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R.F.I.D.Chips: High Tech Aids or Tracking Tools?

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posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:31 AM

R.F.I.D.Chips: High Tech Aids or Tracking Tools?

"Ultimately," says Katherine Albrecht, a privacy advocate who specializes in consumer education and RFID technology, "the fear is that the government or your employer might someday say, 'Take a chip or starve.'"

Some Christian critics saw the implants as the fulfillment of a biblical prophecy that describes an age of evil in which humans are forced to take the "Mark of the Beast" on their bodies, to buy or sell anything.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:31 AM
The RFID chip idea doesn't seem to be losing any steam with all of the talk going on about a coming police state the means to track troublemakers seems to be ready for implementation, and is still making the news on a regular basis.

My thoughts are that this is the fullfillment of the "mark of the beast" prophecy, I know that many folks will reject this idea, but whether you believe it or not has little bearing on the fact that this technology is going to be thrust upon us.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 01:46 PM
Some American families have volunteered to be "pioneers of the brave new world" (keyphrase: BRAVE NEW WORLD [Huxely]) by having this RFID chip installed into them.

A Florida family of three will soon be sporting implanted microchips that will transmit information about their medical condition when activated by special scanning devices. The Jacobs family of Boca Raton will be the first family to have Applied Digital Solutions’ VeriChip implanted under their skin, an idea suggested by 14-year-old Derek Jacobs (who got his MCSE two years ago).

And that was in 2002

As for the mark-of-the-beast prophecy, honestly I think that it was a prediction that wasn't that hard to make, very vague and "I predict in the future there will be a man who will kill many many people!" status.

My argument behind that is that book of Revelation was written by John in the late 60's if I recall correctly, and by then people already had a sense of totalitarian government theories, so a 'mark of the beast', in those times could of just been a tatoo you were required to have to be a citizen of Rome, and could only buy/sell with it. Something along those lines. (Mythology)

RFID chips are an upcoming threat and it's something we should be worried about. I would refuse to have one, and if its forced I would dig it out with a knife, rather have someone else dig it out with a knife while I'm on anesthesia.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by Vinci]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 02:05 PM
If you mean "track" in the same sense that you can track someone by credit card use, maybe, but only if a really large and as yet nonexistent infrastructure was put in place.

If you mean "track" as in really badly researched movies with satellites and the like, then, no, it doesn't work that way.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
If you mean "track" in the same sense that you can track someone by credit card use, maybe, but only if a really large and as yet nonexistent infrastructure was put in place.

If you mean "track" as in really badly researched movies with satellites and the like, then, no, it doesn't work that way.

Ok there is nothing like that now, but whose to say this type of system won't be implemented after it is already standard policy for everyone to be chipped? It's not so much where the technology is now, it's where it's going. I certainly don't like it one bit.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 02:15 PM
the way they could use it, and the way it is used today for stores and such..

You have an RFID Chip in you, which has all of your data, and at random street corners, or places in the mall, or around the city, are scanners. You walk by one, it requests the data from the RFID chip, and the RFID chip gives the scanner it's data.

That, in my book, is scary. By the way, thats why things go "beep" when you try to steal them.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
If you mean "track" as in really badly researched movies with satellites and the like, then, no, it doesn't work that way.

Nah, they wouldn't need the Verichip to do this anyway...Anybody who carries a cellphone is already trackable by satellite. Well, how else do you think the phone company's switching station can decide which satellite is in the best position for the best signal? The phone has a little transmitter in it that can be received by satellite to determine your current position...

Let's not forget the GPS sytems in many modern cars...

At any rate, if anyone tries to put a chip inside of me, then the end result is that they'd wind up chipping a corpse.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Vinci
You have an RFID Chip in you, which has all of your data, and at random street corners, or places in the mall, or around the city, are scanners. You walk by one, it requests the data from the RFID chip, and the RFID chip gives the scanner it's data.

That, in my book, is scary. By the way, thats why things go "beep" when you try to steal them.

RFID chips only carry a unique identifying number, not "all of your data." But, in a culture speeding toward big government globalization, the number would be all they need. This number is sent by the reader back to a database where it would be tossed into any number of categories, depending on what you're doing. Readers posted at intersections could easily track your location throughout a city on any given day simply by reading your RFID chip as you pass by. Reading the chips of people around you, around them, so on and so forth would give "someone" a very detailed account of a single day, week, month, event.

