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What Evolution Left Behind On Humans

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posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 02:29 AM
This is a pretty interesting site that lists 18 things that evolution has left us with (so far) that we don't really need anymore.

What Evolution Left Behind On Humans

Here's one of the "Left Overs" from evolution:

Palmaris Muscle
This muscle (if you have it, only 11% of humans do) is a long and narrow muscle that runs from the elbow to the wrist. They believe once it may have been an important muscle for hanging and climbing. If you ever need reconstructive surgery, this muscle might be taken for that. Thumbs up for free body parts, right?

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 02:37 AM
the link doesn't work for me.

Can scientists be sure that these organs were left behind, or could they perhaps be waiting to be activated...

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 03:10 AM
The link just worked for me, maybe if it still won't work for you, try Googling

"What Evolution Left Behind On Humans"

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 06:15 AM
don't forget the cocyx or the apendix. both of those were left behind. and wisdom teeth. those 3 were all really useful at some point, but they're all just hassels now. the cocyx is a pain in the arse, the apendix is just there as something that could kill us when it bursts, and wisdom teeth are something that a lot of people have yanked because our jaws aren't exactly suited for them any more

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 06:24 AM
Now, I don't think the fact that human evolution is probably true casts the Bible into doubt. As far as I can tell, the Bible was never meant to be 100% interpreted literally and I think this is one of those parts that was not meant to be interpreted literally.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Now, I don't think the fact that human evolution is probably true casts the Bible into doubt. As far as I can tell, the Bible was never meant to be 100% interpreted literally and I think this is one of those parts that was not meant to be interpreted literally.

of course it was never meant to be interpreted literally ANYWHERE. it's a bunch of fables and parables. there may not have been a boy who cried wolf, but the message is there.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Vipassana

Can scientists be sure that these organs were left behind, or could they perhaps be waiting to be activated...

Yeah, they're sure.

And if we were created by a perfect being, then why would we not have all systems in place now that are needed, and "god" can give us new ones as needed? Why would a perfect being, making a perfect creation, give men nipples and a rudimentary vestige of a uterus that hangs off the prostate?

Either god isn't perfect which means it really isn't god, or it doesn't exist. I know what I vote for.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction

Either god isn't perfect which means it really isn't god, or it doesn't exist. I know what I vote for.

How could you possibly claim to know the wisdom of god? Your definition of perfect is not the same as god's.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
don't forget the cocyx or the apendix. both of those were left behind. and wisdom teeth. those 3 were all really useful at some point,

If you go to the website, there are a total of 18 things left that we don't need or no longer use.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Vipassana

How could you possibly claim to know the wisdom of god? Your definition of perfect is not the same as god's.

Nice cop out.

Wisdom is not perfection. The bible and every Christian proselytizer I've ever encountered says god is a perfect being. So why would a perfect being make bodies for us that contain anomalies and systems that not only are completely unnecessary any longer because we've evolved past a need for them, but in some cases can actually kill us (appendicitis, anyone?).

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
don't forget the cocyx or the apendix. both of those were left behind. and wisdom teeth. those 3 were all really useful at some point, but they're all just hassels now. the cocyx is a pain in the arse, the apendix is just there as something that could kill us when it bursts, and wisdom teeth are something that a lot of people have yanked because our jaws aren't exactly suited for them any more

If that is true I know smeone who has offered to have yours removed and he will pay for it. Considering the MEDICAL FACTS that the cocyx has muscles attached to it that controls pooping, you may want to re-consider. Now to the appendix, don't need it??? doctors say that your chances of dying of infection increase greatly with the removal of the appendix.

So while you may be able to live without controlling your pooping, how many others would want to live around you? And while you may live for a WHILE without an appendix it doesn't mean it isn't needed. More babble and bull from the evolutionists basically, nothing to see here folks move along.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 04:10 PM
theindependentjournal, you can poop without a cocyx. it may "assist" in the same way that a tail on certain other primates assist in pooping too...
it's still a vestige.

the appendix has no function, it's just an organ that WAS used that now is integrated into a different system. there are people that are born without them these days.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 04:25 PM
I found this on interesting.

