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Survive a "Police State", inspired by:~Old-line Republican warns~

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posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 01:40 PM
Had to do it, another topic and discussion was worth the thread to do so. First step would be to follow the suggested links below, and or find then read the publication. It has been around for more than a decade that I know of, and is very informative, if only for "educational purposes".

The material has been posted before, but is buried under years of ATSer contributions, and to put it simply. I know not where to begin finding it, that and the link in the OARP thread seems as mentioned below, disconnected.

Other contributions of material and suggestions are welcome. Please be open, and co operative in the hopefully on going discussion/thread.

This is a good start, because "knowing is half the battle".

Let me post my reply from the inspirational thread;

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Police state, how about it?
Recalled this bit of info, it was mentioned and posted about in the OARP thread but the link may be disconnected.

So to make this interesting, and fun in my opinion, here is a clue to help search it out. It's a publication, I've read a copy and can verify it is a pub.
Said pub has been in circulation for a number of years, prior to 2000, and seems to be spread on a less than major venue. Libraries may have a copy, depends on your library.

Ok, for those of you who I know won't dig, here is a little excavation I did to help get you started.

Scanned over "Lawful Path" link, it is a decent text copy of the pub.

1. P&MANWO - Vampire Killer 2000 And that?s just what Operation Vampire Killer 2000 does! ... Step One: order Operation Vampire Killer 2000, a 75-page report written specifically to inform [Found on Google, Windows Live, Yahoo! Search,]

2. Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - The Lawful Path American Police Action Plan for Stopping World Government Rule. [Found on Google, Windows Live]

3. Operation Vampire Killer 2000 Police Against the New World Order ...
Our OPERATION VAMPIRE KILLER 2000 plan involves the awakening (education) of our fellow officers to the extreme need for them to take an immediate and [Found on Google, Yahoo! Search]

4. Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - The Lawful Path Our OPERATION VAMPIRE KILLER 2000 plan involves the awakening ... VAMPIRE KILLER ... just like the old movie Vampires, must do their dirty deeds in [Found on Yahoo! Search,]

5. | Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - The Police Officers, National Guardsmen and military officers who have contributed to this special publication ... [Found on Google,]

6. P&MANWO - Operation Vampire Killer 2000 Print Version
And that?s just what Operation Vampire Killer 2000 does! Created by 'Police & Military Against The New World Order', it is a step-by-step plan to assist you ... [Found on Google, Windows Live]
Dig site

Old-line Republican warns

[edit on 21-7-2007 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 03:08 PM
One of the things I want to understand the most is that, the path to what our nation is facing right now is not one that started recently with Bush but actually other administrations had been aiding on that path through the years.

I know we are a republic, but how much do I know about the Republic and why it should be saved Is still something that I have not clue.

We call ourselves a democratic nation, but how are the both linked together.

Who is the people behind the Operation Vampire Killer and if they are still around and helping the nation understand the dangers our system of government is under right now.

Are these people active, or is just a conspiracy like many others because it helps keep the government away from their backs.

I remember a member back when I joined this side, that he was very passioned about this nation and the republic.

He in his threads was almost fanatical about trying to tell people that the Republic was in danger.

I enjoyed some of the information at the time because I had no clue until then what the meaning of the Republic was.

Eventually he was banished from the site. . .I forgot his member name. . .

I hope this thread do not die.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 04:14 PM
At the same time, it must be noted that one who claims to fight a tyrant could just wind up being a worse tyrant him or herself. Take Lenin, for example!

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 04:59 PM
Yeah I agree uber, a lot of people assume that if we get rid of this administration then everything will be fine. Well what happens when its not fine and it's worse off then before?

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by taybes
Yeah I agree uber, a lot of people assume that if we get rid of this administration then everything will be fine. Well what happens when its not fine and it's worse off then before?

I fear this very thing will happen due in large part to the extreme ingnorance of this nation as a whole. most people have not a clue as to the current dangers facing our nation from within.

I will watch this thread and try to contribute in anyway possible, this is a dangerous subject in that it could be construed as subversive by some. In a police state the things written here might be used as evidence against you.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I am not afraid, you know what, because if you are afraid of your own elected government that means that our democracy and system of government is no longer.

