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Cheney speaks about his day on 9/11

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 07:40 PM

As McConnell waited for Cheney to finish his conversation with O'Keefe, he chatted with the Secret Service agent posted at the door and with Heiden, whose desk sits just outside the office. Their conversation was interrupted by a bizarre news report on the television over Heiden's desk. An airplane had struck the World Trade Center. No one knew what to make of it. An inexperienced pilot? A wrong turn? Bad weather? The last of these seemed unlikely; it was a beautiful day in New York City, as it was in Washington.

"There wasn't any kind of alarm," says McConnell. "It was just kind of, 'Oh man, look at that.'"

As they watched the television, the Secret Service agent received an urgent call from "the I.D."--the intelligence division. He listened for a moment and then hung up.

"He put the phone down and told me: passenger jet. And that's when you go, Geez. And then you start getting a sick feeling. Because a passenger aircraft is not going to crash into the World Trade Center."
The Weekly Standard

A really interesting and detailed account of Cheney's activities on 9/11. It's from The Weekly Standard (excerpting a book) so I guess you could consider it the "official" version. I mean, it's a publication that is very friendly to the administration.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 09:27 PM
Thats as official as that will get.

Here is Condi's account of 911

"I was standing in my office at my desk that morning, and at 0847 my executive assistant came in and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. And I remember thinking: "What a strange accident."

And so I called the president, who was in Florida at an education event, and I said: “Mr President, a plane has hit the World Trade Center.”

And he said: “That's a strange accident.”

And I said: “I'll call you when we know more.” Source

Condi and Cheney in the Bunker on 911

*Mod Edit - Please see Posting Work Written By Others.*

[edit on 7/14/07 by niteboy82]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 09:48 PM
This part caught my eyes:
“No, Washington is under attack, you mustn't.”
She did not say Washington might be under attack but that is was already...

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:10 PM
From an unknown source, but makes for a funny scene, Cheney being carried away.

"Cheney, 60, who, like Bush knew only the barest details of events, was seized by the arms, legs and his belt and physically carried through 150 yards of corridors, then taken by lift, down to the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre (PEOPS) - a subterranean bunker capable of withstanding an overhead nuclear explosion.

He was quickly joined there by Ms Rice, and Norman Mineta, the Secretary of Transportation.
Donald Rumsfeld, the pugnacious Defence Secretary, was inside the Pentagon. "Dick's supposed to have a dodgy heart," said one of Mr Cheney's staff, referring to the four heart attacks the vice-president has suffered since 1980, not to mention the pacemaker-like device he had fitted in June. "But if he survived that ride, he could anything."

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:22 PM
Anything 'new' about 911 being released by government officials is very very suspicous.

Its such a risk to say anything now, being its so openly known how false the official story is, you wouldnt run the risk of contradicting yourself in any of the hundereds of lies, unless u had to protect your self from something about to be released, that would undo all those lies.

I would like to know, why Dick's all of a sudden created a minute by minute account and released it to the public.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Intheshadwos
Thats as official as that will get.

Here is Condi's account of 911

"I was standing in my office at my desk that morning, and at 0847 my executive assistant came in and said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. And I remember thinking: "What a strange accident."

And so I called the president, who was in Florida at an education event, and I said: “Mr President, a plane has hit the World Trade Center.”

And he said: “That's a strange accident.”

And I said: “I'll call you when we know more.”

Wait a min.........We all know of the video where Bush is shown sitting there like an idiot as a SS agent comes in an supposedly informs the pres what just happenend.
How can CR call him about this when he was already "informed?"
That seems odd, anyone esle see this?
I may be an idiot so bare with me......

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 10:40 PM
Bush was informed of the 2nd hit while he was reading My Pet Goat, he already know of the first hit from Condi on his way to the school.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by Intheshadwos
Bush was informed of the 2nd hit while he was reading My Pet Goat, he already know of the first hit from Condi on his way to the school.

Roger that!

