posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 01:38 PM
I apologise for this, before anyone complains.
But it just occurred to me, gazing out of my window, about the size of any potential "UFOs" in relation to the distance they are from us.
What I mean is, how high would a suitably sized UFO (let's say, the size of a house) have to be, to be completely invisible from us during the
Now, I had a quick look around about this, and being fantastically poor at maths, I couldn't figure out a way of working this out. Some variation of
Pythag', maybe?
I was just curious as to the sizes and such of any "UFOs" that we may see, or not see. Perspective, and such.
Any thoughts would be nice.
Basically, how high an altitude would a relatively small UFO have to be to be invisible to the naked eye?