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Alien force about to "correct" Earth

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posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:48 AM
I give it an A+ for humor factor.

This and her website are way to funny, to be true. I mean I really hope she doesn't believe this stuff and is just trying to make a buck by selling "holy hand grenades."

I wonder if God ever said to her:

Please do this for me, so that some guys over at ATS could have something good laughs on a Friday night. If you do this for me I will grant you innocence at the last judgment by way of insanity.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:50 AM
If this guy works for NSA I will eat my underpants. I cant believe I am going to even respond to such garbage but I feel I must. Why in the hell would NSA have anything to do with this. Really folks, if this person worked at NSA, and any bit of this were true he woul vanish as would the email, and whoever got it. Plus the DOD would have the ball on this one, and or any of a number of other 3 letter departments. NSA can shut down the internet in seconds. Cut the cord and leave us all going duhhhh. DAPRPA put the internet in place for craps sake. So this Star Trek borg idea is crap..There I said it. No big ship is coming down in three weeks to make us mine cobalt on Quagnar-7
Want to take bets on which one of is right.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 12:50 AM
The "Elite" don't refer to themselves as elite anyway....that's a term coined by plebian populous. The highest 'elite" of the gov't refer to themselves as "upper echelon". If this guy were truly a member of the upper echelon, he would have referred to his elitist friends as 'constituents'. Besides all that Sherry Shriner says God, not only talks to her, but actually jokes around with her. I know a lot of people who worship God Almighty and she seems to be the only one who has the ability to have an audible conversation with God in the post-antediluvian era.....and God apparently accepts collect calls from her.I believe there are some weird things going on.....and no doubt, there are things flying in our skies that dissipate into thin air...we all have seen them, but Sherry Shriner preaches the Bible with just a "twist" of lime, if you know what I mean. She believes the Bible, yet, she casts out the book of John which is quite frankly one of the most important books in the Bible. It speaks of Jesus being the creator of the world and the author of life (how existence began)....and she casts it out and says it was "planted" by nefarious evildoers. This is insane as this particular book speaks of "truth" 6 times and walking in truth and by no means has anything evil in it. If anyone is a liar, it is her, can't just cherry pick the bible and pick what you want to believe. You believe it all or none of it. if she believed in God she would have faith that GOD would not let such a thing happen to his word to his people. The truth is, is that God HAS protected his word and I quote (from a book that she herself admits IS a legitimate book of the Bible) . Matthew 5:18 "For verily I say unto you, till heaven or earth pass, not one jot or one tittle shall IN NO WISE pass from the law till all be fulfilled." So, to take Sherry Shriner's word about the bible is pretty dangerous anyway.clearly, she is a false prophet, as "by their fruits ye shall know them".To deny God's word under any term is to deny the true GOD..He doesn't change. I wonder, if he doesn't change (as the bible says) then why isn't she keeping silent concerning church business anyway? I think it says in I Corinthians 14:34 "Let your women keep silent in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak;but they are commanded to be under obedience,as also saith the law". (this is the new testament too, Jesus' amendment from the old testament, the jot and tittle part was also spoken in the new testament so it means from NT on the law won't change, just a clarification)To you feminists (or men wannabes who claim they want equality, yet try to usurp everything a man has worked so hard for and still play the victim) I DIDN'T SAY IT, GODS WORD DOES, THE VERY WORD SHERRY PROFESSES TO 'OBEY'. So, let me get this straight,..the same GOD who says she should 'be silent in the church', is the same God telling her that space aliens are here and that she should lead the flock to salvation..TO LATE! I think there was a man that already came here to do that and his name was Jesus..not Sherry. In case you were wondering why I spoke of Sherry Shriner, it's because one of the letters was a warning from HER handed down to her from space god.

