posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 02:08 AM
James Angleton called the world of cold war espionage the "wilderness of mirrors." Is bin Laden alive? Is bin Laden dead? Only when you want him
to be. George Bush said that he wasn't interested in bin Laden, that he didn't matter. And of course he doesn't, until you want to frighten
America into doing what you want. Then bin Laden becomes like a boogeyman to children, very important and very, very scary. America shivers and revs
up the murder machine.
What's the boogeyman doing? Where is the boogeyman now? Listen up children, the boogeyman is gonna gitcha!!
But don't ask any serious questions, like why your government gave all those bin Ladens a free pass out of the country on 9/12, or who has been
giving the boogeyman his dialysis treatments all these years.