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Where do aborted fetuses REALLY go?

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posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea

I went with a friend of mine and couldn't believe the absolute filth present there. Women were laid all over the place, in every room I walked past, even in the hallways and lounge area - as soon as you got through the security guards and entrance point, and got to the heart of the action. It was not sterile at all. They were all in pain, some screaming loudly and most of them crying, some of them in a complete state of shock.. unbelievable atmosphere. I thought I had stepped into a concentration camp clinic -- that's just the feeling you get there. The staff was extremely unprofessional as well.

If you don't mind divulging your location, I'd be interested to find out where you saw these conditions. Country and/or state would be specific enough. Was your experience in the US?

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 05:13 PM
Firstly, thank you for the squeamish warning. After cleaning off my keyboard and screen I just had to respond, and firstly state I really hope your willing to answer the question above. I cannot see this happening in the states... if so... you need to report the "doctor" that performed it immediately. this is definitely an illegal abortion, as the ones that are legal are no where near as grotesque of an occurance.

I don't know how you witnessed this abortion and would appreciate a post with more detail as to why you were there (there is NO way this was an abortion performed on you... NO FRIGGIN WAY...)


Coven Out

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Here's something which sheds some lightAborted babies for sale Yes Mea, I have been to the clinic on Spring Street in Atlanta and apart from any noticeable yelling or extreme filth, it's just as you described.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 07:02 PM
How did I know where this would go !!!! I must be ???? But yes who knows?? Just think of the world if GWB would have been !!!


posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 07:19 PM
If anyone has witnessed unsanitary conditions or illegal activities in U.S. clinics then you should first check through your local laws and find out if what you experienced is in fact restricted under state and federal laws. Various states have different laws and rules that both medical researchers and physicians must follow, and I highly suggest brushing up on those laws. I suggest doing this in order to prevent frivilous lawsuit claims when you may have seen something and not understood the direct purpose behind it, or misinterpreted what you were observing. If you suspect something after this then you should probably also check with local law enforcement to see how to proceed, and if in fact it is illegal activities you witnessed.

You may want to use this website as a template for your research:

State Embryonic and Fetal Research Laws

Is it possible this sort of behavior exists in the U.S.? Yes, but due to the strong requirements that must be met to be considered a viable clinic I would strongly suggest doing a bit more research before passing judgement.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 08:10 PM
I don't know much about what happens to aborted fetuses, or the procedures involved; however, I worked in the cosmetic industry for 10 years and spent 8 of those years actually making shampoo, soap, hair gel, skin cream, face cream, you name it. I know the ingredients and percentages of each off by heart. I can pick up any bottle off any shelf, read the ingredients, and know each and every one of them. At one point or another I've physically made just about every skin and hair care product that you see on the shelves, all the brand name stuff and all of the cheap dollar store stuff. I can say with 100% certainty that there are NO traces of human collagen, placenta, or any human DNA in any of the ingredients. Animal collagen is used in some formulas. The only other animal product used is something called lanolin, which is the by product of sheep's wool. When the sheep are sheared, their wool is "processed", for lack of a better term. All of the grunge, oil, etc from the wool is steamed out. The wool is used for clothing and such, and the steamed out by product is used as a skin conditioner and moisturizer in some skin care products. We did not test on animals in our lab either, and none of our product was ever sent out for animal testing. What you should be afraid of are some of the non-organic ingredients in these products, now those are creepy! But that's another topic...

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 08:21 PM
Abortion Politics...

Originally posted by GeneralT.
Aborted babies for sale

Mmmmm... Dramatic title!

You do realize that this investigation (7 years ago) was about the black marketing (against the law) of tissue that had been donated... People who participate in this black market are acting against the law and should be punished.


