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The Fairness Doctrine: Return to Balance or Play for Power?

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:20 AM
I am not particularly intrested in whether the media is dominantly liberal or conserevative. I know both types of media will jerk the public off for their purposes. Thier purpose to me seems often to merely shill for thier respective partys. THat includes the fabled Fox network. I have caught them several times rooting for thier "team" when I thought it was unwarrented. I particularly dont care for Sean Hannity.

However I do agree with the concept that mosts of the media is liberal. I tire of this too. Both sides can get quite nausiating at times in rooting for thier teams. Thank goodness for ATS.

While I dont agree with all the views here I can reply with my opinions and also click out. Clicking out is also what I do when I get tired of the media that passes for enlightened on the boob matter from whence it comes.

One more thing I need to establish here. I dont think the Republican party is conservative. They are just more conservative than the Democrats. I think that in many issues they are liberal. I dont put stock in the Repubicans either..especially on fiscal issues. Republicans are just like Democrats very liberal spenders.

One of the problems I see with this system in play and the plans in place for this country is that the bulk of Americans are not as "Liberal" as some would like to take for granted. Someone would like to default through without any resistance from the public. This appears to be a huge stumbling block for the political system. The inability to default through without resistance. The 2nd amendment issue is a huge stumbling block for social engineers and politicians. There are other issues too.

Issues like the fairness doctrine must be snuck in by stealth. This has happened before on other issues or laws passed...they have been stealth implimented without the knowlege or resistance of the bulk of the American public.
When this type of thing happens..such is a fingerprint of Feudalism. A royalty at work...getting by without the blessing of the American public. Unaccountable or unanswerable to the public for the results or chaos they reign on us. Feudalism is not what this country is about in its charter.

I agree..there is nothing fair about the fairness doctrine. It is a poor attempt at a end run. It is a attempt at royalty..feudalism....on the backs of the American Public.


[edit on 4-11-2007 by orangetom1999]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 11:17 AM
When Hillary takes office, we're likely to see a rash of court cases filed against media that's hostile to the regime. Look for the FCC to change hands. It'll become a lot more activist and then...things will get interesting.

In general, we should expect to see a 'cooling' of discourse that comes from the major media nets. It won't be safe to criticize the government. That's going to be the new norm for the next decade, at the very least.

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
In general, we should expect to see a 'cooling' of discourse that comes from the major media nets. It won't be safe to criticize the government. That's going to be the new norm for the next decade, at the very least.

I think that will happen at the the grass roots level even if the media don't go down that path. A lot of people are going to remember how Bush supporters treated them and you know what they about payback and treating people how you want to be treated.

I admit that with the odd expection(SP?) I am not going to bother much with Republican supporters complaints about Hillary not after I was labelled anti American for pointing out facts and being a realist.

posted on Dec, 7 2007 @ 07:51 PM
Recent events make it clear to me that the media is gearing up for a sea chagne. The last CNN/Youtube debate was such an ambush for the GOP was almost silly. Networks like CNN are gearing up for a very partisan pay-back in 2009, when the Dems take majorities in the House and the Senate. They know that when Hillary makes her appointments to the FCC, heads will roll. The lawyers must be giddy with anticipation.

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 08:36 AM
It's come to my attention that the FCC has recently changed its rules. Corporations will now be allowed to own a newspaper and a television station in the same town. My speculation is that this was done in an effort to allow conservative media a chance to dig in before it gets assaulted during the next Clinton administration.

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