw mud around in the hope that some of it will stick.American bully boy antics will not do anything just like Cuba.

Off topic, some relatives of mine went to Cuba about Three years ago(no they didnt have orange jumpsuits on!).They were very surprised at the level of hate from every one they met there towards America.They didnt just not like America,they hated them with vengance!Of course Internet mud slingers always say that cuba wants America

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
First he silenced the MSM. Now he is deporting visitors that critcize the way he does things. Usually, the visitors go, then the MSM is silenced, but whichever way you look at it, Hugo Chavez is well on his way to establishing a dictatorship in Venezuela.

Well, if he's acting like a dictator already, then he must be one: "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then by God it must be a duck!"

Okay, humor aside now...

A "Democratic" government shouldn't be silencing the media, but responding with good, solid evidence against their slanders...A "Democratic" government shouldn't get into the habit of expelling dissenters, but (again) responding to the public with good, solid evidence. "Solid evidence" being the facts that he has available that implicates the US Government as being the instigators behind the coup-attempt. If everyone knows the truth, then he would have no need to resort to those draconian measures. Evidently, the American Public has caught on, but he needs to get the truth out to his own people too.
If the actual "truth" means that his own people wind up lynching him in the end, then he must've been a duck...

Besides all that other controversy, a "Democracy" is only a 51% vote away from being Tyranny anyway...The US Founding Forefathers abhored Democracy for that very reason & that's why they instituted a Republic form of Governmenet. For one prime example of the dangers of Democracy, look at what Hitler did to the German Democracy!

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 05:46 AM
Good for him. I love him . I wish we had fine upstanding men in this country, but all we have is leaders that line their pockets with bribes for the corporations elite. Cops the harass and bully us. A government that could care less for the health and well being of its own country men and women. It is a shame to see this once great nation fall to the elite rich. I feel sad for my ancestors who helped build this country. I am sure they are all spinning in their graves. Oh and please no flames. I mean really if this country was so great do you really think I would be so willing to leave? The only people who think its so great here are the rich and the lap dogs of the rich. Go ask the poor how great it is here. Go ask the woman with 2 kids who has been looking for a job for 11 months how great it is. Who has no health coverage, Who can't get any help from the government. Ask her how she is going to pay to see a dentist after she broke a tooth off. Ask her how it feels to breath in air over a broken tooth. No the hospital will not admit her. She is not dieing yet, and by the time the infection gets to her brain the hospital might help her, but what kind of brain damage will she have? Or if she lives at all. Who will take care of her kids then?oh thats right they will become wards of the state. You all will be paying for them then. Its to bad you could not have cared enough for their Mother when she was alive. Yeah she is alive right now, but how long will it take for her to get that tooth infected? Poor diet, open sore. What medical training I have had tells me it would be long. Yeah this woman is real. She has been my best friend sense grade school. I don't have any money to give her. In fact I was hoping she would let me sleep on her floor seeing how I got 7 days until I will be homeless for the second time within a year. Sigh I wish someone would give us jobs. Just one of us with a job would be nice. So don't even bother with telling me how great america is. I live in this uncaring country. I know the truth.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by noangels2006
Off topic, some relatives of mine went to Cuba about Three years ago(no they didnt have orange jumpsuits on!).They were very surprised at the level of hate from every one they met there towards America.They didnt just not like America,they hated them with vengance!Of course Internet mud slingers always say that cuba wants America

Yes, they sure do hate America! That's why they are always trying to come here in flimsy overcrowded rafts through shark-infested tell us how much they hate us!

Originally posted by Sistinas
Oh and please no flames. I mean really if this country was so great do you really think I would be so willing to leave? The only people who think its so great here are the rich and the lap dogs of the rich. Go ask the poor how great it is here. Go ask the woman with 2 kids who has been looking for a job for 11 months how great it is. Who has no health coverage, Who can't get any help from the government. Ask her how she is going to pay to see a dentist after she broke a tooth off.

Your friend has been looking for a job for 11 months with no luck? Is she very picky, or is she looking for a very specific job? Because I find it hard to believe that she cannot find a job in that amount of time. If you're so disappointed and willing to leave, I suggest Cuba - they have free health care, I hear. Or Venezuela, seeing as how you love Chavez so much.

As for your friend with the broken tooth - I guarantee that I could find a dentist to fix her tooth for free within one hour. There are plenty of physicians out there that will assist the indigent.

Sigh I wish someone would give us jobs. Just one of us with a job would be nice.

