posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 06:53 PM
I will post this here, even if it is a little off topic, because the idea isn't worthy of it's own thread. (I know, some people insist on starting a
new thread for every minor notion that pops into their brain, but I refuse to do that.)
From time to time we've all wondered what EBEs, provided they even exist, would want with humans. It would seem they have better tech than we do, and
it can't be just the scenery, as the cosmos is vast, and there must be other beautiful sights out there.
What if the unique thing about humans is our ability to imagine? What if most other races are much slower in the creativity department?
They may be in some awe and fear of a race that can go from horse and buggy to space flight in only a bit over a hundred years. And a stroll through
any large city will show the variety we employ daily.
Has anyone else ever wondered why all the aliens seem to be so monochromatic? It's like they have no sense of style that is personal. And their
"ships" only seem to be a reflection of our advancements, as if they were learning how to evolve tech ideas from us, instead of the other way
Just a little thought as we go about looking for aliens, maybe we're the only excitement in their lives, and they're trying to learn the secret of
being more personable critters than they have been for who knows how long.