[Quote: Hey men,..since the women's sufferage movement do you STILL think they are wanting equality? Look around and notice all that YOU have lost and who is still crying as if the victim. prostate cancer is far more prevalent than breast cancer, when is the last time an event was held to raise awareness?...where's our 'ribbon' to remember those who have fallen to cancer? I suggest we men wake up and stop all of these feminists from taking everything we own in the name of this supposed equality. Ever been divorced? Have children?Women teachers raping male children and getting off because they R 2 pretty for Jail? Equality, isn't it beautiful?]

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Phenomium]

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Phenomium]

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Phenom

[edit on 14-7-2007 by Phenomium]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 01:22 AM
lol.. as soon as reptilian crap pops up on this board again we have to have more and more of it. Come on guys reptilians.... ..... .... -_- sigh.

Why dont we have more threads about random x person is a reptilian than George Bush, GB J, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore? OHHH I know so people can go "I knew it all along!"


reptilians have so ridiculously little basis of factual proof that they by far should be discarded on this forum as pure lunacy and they should have their own forum seperate from the alien forum where people with clearly very ...... interestingly and freely based opinions can flourish all by themselves so this forum doesn't have to be tainted with reptilian smut.

I've been visiting here for ~8 months now, not a lot of time compared to some of you, but it is apparant as to why the mass media makes out people who believe in aliens as "nut jobs." (for other threads see steven greer releases "alien" photographs, the nibiru sun glare "PLANET COLLIDING INTO EARTH" thread...., you get the idea...)

We should really have a system of skywatchers and stargazers set up instaed of having posts of this stupid crap. If every member here on this forum would take 10 minutes each night to star gaze we could amass a multitude of information that would actually be discernable, researchable, experimental, and educational.

Come on guys, let's cut the crap.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 01:52 AM
Great read!
but nothing more. If this was true we would be warned
to goto war while the government hides in there

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 01:58 AM
This ID::
No Joke
User ID: 254160

Shows it was originally posted in the Godlike Forum ....

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
The final message:

They are not here to conquer the planet. They are apparently here to battle against the non-humans that inhabit....

Shades of another thread dealing with a so called 'False Flag' event!!

And then if they aren't here to 'conquer' the world, but battle against non-humans, then why the devil are we worried? It's a good thing. We should join them to obliterate all those cattle-eating human-devouring greys!!

I'm signing up pronto! Where's the recruitment centre??


posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh

Originally posted by dntwastetime
The final message:

They are not here to conquer the planet. They are apparently here to battle against the non-humans that inhabit....

Shades of another thread dealing with a so called 'False Flag' event!!

And then if they aren't here to 'conquer' the world, but battle against non-humans, then why the devil are we worried? It's a good thing. We should join them to obliterate all those cattle-eating human-devouring greys!!

I'm signing up pronto! Where's the recruitment centre??


Lol. I'm in too! by the end of this thread we will have an ATS army!
Lizards watch out now!

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:24 AM
Secret agent man is back to tell us about the evil aliens 'n stuff! This guy's story is so redundant...can't he at least be a little more creative once in awhile?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Karilla
Has anybody ever heard of the NSA being referred to as "the company"?

No it was the CIA that was referred to as "The Company"

Originally posted by RhainI performed some research into what these posting are saying, but I am feel it is all hype.

Might I ask what research? Perhaps you could share that with us?

[edit on 14-7-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by amigo
With all these hoaxes going around lately, how do we know when a real truth is finally revealed?

Now your catching on

People claiming to be insiders come on and speak out, we immediately label them lunatics, even Boyd Bushman was given that designation here at ATS...

Well known UFO researchers all jump on the band wagon of every new story that comes out for fear that they mights be scooped..

We don't trust what NASA tells us...
We don't trust what the News media tells us
We don't trust what the government tells us

So who do we trust?

Well we spend hours in here discussing every new hoax or story that comes along...

But we don't trust those either, (not counting the I believe everything crowd]

Seems to me if someone wanted to keep us busy and distract us, he has earned his paycheck plus a hefty bonus....

I wonder if they landed a ship on the lawn of the white house, how many would say it was a Hollywood publicity stunt?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by danx
In fact, we probably have a lot of incredibly mind blowing information (regarding UFOs/aliens/etc) in already existing NSA/CIA/DIA documents. But they are either being withheld or everything of importance is blacked or whited out.