Not to sound rude, but maybe that's part of your problem. Nobody will give you jobs - you have to go out there and get one.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:06 AM
The amount of deluded people here is amazing. Its funny how if we switched Venezuela with the US and Chavez with Bush we would here nothing but "dictator", "fascist", "Hitler", etc from this forum.

The US wants nothing to do with Venezuela, its Chavez who keeps rattling the saber and instigating trouble and if he keeps doing it hes going to get his a-- kicked and I for one will not lose a moment of sleep over it.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:15 AM
Tsk how uninformed people are its simply amazing.
Chavez LOVES the American people believe it or not he LOVES them.
As soon as he can he tries to speak in English he has only good words for the American people. He is only against this government nothing else, they have being trying (really hard) to overthrow him without success. The CIA is very very active in Venezuela.
Ask ppl from the Bronx what he did for them or the native Alaskans or the many more around south America or Africa. Ask the blinds the people form the barrios.
You are simply speaking because of what your government tells you and the worst part is that you believe them, you are soooo blind you have no idea NONE.
Shame on the sheeple power to the people.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by shots
Let's hope his days are numbered. Last week I forget the day several short stories mentioned a larget exodist of his citizens were coming to the US perhaps a Coup d'état is around the corner.

His shut down media is now also back up thanks to satelite as I under stand

Nothing like advocating the overthrowing of a forieng government. What business is it of US leaders and their media mouthpieces whether Chavez is a dictator or not? Its not like US leaders have actually pushed for democratic changes in other countries, quite the contrary, they have supported (openly and secretly) and/or installed some of the most brutal regiems this planet has ever seen. From Hitler and the NAZI party, to RENAMO, to the Contra's. What does matter is what Chavez is doing for the majority of citizens of his country.

Edit to add:

Originally posted by ChrisF231
The US wants nothing to do with Venezuela, its Chavez who keeps rattling the saber and instigating trouble and if he keeps doing it hes going to get his a-- kicked and I for one will not lose a moment of sleep over it.

If the US wanted nothing to do with Venezuela, then why support the Coup? US leaders have a history of activly trying to destory Socialist governments across the world, not because of its "undemocratic nature", but because of the economic structure of the country. One of the main goals of US foreign policy is to stop any competing system from emerging Why would US leaders simply ignore Chavez when they have nothing to gain and more to lose by such an action?

[edit on 24-7-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
the only people that are pissed at him are the rich and the old workers of PDVSA that used to get the biggest cut from US oil companies directly into their pockets.
There should be a Chavez in every country in the world at least SATAN would not be allowed to go free to murder innocents victims.

Every time some member makes that claim it just makes me laugh... There have been demonstrations against Chavez which rival and have even exceeded the numbers of "chavistas" in Venezuela who want Chavez to stay in power...and the numbers of protesters have been caught on tape as well as what happened to people who were demonstrating against Chavez...

Chavez himself has been caught on tape saying that even if enough Venezuelan votes were collected to get him out of office he will not get out of office...He is not "democratic" in the least and no "edited videos" are going to change that fact. He is a Communist and a dictator who sees one of the last dictators still alive today as a mentor and sees the dictatorship of Cuba as a "model for Venezuelans"...

[edit on 24-7-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:32 AM

Chavez himself has been caught on tape saying that even if enough Venezuelan votes were collected to get him out of office he will not get out of office...He is not "democratic" in the least and no "edited videos" are going to change that fact. He is a Communist and a dictator who sees one of the last dictators still alive today as a mentor and sees the dictatorship of Cuba as a "model for Venezuelans"...

Incredible statement need incredible proofs just go ahead and find me the speech of what you just said.

You know nothing trust me nothing about Chavez you are simply talking about informations you got from MSM well here is a good exercise for you.

WAKE UP STOP SLEEPING nothing you heard is real NOTHING

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by piacenza

It was mainly a coup d'etat orchestrated by the MSM and the CIA if you watched the documentary I posted you would understand.

The propaganda came actually from MSM. I would personaly forbid to watch every single commercial network station until you are at least 24.
Its amazing how they brainwash people.

You are doing a pretty good job at "brainwashing people"....

The CIA was not involved in that coup, anyone who ahs done research on this knows that the mayor reason for the coup was because "Chavez called for the implementation of the Avila plan" and he was taped calling for the implementation of such plan which is what caused the death of so many Venezuelans on April 2002.... Several of Chavez's generals and other army officers revolted against Chavez because Venezuelans were being killed by orders of Chavez during those days of April 2002...

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by vox2442

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Yet he comes to U.S. soil and calls our president the devil in front of the entire United Nations General Assembly?

I know some people will still find a way to defend him though.

The UN is not "U.S. soil".