And that is exactly the reason our nation is heading the path is heading.

Government should always be afraid of We the people and is our job to keep it that way.

Beside I researched on the article and even when it holds some true, still seems to be like the whole idea is to sell the publication.

I have seen not updates so far since it was first released.

So we should add this to our long list of conspiracies that give the public a warning about times to come.

BTW never, ever be afraid of the elected government.

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Had to do it...

And I'm glad you did! It's good to see that you're still with us, even though you're "in the trenches," so to speak.

Originally posted by taybes
Yeah I agree uber, a lot of people assume that if we get rid of this administration then everything will be fine. Well what happens when its not fine and it's worse off then before?

Well, staking a vampire's heart doesn't automatically kill it...In "vampire legend," it's also necessary to decapitate it & burn the remains. Even if you manage to "kill the vampire," it will resurrect again if you don't know how to deliver final death to the vampire!

In this context, removing the corrupted from government (staking the vampire's heart) won't be enough to finish the job, The People would have to be aware of the corrupting influence that set the Government into being bloodsuckers (learn how to prevent the spread of vampirism) also has to be removed, otherwise even good people that replace the government will wind up corrupted just as bad.

Between the Constitution, Bill of Rights & subsequent Constitutionally-enacted legislations (yes, there are some still on the books, it's just that the meaning & intent of those laws have been corrupted as well), there's enough existing Constitutional & Legal ammo to remove the worst of the corrupted influence.
What I mean is that it's been the greedy Corporations that's made up most of the corruptive influence in Government (the "Master Vampire" from which more vampirism has spread). Once the Government has been down-sized & restructured back to Constitutional Limits, the Corporate disease (the first vampire legends were likened as a metaphor for disease) must not be allowed to spread into influence Government again.

So, after the vampire's heart has been staked (the corrupted people in Government have been replaced by people who will adhere to their Constitutional Oaths), then must a holy wafer be placed in the vampire's mouth (restore Constitutional values into Government) & the head removed (down-size the government, watch the replacement Government to be certain that their Oaths will be obeyed & make all non-Constitutional Statutes/Laws/Execitive Orders/etc null & void).

But then the vampire's body & head must be burned (use the Contitutionally-legislated Laws that are already in place!) to force the Corporations to play by the Constitutional Government's rules or not at all).

Originally posted by the_sentinal
I fear this very thing will happen due in large part to the extreme ingnorance of this nation as a whole. most people have not a clue as to the current dangers facing our nation from within.

The knowledge most needed to ensure "final death" of the vampire is already available...But it remains to teach Citizens the writ & the intent of all of their Rights. Once the public has been educated, then the People can be vigilant against other "vampires" & have the knowledge they need to deliver "Final Death" to other vampires! In short, fighting vampires doesn't do much good until we learn how to fight them...And win!

Originally posted by marg6043
I am not afraid, you know what, because if you are afraid of your own elected government that means that our democracy and system of government is no longer.
And that is exactly the reason our nation is heading the path is heading.
Government should always be afraid of We the people and is our job to keep it that way.

This is the way a corrupted Government establishes its Totalitarian Power & maintains it...Why else to you think the Government keeps this Nation in a perpetual "State of Emergency?" The Government makes a career out of creating enemies for us to fear, all the while setting the stage for quasi-legal ways to centralize Power in as few hands as possible.

Yes, the Government does fear The People because they're well aware of how badly they're outnumbered by us, so they must always strive to keep pushing fear upon us & breaking us down into smaller groups (this minority group, that minority group, Dems vs. Repubs, various social classes, various economic classes, etc) or they risk losing their control. Since we've already allowed ourselves to be split down into relatively small groups, it's easier to engender more fear from the Government's own contrived "enemies."

The only way to counter this is to educate People into realizing that we have more in common by being American Citizens, rather than living under the Government's "labeling" of us; It's the game of "divide & conquer" they play on us. My first post over on page 1 of this thread goes into a bit more detail on how the most powerful of the competing Power Groups in history had always been on the bottom of the totem pole...And how adherence to the Constitution & the intentions of the US Founding Forefathers puts the Power in the hands of the most powerful.

