I would not take anything in the podcast forum personallly.
I know for a fact it does not happen to be the most popular area on ATS.
I'm almost positive most users don't even know it exists.
Just because no one called in on skype does not mean you should quit your podcasts.
I have a few out that no one responded to
. Do I worry about that? No. I keep on keeping on.
So should you.
I would love to hear another ninjacast. Just because no one responds doesn't mean no one listened.
If you see 'page views' it means that someone is listening and reading your posts.
Release another podcast. This time, don't worry about responses.
Do one for you. It shouldn't matter if no one responds. This is something you're supposed to do to contribute. If you feel you made a worthwhile
contribution, does it really matter if others respond?
Unless you're looking for some gratification, in that case I think you've done a great job on your podcasts
. Its not easy and it takes a good
deal of cahones to do so. You don't see everyone getting their voice out on the net.
Its a very courageous thing to risk embarassment for the sake of others and I commend your efforts. And don't let this site get you down, there's
always next time.
How many people are podcasting at this time? There's only a little over 2,000 total casts, probably a few per caster. That means there's only a few
hundred people doing this so far. And how many members are on ATS in total? Hundreds of thousands...
Main page of Member Podcasts
All member podcasts list
Don't worry, be happy
Vent. Tell everyone you dislike ATSers not responding to your podcasts! I'd love to hear another one.
Heck, if you want I'll respond to one of your podcasts or we could come up with some sort of debate to get the rest of the members involved. Shoot me
a u2u if you're interested in something like that. We can work out the details later.
[edit on 3-8-2007 by biggie smalls]