Just so you know the only way to leave the U.N. is by passing over U.S. soil! So yes he is speaking in the U.S.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by piacenza

Incredible statement need incredible proofs just go ahead and find me the speech of what you just said.

You know nothing trust me nothing about Chavez you are simply talking about informations you got from MSM well here is a good exercise for you.

WAKE UP STOP SLEEPING nothing you heard is real NOTHING

And i have posted such proof dozens of times and instead of giving "english translations and claims" i have given the speech and the videos as they were said in Spanish and called on people like Marg to watch those videos and then tell me I was wrong...of course noone ever anwsers my call because those videos always show the same...

The brainwashing comes from people like yourself and the Chavista regime did and keeps doing to silent dissent and anyone who would try to critizice Chavez and his "revolution"...

Here are some excerpts and links in English.

Addressing the newly elected Constituent Assembly in early August, Chavez called for the assembly to assume emergency powers that would supersede the authority of the nation's present executive, legislative, and judicial branches. "What is occurring is a revolution, and it will be futile to try to avoid it; Venezuela is being reborn from the ashes, and no one can stop it," he told the assembly.

Yesterday, the Venezuelan National Assembly approved the changes to the new penal code. These changes criminalize dissent, criticism and any activity against Government officials by individuals. In the case of criticism of President Chavez, it is a criminal offense to “offend” the President either publicly or in private.

CARACAS, Venezuela - A new penal code approved by Venezuela's Congress would stiffen prison sentences for slander and libel, drawing criticism from opponents of President Hugo Chavez.

Chavez's foes said the new rules were an attempt to stifle dissent.

The changes are ``incompatible with freedom of expression,'' said Alberto Arteaga, a law professor at Venezuela's Central University who often defends opposition politicians in court.

Here is a copy of the taped conversation in which Chavez calls for the implementation of the Avila plan which during April 2002 was the reason for so many Venezuelans getting killed.

Mod Edit: Excessive Bolding – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24/7/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by vox2442
The UN is not "U.S. soil".

Yes it is.

From Wikipedia:

The land underneath the buildings remains the territory of the United States. However, the site of the United Nations Headquarters has extraterritoriality status, typical of embassies.[8] This affects some law enforcement where UN rules override the laws of New York City, but does not give immunity to crimes that take place there. In addition, the United Nations Headquarters remains under the jurisdiction and laws of the United States, although a few members of the UN staff have diplomatic immunity and so cannot be prosecuted by local courts unless the diplomatic immunity is waived by the Secretary-General. In 2005, Secretary-General Kofi Annan waived the immunity of Benon Sevan, Aleksandr Yakovlev, and Vladimir Kuznetsov in relation to the Oil-for-Food Program. All have been charged in the US Federal Court of New York, except for Kofi Annan's own son, also implicated in the scandal. Benon Sevan later fled the US to Cyprus, while Aleksandr Yakovlev and Vladimir Kuznetsov decided to stand trial.

The complex has a street address of 760 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:29 AM
I do apologize but I need to call you a total ignorant on the matter. You have not a single clue of what you are talking about ZERO. First watch the documentary I posted before (even before you start writing one more line).
Some Generals (with the filthiest of the Venezuelan political) elite organized the coup d'etat with the help of the CIA.
They recorded in the morning (CNN did the recording) a message from those Generals that there had been many casualties in the street caused by the Chavez government. (this was registered at 10.00 AM) the first deaths incurred around 3 PM. the Generals also gave a rough and exact figure of the death count. That day a "democratic" manifestation was supposed to concentrate to a different part of Caracas and it was hijacked by mainstream medias and diverted to the palace of Miraflores (the president palace).
Venevision (one of the main MSM) rented in advanced the top floor of a building were the march was not supposed to pass exactly were the majority of the deaths occurred.
The deaths incurred because of snipers that were in high ground. They were arrested and released by the new "democratic" government the very next day.
The Chavista were held on a bridge they were shot like animals by those snipers and municipal police (same as the opposite demonstrators). The MSM mounted the image to show that they were the one actually attacking the opposition.
The very next day while the population was in revolt to get Chavez back to power the MSM completely ignored the majority of Venezuelan wanting their President back. The Army was very well behind Hugo Chavez and some of the best footage was a shot on Miraflores were thousands of people were demanding the reinstatement of the Democratic government of Venezuela. You could see simple soldier actually waiving at the crowd in spirit of solidarity and just a few moments later those simple soldiers took back what was theirs: their own country. Well I don't want to write anymore, your ignorance on facts that you do not know sickens me.
You are an example of what the MSM wants you to think and you are doing a great job at that.
Honestly don't write one more line before you get your facts straight.
Plan Avila WAS BS did you actually listen to the recordings? Do you speak Spanish?
Watch that documentary before you write even one more line and get your fact straight otherwise I take the liberty to call you an ignorant.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:36 AM
I've thought for quite some time that he'll be our next "Saddam". Has anyone else noticed the alliances we're making in South America lately?