Congress Investigates Fetal Tissue Sales

At a packed hearing on 9 March, members of a congressional committee vowed to investigate whether some companies are profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. One committee member said after the hearing that he would introduce a bill requiring researchers to report the source and cost of fetal tissue they use. But--much to the disappointment of antiabortion groups that had hoped the hearing would spark outrage over grisly tales of trade in body parts--the testimony itself turned up no persuasive evidence of wrongdoing.

No Evidence Found

At a hearing of the Commerce Committee on March 9, Members from both sides of the aisle expressed a strong commitment to fetal tissue research. However, some Members were legitimately concerned that tissue suppliers might be illegally profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. During this thorough and in-depth hearing, no evidence was produced to support the claim that fetal tissue is being sold for profit to biomedical researchers. In fact, one witness claiming to have first hand knowledge of such illegal activity was convincingly discredited. In spite of the absence of evidence for illegal fetal tissue sales, Representative Coburn introduced H.R. 3980 with the likely intent of inhibiting and defacto eliminating the use of fetal tissue for research. Most disturbing, the bill clearly targets the researchers themselves, who are not even the subject of suspected abuses.

It's politics, people. Anti-abortion politics. Calling a list of fetal tissue with their associated fees a "price list" is politics.

I have been to the clinic on Spring Street in Atlanta and apart from any noticeable yelling or extreme filth, it's just as you described.

Did either of you report these places?

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
If you don't mind divulging your location, I'd be interested to find out where you saw these conditions. Country and/or state would be specific enough. Was your experience in the US?

Hi BlueTriangle,

I'll answer you and Coven on this same post since your questions were similar.

As I said in an earlier post, I accompanied a friend of mine to this clinic. The clinic was in Raleigh, North Carolina - United States (for those who aren't familiar).

It was completely unsanitary, but I was under the impression that most abortion clinics were basically the same in nature. I've talked to a few individuals who have been inside of one and all of them have expressed disgust over the clinics.

The smell was bad enough by itself. And what made the situation even worse is that the women, who could afford it, were taken into a dirty bathroom and given a shot in their hip for the pain. They weren't even given the shot inside of private patient rooms! It happened in the filthy hallway bathrooms. Most of the women just got 2 Motrin's and told to wait out the pain.

I could go into more detail -- but the worse of it was really the condition of the place; injections in filthy bathrooms, overcrowding, bad smells, blood on the chairs in the recovery room, etc. And the pain these women were in... only to be given 2 Motrin's and left sitting there. It was a shame.

One patient I saw was vomiting repeatedly after the procedure. A nurse put a trash can beside her to vomit in - which was already full with trash - and she just walked away, while this woman was in obvious pain.

Perhaps staff members who work in those types of situations are so used to the negativity that they have learned to block it out and are no longer affected by it. And I won't say anything was illegal. I'm pretty sure that the doctor performing this was authorized to do so. But the conditions of the clinic were gross and unsafe.

If someone wishes to open a clinic, they should at least make sure to have adequate pain medication for the patients -- a cleaning crew to clean the building (especially the bathrooms) REGULARLY -- and not accept more patients than they can handle in one day. The overcrowded and otherwise unsanitary conditions only add more stress onto their already traumatic experience.


posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Jazzerman
Is it possible this sort of behavior exists in the U.S.? Yes, but due to the strong requirements that must be met to be considered a viable clinic I would strongly suggest doing a bit more research before passing judgement.

Hi there Jazzerman,

I appreciate your response and thoughts. But I haven't passed judgment that I am aware of yet. I never said anything was illegal, I only stated my opinion that it was unsanitary. Even some restaurants are unsanitary, but somehow they manage to keep their license to stay in business. No difference in what I said -- it was gross and overcrowded. Illegal? I can't be sure about that, so I never claimed it was.

My original question was to find the truth on how the aborted fetuses are disposed of -- not to drag out what I saw, or to make any statement that this doctor's practice was illegal, etc.


