posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 01:02 AM
What constitutes a ghost? If you see a woman riding in a mans car but she is luminescent. Like she was blue screened and then added to a movie or
Or like if you see someone in your house that looks like someone you know or have seen. but they are totally and completely luminus transparent? like
you can almost see through them.
for example, lets say your in front of the computer and you feel like your girlfriend is standing behind you and you can see her through the corner of
your eye. when you reach for her. you feel a slight bit of body heat or some form of precense. however it doesnt really seem to be anyone there.
or another example lets say your riding around town and then all the sudden it looks like a jet on the highway has just passed you by? but of course
it's not a real jet. just some morons with alot of extra time.
where can i gain that ability? is that technology for sale somewhere. because alot of people have that out here. i was wondering why.
then one day i was riding down the street on my way to work and then out of nowhere there was like a duece and a half with like this weird green fluid
in it with like an assload of women all hooked up to these black machines.