RFID technology is a good technology. It's people who turn it into bad things. The only way RFID can aid in human progress is if it is applied in a free market society with a small government. If the technology is applied while we have a big government or a globalized government, they will need to use the technology to track us in order to effectively take care of us.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:04 PM
This article was front page B section of my local paper today.
How many other local papers ran with this story?
Desensitization at its finest.

originally posted by Vinci
"As for the mark-of-the-beast prophecy, honestly I think that it was a prediction that wasn't that hard to make, very vague and "I predict in the future there will be a man who will kill many many people!" status."

Not quite as obscure as 'somebody will come and kill people'.
Actually, when taken into context, its not obscure at all

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;

You see, the mark is also a NUMBER
and you see, the chip is also a NUMBER

As far as your belief that people already had an understanding of totalitarian governments and so the 'mark' wasnt hard to imagine.

Never before in the history of the world has the technology been in place to track every single purchase.
Old Rome couldnt even dream of such power.
A tattoo would have done nothing to keep people from buying or selling, because it was next to impossible to accuratly track purchases.

No, the Bible doesnt tell us that this may happen, it tells us that it IS going to happen, and when it happens the end is nigh.
Incidently the mark of the beast is perhaps the most astounding prophecy ever made, and twenty years ago I would have told you there is no way on earth they can track every purchase or make it impossible to buy or sell without your credit rating, I mean without the mark of the beast, but now we see this technology before us and its foolish to deny the implications.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole

Ok there is nothing like that now, but whose to say this type of system won't be implemented after it is already standard policy for everyone to be chipped? It's not so much where the technology is now, it's where it's going. I certainly don't like it one bit.

It's more a physics issue. You're a big bag of electrolytes - the fluids in your body are electrically conductive. You present a mammoth path loss to any radio signal - which is why other than very short range MICS devices, implants are all H-field parts. Those can't be powered or received beyond a few inches, in practice, or a few feet, due to physical limits.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Vinci
the way they could use it, and the way it is used today for stores and such..

That's what I meant about tracking them like you do credit cards. They could get you to use it like you do affiliation cards or debit cards, that would be easiest, or they'd have to put some sort of scanner every few feet - not likely.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
Well, how else do you think the phone company's switching station can decide which satellite is in the best position for the best signal?

Cell phones don't use satellites, they use cell towers.

Satellite phones use satellites. But they have big honking antennas compared to cell phones, because there's not much in the way of signal.

The phone has a little transmitter in it that can be received by satellite to determine your current position...

The phone IS a transmitter and receiver, with a small computer. But it isn't tracked by satellite, it logs in with any cell tower it can reach, there's a system that decides which cell can best handle it. As you move around, they constantly reassess the signal quality to surrounding towers and hand you off from one cell to another.

Let's not forget the GPS sytems in many modern cars...

GPS receivers don't transmit anything whatsoever.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 05:49 PM

This is from an existing thread where RFID chips have already been implanted in people...

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 08:01 PM
I found this very interesting......

"In 1798, a Methodist Minister, Adam Clarke, wrote: 'The Mark of the Beast will be an 18-digit number, 6+6+6' (Adam Clarke Unabridged Bible Commentary; as quoted in "The New Money System: When Your Money Fails", by Mary Stewart, Ph.D., 1983, p. 152). Interestingly, this concept is being implemented by the European Union, planning to use it on every person in the world! Listen:

"In 1977, Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst for the European Economic Community, announced that he was ready to begin assigning a number to every person in the world; and that he plans to use a three six-digit unit, 18 Numbers." [Ibid.]

Is the ultimate personal IP Address -- implanted in an MMEA chip in every person on earth -- going to be this 18-digit number? In the occult, the number '18' is a hidden "666", because '6+6+6 = 18'. Isn't it interesting that each American citizen is currently given a 9-digit Social Security Number, plus a 9-digit Zip Code? Have Americans already been assigned our '18-digit IP Address"?

Colon Powell has stated that we have the capability right now to track any U.S. citizen with a SS#. the bottom line is.... "we are fish in a barrel" because of todays technology.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 08:41 PM
I found this concerning the first generation of Chips to be nothing more than a red herring to cover up the actual "real" chip which can actually control thoughts and emotion. scary huh.

behind the scene and very quietly, that superscret DARPA "Anti-terrorist" organization headed by Admiral John Poindexter began to pump significant dollars of research behind a new implantable chip called MMEA, Multiple Micro Electrode Array. This chip is so far ahead of the Digital Angel Veri-Chip product, it took my breath away. Once you fully understand its capability, you will realize its probable full prophetic significance, and will realize that we may have probably been pointed to Digital Angel simply so we would not be aware of MMEA.