[edit on 17-7-2007 by Veritas Lux Mea]

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 04:40 AM
Wow, I'm really glad I didn't read this topic two weeks ago. Seriously though, this isn't what the place we went to looked like at all! Our's was a nice, calm, clean place. No one was in pain or anything. They sent us home with some pills, and it was over and done with by the end of the next day. Yeah, the contractions made her hurt like hell, but it wasn't anything like what I'm reading here. Stupid failed vasectomys.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 06:27 AM
Wow! what a thread. Can't say I have anything really intelligent to add. Unfortunately boys and girls yes there have been some documented cases of sale of fetal parts for astronomical sums. They have great potential for transplant not usually provoking the same immune response as an adult organ. In this country the wealthy get away with pretty much anything they damn well please. Law enforcement can have them cold but they always seem to worm out of it. As to China, I eyewitnessed cannabalism in an isolated area when I was there at the end of the cultural revolution, so I'd believe anything. They eat scorpions and all kinds of weird crap. The most aggregious case that I know of involved an elderly billionaire here in the U.S. who raped his granddaughter to produce a baby for his transplant needs, (and got away with it---may he rot in hell!!!). Most fetuses are incinerated and wouldn't be usable for anything but stem cells, if that. They're pretty mangled by the procedure. What very little experience I have with the inside of abortion clinics would tend to back up the idea that they are filthy ill-staffed dangerous barbaric places. Babies are not always disposed of in ways that are even sanitary, let alone dignified. I once pulled a live 10lb baby girl out of the trash, (it happened about 3 months ago, she's doing very well and has been adopted by her grandmother), but in most states all human tissue is supposed to be incinerated. I have a difficult skin condition for which the only thing that ever worked was a cream that I was told came from term babies' placentas. I haven't used it in 30 years, but do have reason to believe that it's probably still legal to use same in cosmetics, if the AIDS and Hepatitis epidemics didn't change that. Chicken collagen probably works just as well. As long as there is a market for something, no matter how repulsive, there will be a supplier, so I'd be very surprised if there aren't a few wealthy old ladies smearing creams made of baby parts on their wrinkles for some astronomical sum somewhere. Illegal labs are also harvesting fetal ovaries and ova, worth lots of money to some. We have our own form of cannabalism here I guess. May God Have Mercy On Our Souls.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea
I appreciate your response and thoughts. But I haven't passed judgment that I am aware of yet. I never said anything was illegal, I only stated my opinion that it was unsanitary...

Hello Veritas,

I wasn't specifically talking about your experience in particular, but referencing to a general consensus of people that have seen unsanitary conditions in clinics (or for anyone who witnesses illegal abortion procedures). I already answered your question in a previous post so I apologize if you thought I was talking specifically about you.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:07 AM
All I've read in this thread (save for the sanity of Jazzman and BH) are myths and urban legends from the pro-life propaganda machine.

The Chinese eating babies? Aborted fetuses used for FDA approved cosmetics? This is ridiculous, and there hasn't been one bit of evidence made for it except for "My cousin's friend's uncle..."

Please people.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by thefatlady
As to China, I eyewitnessed cannabalism ... The most aggregious case that I know of involved an elderly billionaire here in the U.S. who raped his granddaughter to produce a baby for his transplant needs...

It sounds to me as if you're mixing cannibalism (EATING other people) with fetal cell use... You know there's a difference...

I mean, I'm sure cannibalism has occurred someplace, or else there wouldn't be a name for it. But it's not the same as using stem cells or other fetal tissues for transplants and diseases...

I'm not excusing anyone who impregnates a woman for selfish use (and I'm sure that's happened, too), but too many people here are mixing all sorts of illegal issues and sounding like they happen all the time and it's all because of abortion.

What very little experience I have with the inside of abortion clinics would tend to back up the idea that they are filthy ill-staffed dangerous barbaric places.

So, even though, by your own admission, you have very little experience, you feel it's enough to claim "how they are"?

I once pulled a live 10lb baby girl out of the trash, (it happened about 3 months ago...