First there was North Korea, then Iran and I believe Venezuela is next on the "Axis" list.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf

Nothing like advocating the overthrowing of a forieng government.

Since when is saying I hope his days are numbered advocateing the overthrow of a whole government.?

Go back and re-read what I wrote it is in the singular tense not plural

[edit on 7/24/2007 by shots]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
Tsk how uninformed people are its simply amazing.
Chavez LOVES the American people believe it or not he LOVES them.
As soon as he can he tries to speak in English he has only good words for the American people. He is only against this government nothing else, they have being trying (really hard) to overthrow him without success. The CIA is very very active in Venezuela.

Chavez has called names, and made such claims of many other presidents and "sees a conspiracy everywhere"......which for some reason some people here claim they know everything about Chavez and don't know this fact..

Peru accuses Chavez of meddling

Peru's President Alejandro Toledo has again accused the Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez, of interfering in Peru's presidential election, due on 4 June.
Mr Toledo urged the Organization of American States (OAS) to act over what he termed Mr Chavez's meddling.

Chavez Cuts Dominican Exports Over Alleged Conspiracy
Oil Daily, The, September, 2003 by Patricia I. Vasquez

WASHINGTON -- Venezuela stopped exports of oil to the Dominican Republic last week due because President Hugo Chavez believes conspirators in that country are planning to overthrow him. Meanwhile, on Sunday, the controversial leader also accused the Roman Catholic Church of taking sides with the opposition.

Chavez accuses anyone who criticizes him as "being part of one or another conspiracy to kill him or against him"...

Chavez lashes out at French daily

Last Friday, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez accused the left-wing French daily Liberation of siding with Washington in an alleged campaign against his "revolutionary" government after he was accused of anti-Semitism.

In a speech, broadcasted on television on Christmas eve, president Chavez had lamented that while the world had enough resources for all, "some minorities, the descendants of the same ones who crucified Christ, the descendants of the same ones who threw out Bolivar from here and also crucified him… a minority took possession of all the planet’s gold, of the silver, the minerals, the waters, the good land, the oil, the riches, and they have concentrated the riches in a few hands."

Chavez xlaims the U.S. shouldn't get involved in what he says or does, yet Chavez does exactly the same thing he claims the U.S. does...

Mexico to evaluate ties with Venezuela after Chavez's poll criticism

The Mexican government said it was evaluating its relations with Venezuela after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused it of stealing the Mexican presidential election.

The Mexican government "rejects completely the judgments expressed about the Mexican electoral process and its results" made by Chavez in his interview with CNN, said the Mexican Foreign Ministry in an e-mail to reporters.

"In light of these statements, the Mexican government is evaluating the level of relations it will maintain with the government of Venezuela for the rest of this administration," said the e-mail.

Mod Edit: Excessive Bolding – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24/7/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Did you get your facts straight about the coup d'etat?
At this point you are simply feeding articles you find around. First check the FACTS.
Nothing of what you wrote above is of any interest you are actually getting away with some links.
Would you like me to post 30.000 40.000 links about the US policies?
Now go back to the coup d'etat and start from there.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by piacenza
I do apologize but I need to call you a total ignorant on the matter. You have not a single clue of what you are talking about ZERO. First watch the documentary I posted before (even before you start writing one more line).

I have the same right to call you, yes you sir the ignorant...

The claims made in that film you gave are BS... of course a doctored "english" translation instead of posting directly from the sources...

Originally posted by piacenza
Honestly don't write one more line before you get your facts straight.
Plan Avila WAS BS did you actually listen to the recordings? Do you speak Spanish?

lol...what the heck?... look, i write whatever i please and more so when i can back what I say...and yes I speak and read Spanish perfectly well since it is the first language I learnt since i was a child...

Originally posted by piacenza
Watch that documentary before you write even one more line and get your fact straight otherwise I take the liberty to call you an ignorant.

I have seen that video, and it does not refutes the facts... Chavez is a dictator, i have been saying since 2004 that he is a Communist who is taking Venezuela in the same path as castro took Cuba, and even in the 2007 speech Chavez gave he finally proved that he is a Communist who wants a global revolution and he does exactly the same things he claims the U.S. government is doing...

[edit on 24-7-2007 by Muaddib]

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