* BMI - Brain Machine Interface: Technically, this term defines the project on which scientists are working, or the type of Hardware and Software used to connect the Brain or Nervous system to a computer. Please understand that this chip is designed to work within the nerves and soft tissue of the body in order to gather electrical signals from the body and/or transmit electrical signals received from the outside to the body through the nerves!

Brain Machine Interface is simply the computer software that will send out the signal to the chip; therefore, BMI is the software that will interact with the chip, to control the chip and the person in whom the chip is inserted!

* MMEA, Multiple Micro Electrode Array: Multiple Micro Electrode Array, this is the actual Chip. This chip will be surgically implanted directly into a human nerve or into specific area of the brain. The Chip at the moment is a little smaller than a Tic Tac breath mint. The chip implanted into the pioneer, a Professor Kevin Warwick, had 100 Electrodes; each electrode looks like a small needle and is capable of detecting electric signals traveling through the nervous system and also sending electrical signals to the nervous system, this was all performed via a RF (Radio Frequency) device connected to the MMEA.

Think of the advantages of a chip that could suppress the emotions of a rioting crowd brewing in a major city, or quell an insurgency stirring against an unpopular leader, president Bush comes to mind naturally.

I know little about DARPA does anyone else have any info on this group or organization??

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by the_sentinal
I found this concerning the first generation of Chips to be nothing more than a red herring to cover up the actual "real" chip which can actually control thoughts and emotion. scary huh.

Think of the advantages of a chip that could suppress the emotions of a rioting crowd brewing in a major city, or quell an insurgency stirring against an unpopular leader, president Bush comes to mind naturally.

I know little about DARPA does anyone else have any info on this group or organization??

The articles you quoted conflate several things in a way that tells you they don't understand what they're reading.

Warwick had a stock Verichip implanted sometime back. That's the "smaller than a tic-tac" bit. The later "implant" was not a chip, it wasn't controlled by RF bla bla. It was an electrode array they put in the median nerve of his arm, so they could examine the nerve impulses with the idea of controlling a robot hand. The interface is a board that's attached to his forearm (that would drive me nuts). It doesn't control him. He doesn't walk around with his eyes flashing red and green saying "I am your zombie, NWO", any more than other people with bionic hands.

The technology is very crude, and doesn't do a great job with peripheral nerves, which should be a piece of cake compared to your brain. Much less can it "control your thoughts" - no one knows where a thought is, much less how to insert one. The brain is spectacularly complex, and no two are exactly alike.

The word used for "mark" is charagma in Greek - that can mean tattoo, or signature. It can also refer to a sworn oath. Given that there was a common Jewish idiom having to do with accepting something whole-heartedly as "binding it to your right arm and forehead", and the amazing similarity to John's "taking the mark in your forehead or hand", it is probably referring to a person's accepting the word of the Beast wholeheartedly and thus being damned.

Orthodox Jews literally bind little boxes containing bible verses on their forehead and right arm for some services.

Referring to the word of God:

Exodus 13:9-10:"And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes"

Exodus 13:16: "And it shall be for a token upon thine hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes"

Deuteronomy 6:8: "And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes."

Deuteronomy 11:18 "Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes."

[edit on 22-7-2007 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
The interface is a board that's attached to his forearm[/url] (that would drive me nuts). It doesn't control him. He doesn't walk around with his eyes flashing red and green saying "I am your zombie, NWO", any more than other people with bionic hands.

That is if you believe everything that you are told, it's the same with the internment camps in the U.S. on the surface the use of these camps is explained with a rather simple and innocent sounding plan incase of disease outbreak which threatens to wipe out the masses quarentine camps will be the result. but what could these camps be used for in the hands of the wrong men?? there is always an alternative use senerio that is possible, the condition is whether the leaders are good or evil.

The technology is very crude, and doesn't do a great job with peripheral nerves, which should be a piece of cake compared to your brain. Much less can it "control your thoughts" - no one knows where a thought is, much less how to insert one. The brain is spectacularly complex, and no two are exactly alike.

