Bloody hell! This guy is nuts. But I agree, he's not a vampire, just a looney who believes he is el Chupacabra or something. Man, that's a lot of
blood! Those Kali worshippers are all crazy if you ask me.
Definitely not a vampire, just a dim-wit who is in a dangerously warped cult of demonic possession, and messing with the underworld. He puts the true
definition of vampire to shame.
I hope he gets mad-goats disease!
This guy is not a vampire and far from it he drinks blood of Goats, There are many Ethnic tribes in Africa like the Maasai and the Kikiyu (Spell
check) that drink the blood of there cows when there is nothing else to drink and they arent considered Vampires, This is just some guy getting credit
for drinking blood, Pathetic really :\