[edit on 21-7-2007 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 01:39 PM
How and where shall I begin...ok lets take it from the top. I'll give you all the 411 or run down on this, and hope it does not seem to be too much.

Originally posted by marg6043
Who is the people behind the Operation Vampire Killer and if they are still around and helping the nation understand the dangers our system of government is under right now.

Are these people active, or is just a conspiracy like many others because it helps keep the government away from their backs.

The names and or identities, are not important. What is though is the acts of, and continued support these people offer. Consider such people as acive, in their way by means of a sworn oath. One which won't be broken ever, even under threat of death, and even torture.

No "cons piracy", this is an old activity, under taken in many forms. Goes back futher than I have been aware of it. Actually it (my awareness of) has been over a decade, in fact.

Originally posted by marg6043
Government should always be afraid of We the people and is our job to keep it that way.

God bless that sis, you must like my signature, then huh. lol


Still with you, as I have been since day one those many years ago, when I first joined. My contributions here have not changed much since then, have they?

Have I not maintained my stance, thick and thin, again as mentioned before, my signatue says it all. Then, of course you of all the members, among a few others who have been here a while, know that much.

Originally posted by the_sentinal
this is a dangerous subject in that it could be construed as subversive by some. In a police state the things written here might be used as evidence against you.

Never fear, ADVISOR is here!
I saved your reply for last but not the least. Reason why shall be reveiled.

I have been over abundant with "subversive" (so to say), posts here at ATS, more so than any member still here. But not subversive in a unlawful way. If any one on ATS has some thing, any thing to worry about, it would be me by far.

No worries, if it ever did happen, I would take one for the team, and come out on top to show every one there is nothing to fear. Why, because our government was established with exactly that intent. See below resources;
*Note, high lighted sections are my emphasis.

During the debates on the adoption of the Constitution, its opponents repeatedly charged that the Constitution as drafted would open the way to tyranny by the central government. Fresh in their minds was the memory of the British violation of civil rights before and during the Revolution. They demanded a "bill of rights" that would spell out the immunities of individual citizens.
Charters of Freedom

Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Bill of Rights

Again, another selection of info that is "NEED to KNOW" for all U.S. of A. citizens. Also, knowing the following shall clarify and re enforce the above.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson

The above information, once again chosen for many to become familar with. Not only because it is known less and less these days, but much of what it contains, is our way of fighting against, and defending each other against the worries of many.

A lot of my threads, and tons of posts have been in the nature of this discussion. I've often linked oodles of sites, just for this sort of achievement, many members can testify. Perhaps if they have the time, and read this they may.

Ok, I'll leave the table open for what I typed above to be absorbed and, hopefully further continued by those who wish such. Hopefully what has been presented, is of use and if any thing comes of it, may that be another tool for your tool box of knowledge.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 02:48 PM
Advisor, I notice you switched from the avatar of Sam sitting & thinking about how to fix the mess, back into your familiar "Rambo-style" avatar...Should I take that to mean that Uncle Sam has contemplated The Way & is now ready to stand back up to do it? I have to admit that if I'm right about that, then it was a thought that got me fired up again! If I'm wrong about it, then lie to me, because it's a thought that's "recharged" my hope & courage.

I don't know if you've had much (or any) contact with Justin Oldman (self-named as a reformed bureaucrat), but in my opinion, here's how I look at it:
You, having the Fire & Will, would be the Heart of The People.
Justin, with the "nuts-n-bolts" knowledge of the enemy would be the Mind of The People.
Me, who can teach Truth & the Path (& if you've been reading some of my recent postings, you're already aware it's what I've been doing), would be the Way of The People.

From what I see coming out of the Government, I'm of the firm opinion that time is rapidly running out for The People...Government is nearly completed with centralizing it's power & I think that it'll play its hand before the coming elections. With the Government fillibustering The People, they're polishing up their plans to take control & finally bulldoze the Constitution completely. Once that happens, we will lose all of our Creator-endowed & Constitutional Rights & the job to restore them will be much harder.

I've seen more & more People standing up with their 1st Amendment Rights & exercising the "protective" Rights from other Amendments, but I also see that there's little time remaining before our 2nd Amendment will be required (& even that Right has taken a lot of damage already); I pray I'm wrong about this & would be very glad to be wrong. I'm not a "physical" person when it comes right down to it & would likely be one of the first to die if confronted with well-equipped & trained combatants; Sneakiness & Intelligent Methodology only go so far until you get surrounded & cut off from cover, as I'm sure you're aware.

