posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 11:43 AM
Within the next 5 years, the wicked rich will make the rest of the population wage slaves, by deflating the US/European economy and taking away any
and all freedom's of their citizens. Then they will use those starving citizens and the technology they have devised to take over all of the third
world nations. They will also attempt to destroy Christianity, which they are doing today. Around that point in time the world will figure out that
Karl Rove is the Antichrist and that George Bush is a dummy puppet doing what Satan wants him to do. Someone in the year 2006 or 2007 will take out
the Antichrist, someone put here by God, Melchizedek (see below), the man without geneology, and there will be the second coming of Christ. Cheney,
Bush along with their buddies will rot in the fires of hell for eternity, whilst the rest of the world watches from above. Joining Cheney and Bush
will be the members of the Illuminatti, and those whose greed has destroyed those whom God loves. People like Carly Fiorina, Bill Gates, etc. The
fires of hell will be here on Earth itself, the giant volcano in Yellowstone will erupt, killing all on this planet, those who believe in God will be
taken away to heaven, those who have committed sin against humanity, those I have listed, will be eternally alive in the fiery hell that will be left.
"(...) And concerning what Scripture says, "In this year of Jubilee you shall return, everyone f you, to your property" (Lev. 25;13) And what is
also written; "And this is the manner of the remission; every creditor shall remit the claim that is held against a neighbor, not exacting it of a
neighbor who is a member of the community, because God's remission has been proclaimed" (Deut.15;2) the interpretation is that it applies to the
Last Days and concerns the captives, just as Isaiah said: "To proclaim the Jubilee to the captives" (Isa. 61;1) (...) just as (...) and from the
inheritance of Melchizedek, for (... Melchizedek) , who will return them to what is rightfully theirs. He will proclaim to them the Jubilee, thereby
releasing them from the debt of all their sins. He shall proclaim this decree in the first week of the jubilee period that follows nine jubilee
Then the "Day of Atonement" shall follow after the tenth jubilee period, when he shall atone for all the Sons of Light, and the people who are
predestined to Melchizedek. (...) upon them (...) For this is the time decreed for the "Year of Melchizedek`s favor", and by his might he will
judge God's holy ones and so establish a righteous kingdom, as it is written about him in the Songs of David ; "A godlike being has taken his place
in the council of God; in the midst of divine beings he holds judgement"
(Ps. 82;1). Scripture also says about him ; "Over it take your seat in the highest heaven; A divine being will judge the peoples" (Ps. 7;7-8)
Concerning what scripture says; "How long will you judge unjustly, and show partiality with the wicked? Selah" (Ps. 82;2) ,the interpretation
applies to Belial and the spirits predestined to him, because all of them have rebelled, turning from God's precepts and so becoming utterly wicked.
Therefore Melchizedek will thoroughly prosecute the vengeance required by God's statutes. Also, he will deliver all the captives from the power of
Belial, and from the power of all the spirits destined to him. Allied with him will be all the "righteous divine beings"(Isa. 61;3). "
HEBREWS 7:1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, 2 to whom also Abraham
gave a tenth part of all, first being translated "king of righteousness," and then also king of Salem, meaning "king of peace," 3 without father,
without mother, without genealogy [agenealogetos]1, having neither beginning of days nor end of life2, but made like [aphomoiomenos] the Son of God,
remains a priest continually3. (NKJV)
[Edited on 13-1-2004 by GrndLkNatv]