posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 03:36 AM
People may expect to prepare for like the above poster "doom and gloom", but the significant changes may not always be significant...and that's the
significance. Let me explain. Lets just say that Obama would fit the bill of the "end times antichrist"....if he plans on controlling everyone, it
obviously isn't going to be with doom and gloom, it's going to be with policy. Legislation. Secret meetings (bilderburg, etc.). The health care bill
as a prime example - it may, depending on some interpretations, give the government the legal right to implant things into us, specifically RFID chips
for "health-related" reasons (as to contain a patient history, allergies, registration information, etc.) - and you can see how that would be spun
in the MSM as "Innovative and complex new system requiring embeddable responder" or something to the effect of confusing whoever reads it so they
don't understand the the barbaric nature of it isn't exposed...then when it is complete, they have an eye on every single one of
us who take the chip. How did it get to that point? Silent legislation.
it's not announced, or the average joe doesn't have the easy ability to challenge what is passed as law. these exact changes come continuously,
there is no end until they have complete control with the "IDEA" of freedom. you may be able to do certain things, but everything is regulated and
controlled under the guise of "protection" - and sadly, the majority of society will buy into it because our government has brainwashed them so far
beyond our control that it's useless to even try to fight it...because you will be shot down, or put in jail, or killed with the label
we are all in for something, i don't know exactly but close family and close friends i tell them to pay off any outstanding debts ASAP..even if it
takes months, allocate more money to pay off the debts. At the same time stock up for a minimum of 72hrs (IE, supplies to last 3 days - water, food,
heat, etc) if not 6 months to a year. When i get extra income (this summer hopefully...such a long time away though) i plan on putting 2-3 grand into
preparedness for my family...and if 5, 10 years go by without a hitch...we can still eat the food and keep everything else for safekeeping.
it's scary. i'm a grown man, i've had a gun to my head laid out in the hospital 6 days, on the peak of brain surgery but i managed to get through
it (brain tissue healed) alive...and this scares me more. society, the debt we are in, the coming...and its obvious. the end to life AS WE
KNOW IT...nobody is saying what exactly, whether it be religious or financial, or personal or governmental...we just don't know. prepare, and
i have a feeling when the impending doom comes, if it does in that shape, a lot of threads will be popping up or other sites started for the gathering
of fellow followers of the possibly relocate to a certain area thats off the grid but fully sustainable...and just start building the
same stuff to start a life....and if interrupted by the govt., live free or die. i'm just sitting back, smoking some of the finest and waiting. tell
my family i love them every day, spend as much time with them as possible, and wait. enjoy life while you can.
[edit on 29-1-2010 by SRHAZE420]