I've seen a thread that seems to be doing a good job of educating People how to stand up to their Rights during initial contact with the Police, so I haven't done anything there myself...If someone's already on the right track, I won't derail them (& take advantage of learning more for myself too).

There are a lot of other threads where I've directed People to links that display appropriate laws that they'll need to help raise Voices aganist the Bloated Beuraucracy, links showing that other People are standing up to the Government & succeeding! (to give them hope & courage, even though I thought that was your job here
), links that prove how badly the Government's been swindling us all these years (& what to do to stop it).

However, this type of information will only serve until such time as the Government assumes Totalitarian control...I'm still working on what needs to be considered for after that happens. In all probability, once that happens, we'll all lose internet access & it would cut me off from being able to help (& learn to) Deny Ignorance on such a wide scale.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
Advisor, I notice you switched from the avatar of Sam sitting & thinking about how to fix the mess, back into your familiar "Rambo-style" avatar...Should I take that to mean that Uncle Sam has contemplated The Way & is now ready to stand back up to do it?

You know me well indeed, as you should, such was implied by me earlier. Yes, exactly on the money old friend.

Justin and I have exchanged words, but not as much lately, so yes I have had contact with him through ATS. My email is available to him if he asks though. Although I feel one of my topped threads in RATS would be a great working forum for draft material for this thread. If that helps you with my ends of the thoughts on this.

As you mentioned, and I quote;

Government is nearly completed with centralizing it's power

In the OARP page linked, I go into the above. Much more is available, and all any one needs to do is read over the thread to see how indepth I went. Basically nearly all public resources were exausted. Lots of info from the horses mouth in that link above. Among other tid bits of course.

About your last words, in your above post, lets counter that with my RATS suggestion, before it isn't available, shall we. Justin would be more than welcome to join in that as well.

Not to keep this restricted, but some things are just best left to a certain way of doing things, as we have become acustomed to here at ATS. At least among the older members, not to say no one else can participate, by ALL MEANS, please do. All need be done is to contact myself via U2U or Midnight, or the other old hands here.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:55 PM
I have the feeling that is more Americans getting ready to take actions to protect this nation from abuse of power that meet the eye.

I am not well informed on everything that is going on behind the lines all I hear is rumors and disappointment against the way our system of government is heading.

When you see that we have a congress and a president with so low rates of popularity indeed people are very much aware the dangerous times we are facing.

In my case I see it everyday with the series of events shaping our nation.

But rest assure that if a time comes in which I have to chose between a new system of government and my constitution I will fight to preserve that constitution.

Because governments come and go but our constitution is only one.

I have faith on people and my fellow Americans that everything will be within our constitutional rights to make sure it stays that way.

But like many have voiced before, this is not over night but is gradually one government after another, with the same agenda and the same goals one taken away more as the next one comes getting the path ready.

I always feel that two elite parties with no chance for third parties is not the ways of a truly democratic nation, but rather the way to control who government a nation.

Occurs this are the rants of just a women that see, feels and understand that things are not right.

Thanks Advisor for the opportunity to learn more in this thread about things that I had no clue were out there watching over us the people of our nation.

The more I read the more my eyes are opened and my rant doesn't feel so much like rant anymore.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 05:23 PM
I'm glad to see another discussion along these lines. There's a thread in my CM forum that might contain information useful to this discussion.

There's one important point I owuld like to make here. Many of us are looking at this problem from several different directions. Same problem, different points of view. That's the way it should be in a real Republic. We are free to identify with the points of view that most directly speak to us. When we are honest--just being ourselves--we can say what we know and the people we're trying to reach can make of it what they will.

We're all in the same boat. We think that time is running out. I am hopeful, that it we can make it through the next two presidencies...whoever they are...without a Constitutional crisis or a revolt...we should be good to go for the rest of the century. It's the next two Presidents that worry me. I make no bones about that. With his party in shambles, Bush won't dare to start something that he can't finish.