Apperently someone does know where a thought is because how else could we now have the new memory deleting drugs emerging on the scene as of late. they know more than we think I suspect.

The word used for "mark" is charagma in Greek - that can mean tattoo, or signature. It can also refer to a sworn oath. Given that there was a common Jewish idiom having to do with accepting something whole-heartedly as "binding it to your right arm and forehead", and the amazing similarity to John's "taking the mark in your forehead or hand", it is probably referring to a person's accepting the word of the Beast wholeheartedly and thus being damned.

This is an interesting idea, I've never heard this idea before but one problem I see with it would be.... how does the ability to buy or sell equate into this theory??

The idea of mind control is nothing new and would lend itself to the idea that the chipped population would worship the beast as God, to my mind nothing short of mind control would push people that far off coarse, I always wondered how people would be so decieved as to not see the obvious deception they were under, a chip that could alter your mood or thoughts would explain this lapse in judgement. remember once you accept the mark "it's over" it seems crazy but remember not too long ago people thought the idea of flying in an airplane was crazy also.

[edit on 23-7-2007 by the_sentinal]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
Cell phones don't use satellites, they use cell towers.

For strictly local access yes, but phone companies will use satellites to cover service areas outside of the local tower-network.

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
GPS receivers don't transmit anything whatsoever.

It doesn't have to transmit in order to be tracked. The satellites that send the location-signal to the GPS receiver can triangulate the position of the GPS. Go ahead & ask cable TV Repairman how he can triangulate on a receiver that he transmits to.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Actually, in the case of GPS, the satellites themselves use wide angle transmissions. There is no bounce back from the GPS receiver, and the GPS receiver doesn't have to up link with the satellites to attain it's coordinates, it merely has to receive. The GPS system then determines it's own position by computing the comparisons between 3 satellites and their distances.

As the signals of a GPS system are received from at least 30 degrees to the horizon, and there is no bounce back from the receiver, it would actually be incredibly difficult to locate that GPS receiver, short of scanning for all electronic devices and inspecting each one individually.

In the case of the TV company triangulating in on a TV set, that's easily done, as it has a habit of bouncing the signal, and creating interference zones.

I can completely understand why you think it's like that, but trust me, it's incredibly difficult to track a GPS receiver. Not impossible, but difficult enough that it's not worth anyones time to attempt it. It would be quicker and easier to align an optical satellite to search for you, than it would to mess around for hours trying to look for that one receiver in particular.

However, most GPS packages today, also re-broadcast their location on one frequency or another, and those packages are dead easy to track, and most people do not have the skills necessary to disengage the transmitter, while keeping the rest of the package functional.

In the case of RFID chips, they are passive responders. Which means, an RF signal is aimed at the chip, and it 'reflects' a modified signal back. The 'reflected' signal comes in the form of bits, which is encoded to represent a certain number. That number is stored in a database, which then is used to do whatever you need.

It would be a VERY bad decision to use RFID for banking purposes, as it's not difficult to build your own RFID scanner, and simply pick up numbers as you walk down the sidewalk. At which point you can make a simple active transmitter, and spoof any other RFID scanner into thinking you are in possession of that bank card.

RFID technology at the moment is rather short range. At least the smaller, more easily used systems are. Short of having a network of 'door-frame' scanners acting as checkpoints, it wouldn't be feasible to use RFID to track someone at the moment.

The operative part of that being "at the moment". Technology progresses, and scanners become more accurate and more sensitive as time progresses.

Right now, it's your cell phone you need to worry about. Most of them are still in a passive response mode while they are turned off. Most don't actually turn off, they simply enter a standby mode, in which they can be 'woken up' at any given time with the right signal and use of it.

If the government really wants to track you though, they have MANY better ways of doing it. I do mean MANY.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 03:29 AM
One person in the article posted stated this concerning his chip experience....

"My friends have commented to me that I'm 'marked' for life, that I've lost my anonymity. And to be honest, I think they're right."

perhaps this should stand as a reminder to those of us who would consider such an action as harmless.

The article also stated that this concerning GPS techonlogy to track individuals.

Do the current chips have global positioning transceivers that would allow the government to pinpoint a person's exact location, 24-7? (No; the technology doesn't yet exist.)

Notice the key word "yet" meaning that it could in the near future, but ask yourself whether the government would admit it if they did have the technology now, they have been soooo honest thus far in other areas, yes??

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