What? You once did this about 3 months ago? Was this baby girl the product of an abortion? At 10 lbs? Come on! Was this during your "very little experience"? You just lost all credibility, I'm sorry...

I have a difficult skin condition for which the only thing that ever worked was a cream that I was told came from term babies' placentas.

What's wrong with using placentas? You do realize that it's not PART of the baby, right? You realize it's a temporary organ that, even in born children is separate from the child and the mother. Right?


We're supposed to be denying ignorance here. :shk:

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by thefatlady
I eyewitnessed cannabalism in an isolated area when I was there at the end of the cultural revolution, so I'd believe anything. They eat scorpions and all kinds of weird crap.

So eating aborted fetuses is like eating scorpions and "weird crap".
So I suppose that because I eat lobster and crab, that I'm capable of eating dead babies too. It looks like you would believe anything.

I once pulled a live 10lb baby girl out of the trash, (it happened about 3 months ago, she's doing very well and has been adopted by her grandmother)

Where did you do this? Was it anywhere near a doctor, nurse or clinic? Or was it outside of a High School prom?

I have a difficult skin condition for which the only thing that ever worked was a cream that I was told came from term babies' placentas......I'd be very surprised if there aren't a few wealthy old ladies smearing creams made of baby parts on their wrinkles for some astronomical sum somewhere.

Exactly where is the placenta located on a term baby?

FYI, many people take the placenta home after their baby has been born to eat it with their spouse. It's not an actual baby part, and it seems like you don't really know what you're talking about.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
All I've read in this thread (save for the sanity of Jazzman and BH) are myths and urban legends from the pro-life propaganda machine.

The Chinese eating babies? Aborted fetuses used for FDA approved cosmetics? This is ridiculous, and there hasn't been one bit of evidence made for it except for "My cousin's friend's uncle..."

Please people.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 10:43 AM

My BS Detector Finally went through the roof.

Whilst I have given you the benefit of the doubt... NO MORE... There ARE 0... COUNT EM 0.... ABORTION CLINICS LIKE THIS IN THE US...

Republicans would burn the damn place down...

god people think.

if you check Verita's profile (seeking truth through the light... hmmmm sounds kinda jesusy) Both Posts (minus one enquiring about post views... because we all care about how many people read our post... RIGHT?)
Are obviously meant for political sway.

this article

and another

Us Literally LAND OF THE FREE???

lastly they are flagging threads such as
(just noticed they created this one too....)

Alien Orgy!?!?!?!?!

Flagging Hoax Threads!?!?!?!

People... Lets just let this thread die the quiet meaningless death it deserves.
there is NO Evidence this has happened in the US since the Roe V. Wade Decision.(don't argue with it... PROVE OTHERWISE) The only purpose of this thread is to spread an Urban Legend as fact, to sway you to Veritas' Political Beliefs...

Must be fun being one of the 28% who support Bush Still... And think Saddam was involved in 9-11.


posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by coven

My BS Detector Finally went through the roof.

Exactly, though quoted nicely and asked in the form of a question is a nice touch, this is pure propaganda. I couldn't stand the smell, garbage all over and vomit LOL, you either went to the WORST clinic ever and is not even close to a representation of a normal clinic, or your make your agenda well known. Its not a bad agenda mind you. I personally do not believe in abortion, but I believe less in fear mongering and BS to scare people who are making their own choices in our country. Now there are better ways , there are so good commericals out about the real medical issues thye could happen and to make sure you know before you do it. But fear mongering doesnt work, or wait does it. I guess thats why we are at war.... Boy are we dumb @sses

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 03:00 PM
I always heard they were thrown in waste dumpsters. Now, whether if that is fact or not, I know not, but that is what I always heard. While it seems rather harsh, I wouldn't be surprised if it were fact.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 03:18 PM
I'm pretty sure they're fed to the demon lord Pazuzu right there in the clinic. I'm pretty sure that's the smell that people were referring to as well.

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