The Dems, on the other hand, are about to ascend to a height of power that they've never had before. The party is squared away, and they've got an agenda and a mindset that we should all be worried about. With a very powerful Congress to drive a very powerful Executive, I doubt very much that there is a man or woman who could assume the Presidency without giving in to the many temptations we have all outlined here on ATS.

None of us want what we see coming. We'd all rather be proven wrong. I hope that, eventually, we get our wish. It that's not in the cards, let's keep this discussion rolling so that others may be enlightened.

[edit on 22-7-2007 by Justin Oldham]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 11:59 AM
I just got a note from ADVISOR, and it seems that he's up for a collaborative project. this might be a good thing for a tinwiki project so that we could all dum our stuff in to one master document. What says you all?

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 12:05 PM
I agree Justin, I will like to know more about what has been done by people with power to make sure the we the people prevail.

I want to know what as a citizen I can do.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Yeah I agree uber, a lot of people assume that if we get rid of this administration then everything will be fine. Well what happens when its not fine and it's worse off then before?

Folks who think that her uroyal lowness, Billary Klintoon will be LESS of a globalist traitor to freedom and The Republic

evidently know NOTHING about her past, her values and her goals.

She will be enormously worse than anything or anyone in recent memory by at least a factor of 10 maybe of 100.

She would rush us into . . . what . . . BRAVE NEW WORLD/LOGAN'S RUN/ etc. at the speed of light if at all possible and where at all possible.

There isn't a concept of tyranny that she hasn't liked.

She's very hostile to parents rearing their own children and transmitting any solid values to them.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 03:18 PM
Unfortunately, I think you're right. the trend we're seeing is such that I don't think it would matter who the next President is. The fact that its likely to be Hillary will only serve to make things worse, in my opinion. the options at our disposal in the here and the now boil down to votes, money, time spent learning, and our willingness to create material that can be read by others even AFTER the hammer comes down on this most dark and terrible period in our history.

No, I'm not kidding. Some day, a lot of people are going to look back and they're going to search for the arguments made by the people who knew better. They'll want to see them in video and read them in text. That's why I say that in part we are leaving a message for the future. Many of the options we talk about otday won't exist tomorow, but some of our home-spun wisdom will apply to them and their situations...and...a lucky few will use what they've learned.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
this might be a good thing for a tinwiki project so that we could all dum our stuff in to one master document. What says you all?

Sure...Put it all in one place, because all this jumping around from link-to-link could confuse an AI supercomputer...

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
Some day, a lot of people are going to look back and they're going to search for the arguments made by the people who knew better. They'll want to see them in video and read them in text. That's why I say that in part we are leaving a message for the future.

But I would recommend that people (not just those who contribute) make backup copies & store them in off-line media (floppies or CD's)...Just in case.

Or, I don't know...Maybe bury a "time capsule" for our "hardcopy backup?"

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
the trend we're seeing is such that I don't think it would matter who the next President is.

Heh! Let's shock the $#|+ out of all of 'em & vote Ron Paul, whether he makes the Primaries or not! Even if you can't trust the "paperless voting" system, write-in ballots are still feasible if we all use Absentee Ballots!

I don't think "No Confidence" will work this time around, for the obvious reason that the Supreme Court will pick someone anyway...And I don't like to think about who they're likely to choose. After all, Bush has already stacked the Courts in his party's favor already.

[edit on 23-7-2007 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 05:23 PM
I think it would stun a lot of people if Ron Paul made a good showing in the 2008 primaries. that's just the kind of thing that would have to be done in order for "us" to get the drop on "them." Until enough people vote the old guard out of office to install better thinkers, we will just have to wait for the system to break. might, within the next decade.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 05:25 PM
If you want to bury copies of anything, taking up geocaching would be a great way to both protect and spread information, definitively under the radar.

posted on Jul, 23 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Inannamute
If you want to bury copies of anything, taking up geocaching would be a great way to both protect and spread information, definitively under the radar.

I know that some people are currently hiding books, dvd's, and other mutli-media tools. If things get as bad as we think, more of that will happen. I'm not what you'd call famous, but I've already made my peace with the fact I've got to be on somebody's list by now. It's a small price to pay for the chance to speak to an entire nation and maybe win a few hearts and minds.

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