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Yeah but Bush said that he saw the first plane hit, I aint kidding he said that to the press that day or the next. They asked him when he heard of the first plane crash and he said "I saw it on a monitor and thought theres a dumb pilot" this is documented that he said this. So the above question remains valid. Did he see it on a tv like he said, which by the way would be a CCTV system because no one but the badeut(sp?) brothers got that footage, or did COndi call and tell him?

This is kinda stunning that they would speak at all about that day, they have to many other stories floating, why are they adding more???

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
They asked him when he heard of the first plane crash and he said "I saw it on a monitor and thought theres a dumb pilot" this is documented that he said this.

he actually said it on several occasions, so it's not like he misspoke... bizarre indeed that he's suddenly changing that story after 6 years

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Bush’s own recollection of the first crash only complicates the picture.

Sarasota elementary school principal Gwen Tose-Rigell is summoned to a room to talk with President Bush. She recalls, “He said a commercial plane has hit the World Trade Center, and we’re going to go ahead and go on, we’re going on to do the reading thing anyway.” [Associated Press, 8/19/2002] Source

Less than two months after the attacks, Bush made the preposterous claim that he had watched the first attack as it happened on live television.

This is the seventh different account of how Bush learned about the first crash (in his limousine, from Loewer, from Card, from Rove, from Gottesman, from Rice, from television).

On December 4, 2001, Bush was asked: “How did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack?” Bush replied: “I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower—the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there’s one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn’t have much time to think about it.” [White House, 12/4/01]Source

We all remember Andy Card coming in and telling Bush that America was under attack. No Reaction from Bush.

Who was really in control? Certainly not Bush. In the back of the room, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer caught Bush’s eye and held up a pad of paper for him to see, with “DON’T SAY ANYTHING YET” written on it in big block letters. [Washington Times, 10/7/02]Source

This pic is the situation room at the school, time unknown although there are some that have blown the picture up and say that the clock says 10.25am. Bush boarded Air Force One at 9.55am !!

*Mod Edit - Sourcing Work Written By Others Please check your u2u's*

[edit on 7/15/07 by niteboy82]

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Intheshadwos
Bush was informed of the 2nd hit while he was reading My Pet Goat, he already know of the first hit from Condi on his way to the school.

I thought he learned of the first hit from watching it on tv?

They can't even get their stories straight on that?

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Intheshadwos
We all remember Andy Card coming in and telling Bush that America was under attack. No Reaction from Bush.

In Bush's defense, that was a reaction, albeit a scripted one. That's his "How dare you Al-Qaeda.....I'm gonna git you Al-Qaeda" look. If you're going to script a reaction for the people to see, that's the one you'd choose. Is he supposed to run out of the school like some deranged drama queen?


posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Is he supposed to run out of the school like some deranged drama queen?

No but the fact that they put those children in danger is what gets me. I don't care what protocal is and what not. He was considered a target and should not have been around children, especially after we knew it was an attack.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Intheshadwos
Bush was informed of the 2nd hit while he was reading My Pet Goat, he already know of the first hit from Condi on his way to the school.

So... Cheney was smart enough to know immediately upon hearing it was a passenger jet that it was a terrorist attack... BUT Bush had to hear a second plane hit to know it was an attack?

Agree w/ Griff... he claims he SAW the first plane hit on TV and thought "what a bad pilot..."

This story sucks... someone edit it again.

[edit on 27-7-2007 by Pootie]

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Pootie
Agree w/ Griff... he claims he SAW the first plane hit on TV and thought "what a bad pilot..."

I'd be more worried about this quote from Bush. He didn't say "Oh my God, those people in the building and on the plane", he said "what a bad pilot". That's almost inhuman for someone to say when witnessing something like that. That would be like us watching the towers fall and saying "gee, I hope everyone moved their cars out of the way".

We're not dealing with normal human beings here.


posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
We're not dealing with normal human beings here.

I didn't think of it that way, but you are absolutely correct. Notice how they are all changing the story to "what a bad accident".

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