posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 10:58 PM
ATS holds a wide variety of members who have different tastes in music!
This is your chance to post a song, then have others rate it from
1 -10
Here's the Ratings:
1 - lousy, barfy
2 - a step up from the puke; has a tiny beat
3 - has a chance; ify
4 - hmm...sounds a bit catchy?
5 - Ok? perked my what now?
6 - Better than #5...waiting for someone to turn down the sound!
7 - Now You're Reving!
8 - You're on your way! Almost there!
9 - This is Incredible!
10 -
See the above ratings? Good!
Here's your 1st song to rate:
Seal - Crazy
Now give your ratings, then post a song of your own for others to rate!
This is a great way for others to view what everyones' taste in music are.
Rate the one above you, then add one of your own for others to rate!
[edit on 13-7-2007 by TheDuckster]