A review by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs a year after cannabis was downgraded recommended no change.
Kind of says it all for me. I wonder if the same will happen again?
Though I’d be surprised given what former home office minister Charles Clark said about Brown being a control freak!! Of course he wants to control
us the public, with legislation, the only problem is it doesn’t work.
But if the Labour government wants to chuck more people into overcrowded prison for selling cannabis then that’s fine by me, just providing they
don’t catch my dealer as they’re especially nice people.
The way I see it who cares? It doesn’t matter what the law says, the stuff still lights. And providing I don’t get the death penalty I don’t
care either. Looking on the bright side it’s about time the stuff had a price rise as £25 an eighth (ten for solid) isn’t really enough in my
view, I mean I know it sounds a lot if you don’t smoke dope, but actually it’s cheaper to get stoned than it is drunk (well for me and most people
I know).
My only advice is don’t overdo it because you can get reasonably stoned every night and no one suspects a thing, but if you did that with alcohol
(Labours preferred mind blowing drug given the way taxes against income have remained relatively low on it) then everyone would know something was
wrong (for a start you’d soon be an alcoholic).
However if my dealer gets arrested and if they go to prison I will not be a happy bunny. It’s great arresting people who sell evil hardcore stuff
like crack or heroin, or even just arresting nasty little chavs because they’re nasty little chavs, but to arrest some of nicest people you can
meet, who are just trying to escape stacking too many shelves; ah!! give me a brake! But thankly it hasn’t happened yet.
I think Brown didn’t do cannabis at university because he’s a loser. He said it was because when he was at university the drugs culture
hadn’t really taken of, but that just shows you how insecure about being a loser he really was as they’re almost certainly would have been one,
just that probably, no one was stupid enough to invite him into it since he probably would have said: “I am going to report you to the nearest local
authority as that’s against the law, and against my own personal theory on how to run an economically productive society”
This cannabis paranoia has arisen partly because evidence proves that if you smoke the stuff you run the risk of going hay-wire.
However the
chances of you going haywire aren’t exactly high in the first place. For example only 1.1 percent of the U.S population has schizophrenia
www.nimh.nih.gov... So if cannabis increases you’re chances of getting it by quote: Cannabis seems to increase that risk
by between 300% and 1000%
Then that gives a whole generation which is more than 90% sane. But it gets better: Even if you develop mental illness from cannabis most illnesses
occur as just brief episodes which are corrected when the brain has kicked out all the THC (active ingredient).
An interesting thing about cannabis is that unlike alcohol which gets you high at the expense of killing brain cells, cannabis does not. Cannabis gets
you far happier at the expense of blocking certain information routes in your brain, however unlike poisoned brain cells (which obviously remain dead)
the neurons in time become unblocked (once you quit for a brief period).
On The Downside: During the time they’re blocked you’re brain discovers new ways to send information around itself, these new routes
aren’t always a good idea, and hence mental illness. So you can smoke cannabis, trigger a mental illness, then find it takes ages to put it back in
its box (even after you’re body is cleansed of it). However this is a nightmare scenario which is very rare. In fact it’s thought that most people
who end up like this
would have gone crazy at some point in they’re lives anyway (or at least had a very high chance). This makes them a
small minority.
The moral of the story: Don’t get stoned for days on end or like the majority of you’re life, as this is asking you’re brain to develop
new information routes when it doesn’t really know what it’s doing, and can’t really be assed to do a proper job anyway. Also this is a bad way
of living as you won’t be assed to do a proper job either. It will seem cool for a while, but you’ll probably get the sack, or at least sleep in
too much because you’ve been doing too much. However if you have a bad attitude to work it’s easy to cast this aside and just smoke some more.
This is pathetic. As (eventually) you’ll get very depressed as both you’re mind and brain will realise you’re not doing very much in
life, and when you cut down too rapidly you’ll get even more depressed as you’ll feel as bad as you’re situation is.
Obviously the thing to do is to have (one way or another) a cannabis brake and sort yourself out, ideally you don’t want to get yourself into that
situation in the first place (it’s the penalty for being too self-indulgent).
However some “stupid” people don’t realise this and carry on smoking in they’re pathetic misery. Some try other drugs. Now a “cannabis
slump” as I call it has got to be the worst time to try other drugs, but you can see some peoples logic
“I'm feeling depressed because I'm
not doing anything with my life, but I’ll blame the cannabis for not getting me high enough, and therefore try something else as well, to make it
feel alright” Bravo morons.
Generally you should never mix drugs (even if they’re already inside your system). But to mix drugs when you’re feeling down is kind of asking
you’re brain to do something wrong. And hence I believe that’s why so many cannabis users have mental illness, cannabis no doubt has a risk even
if you did nothing else, but the fact is most cannabis users have done other drugs, and
they’ve done those when they’ve had cannabis in
they’re system even if they felt alright at the time.
Me: I’ve more or less only done two drugs: Cannabis and mushrooms. And the number of times I’ve done mushrooms has been very few indeed (they’re
completely different, but dare I suggest a infinitely higher poker game
if you took them on a regular basis). I believe with mushrooms you want
to space usages
with months. However I'm someone who likes to play it safe rather than sorry with drugs, otherwise I wouldn’t do them at
all. But I do weed because I’ve got common sense, and people who’ve given me good advice. Frankly smoking cannabis can be a way to greatly improve
you’re “living standards” but there are rules.
As for governments rules: crack down on those nasty Chav types as it’s
buying cannabis from these people (unprepared) that will make you wish you
never tried it. And if they randomly come across you, and if they have friends with them, then the problem has just multiplied. This is what once
happened to me, and it’s amazing how long they can remember you, and where in town one of them might bump into you. I don’t know how far away I
was from taking the law into my own hands (big time) (due to stress and fear) however the problem has more or less melted away now as I'm in quite a
neat army of good friends; but then I'm lucky.
[edit on 090705 by Liberal1984]