Silly people... always saying "probably" or being withheld... The black out in most released CIA/FBI docs is mostly names to protect the participants... there is more than enough stuff left if you care to take the time to actually look for them...

Here are three real FBI X-files... look em over and let me know what you think...
I have more where those came from

So there is a lot to be done and that can be done, by people like you and me. Lets keep researching, debating, talking about it, spreading the word, and pressuring the governments and people involved in the cover up.

Yuppers great idea... you volunteering? I need more researchers to ferret out those documents. It requires filing FOIA papers with people such as this...

US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
US Army Forces Strategic Command
P.O. Box 1500
Huntsville, AL 35807-3801

You up for it?

Oh and that pressuring the government part? BAD IDEA unless your ready to lose everything you own

[edit on 14-7-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by danx
I know that a lot of people used to say jokingly that NSA stood for No Such Agency since it took a while for the government to even acknowledge it's existence.

The Truth About The NSA Must See

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by GazrokAmateur astronomers would have no trouble sighting such a craft....

Oh but they HAVE according to THIS thread...

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
And then if they aren't here to 'conquer' the world, but battle against non-humans, then why the devil are we worried? It's a good thing. We should join them to obliterate all those cattle-eating human-devouring greys!!

So help me out with this then... if they are here to fight the non-humans... why did we say the government types are going to hide underground? Where its been said the non-humans have bases?

Am I missing something?

I'm signing up pronto! Where's the recruitment centre??

Are swords effective against Grays?

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:02 AM
while they're here wiping out the reptilians, can someone ask them to hit the rockefeller and rothchild's bunkers also ?

All joking aside but I doubt even an event of this magnitude would loosen the grip those two families have on this planet

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:02 AM

Once my family and myself have been secured in Virginia I will be transported via magneto graviton monorail systems to a facility in / under Australia to assist COG scientists and engineers in resisting the invaders, with technological help from visitors who have been here a long long time.

Many will be invisible to most human eyes as they descend to the ground while some will appear further down into the underground tunnels and cities that permeates most of the Earth's crust.

Heh sounds like he took some elements from the game "Gears Of War"

But this is most probably just a hoax...another one in a long long list of those that never works.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:08 AM
This is whats wrong with the world today.
Every person and companies have their own agendas.

We will never unite as a whole world because the rich don't
want to be stuck feeding the poor. So they drift away from society,
meet new people who have the same problem and they get
more rich and powerful!

at least thats my theory!

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
In just a matter of a few weeks, possibly two to three, a five mile long craft will enter into what many scientists in the company have confirmed will be a geodesic orbit about our planet.

I'm sorry all, but this part is laughable at best. While geodesic does have some serious science behind it, it's not what the OP intended to say. Based on the context of the statement, I'm lead to believe that he/she was intending to say that they are going to be entering into a geosynchronous orbit. This is the kind of orbit we put our satellites in when we want them to stay over one location permanently.

This one apparent slip-up was enough to make me lose interest in anything he/she had to say. It'd be kind of odd for an ex-NSA agent to make a false statement like that, when they should know the difference. Is it possible that they made a spelling mistake? Sure it is, but it's not likely.

Either way though, I'm going to watch and see what happens. I know one thing for sure; this year's looking like it's going to be quite entertaining. Gotta make sure to stock up on popcorn and beer!!

Forever entertained,

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 04:27 AM
If this does happen couldn't it be our own
leaders who turned it against us?

"The first step concerns the breakdown of all archeological
knowledge. It deals with the setup with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet where, supposedly, new discoveries will finally explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, "2001: A Space Oddessy;" the StarTrek series, and "Star Wars;" all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The last films, "Jurrassic Park," deals with the theories of evolution, and claim God's words are lies."

SO if this does happen it could mean the NWO is coming into place
and they will kill 2/3 of the population leaving only those they need
to rebuild.

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