# Extrinsic Ear Muscles

* These three muscles most likely made it possible for prehominids to move their ears independently of their heads (again, like a cat or dog). Again, we still have these muscles which is why most people can learn how to wiggle their ears.

For those undying creationists, why do we have these? We've seen animals move their ears in the direction of a sound, but humans don't have the ability. If we didn't evolve frrom creatures who could, then why would we have this muscle?

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Just to voice the other side of the argument, as well as play devil's advocate...

I went down the list presented just to look into the things this blog was saying, and to look at it from the other "side of the fence."

The appendix: Today, a growing consensus of medical specialists holds that the most likely candidate for the function of the human appendix is as a part of the gastrointestinal immune system. The appendix is highly vascular, is lymphoid-rich, and produces immune system cells normally involved with the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (Fisher 2000; Nagler-Anderson 2001; Neiburger et al. 1976; Somekh et al. 2000; Spencer et al. 1985). Animal models, such as the rabbit and mouse, indicate that the appendix is involved in mammalian mucosal immune function, particularly the B and T lymphocyte immune response (Craig and Cebra 1975). Animal studies provide evidence that the appendix may function in proper development of the immune system in young juveniles (Dasso and Howell 1997; Dasso et al. 2000; Pospisil and Mage 1998). Current theory (even among a lot of prominent evolutionists) is that the appendix serves almost its entire function while we're still inutero, and as infants before our immune systems fully develop.

The same can be said for wisdom teeth. In less developed countries, where tougher foods are still the norm, wisdom teeth pose no problem because their life-long diets produce the larger jaw-bones and muscles which allow for normal placement of the wisdom teeth. It's even suggested that 60% of the extractions performed in developed countries aren't needed, and are even dangerous because of risk to the alveolar nerve.

The paranasal sinuses have very well known functions, including as follows: impart resonance to the voice; humidify and warm inspired air; increase the area of the olfactory membrane; absorb shock applied to the head for protection of sensory organs; secrete mucus for keeping the nasal chambers moist; thermally insulate the nervous centers; aid facial growth and architecture; lighten the bones of the skull for maintenance of proper balance of the head.

Also on the Vomeronasal Organ : Since 1985 there has been a steady accumulation of evidence demonstrating the presence of the VNO in most, if not all, humans (Moran et al., 1985, 1991; Johnson et al., 1985; Stensaas et al., 1991; Garcia-Velasco and Mondragon, 1991, and reviewed in Moran et al., 1995).

To call an organ "a useless remnant" when we're unsure of it's purpose is somewhat short-sighted, and in my opinion, demonstrates the same blind faith that fundamentalist religio-fanatics spout off. Keep in mind, until around the late 19th century the adrenal, as well as the pituitary glands were believed to be, and taught in classrooms as such, "vestigal, without purpose." Say that now in a classroom and people will think you're crazy.

I'm one of those rare people who does not view evolution and god as mutually exclusive, but I hate disinformation or misrepresented information on either side of the argument.

Feel free to tear into everything I've posted, perhaps I'll learn something. Through debate, knowledge is gained, and understanding is reached.

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction

Nice cop out.

Wisdom is not perfection. The bible and every Christian proselytizer I've ever encountered says god is a perfect being. So why would a perfect being make bodies for us that contain anomalies and systems that not only are completely unnecessary any longer because we've evolved past a need for them, but in some cases can actually kill us (appendicitis, anyone?).

This is the same argument used over and over but in a different context. Why would a perfect being allow suffering? Why do nukes exist? Why do people die? Why are there billions of planets that are completely uninhabitable?

I don't have all the answers to how and why God works, and it is unwise to assume that you do as well. Try moving beyond the narrow human perspective and view things universally, you can see that humanity's existence is but a blink of an eye.

There are infinite possiblities as to why God would place unusable organs in our bodies. Perhaps we needed them in the past to survive and now we no longer need them so someday we will evolve and these organs will no longer be in our bodies. Or perhaps we will need them in the future. Or perhaps God placed them there so that we would have a debate over their existence...

The point is that it really does come down to your definition of "perfect". Remember God is billions of years old+, while humans are essentially newborns. IT is therefore certain that God's "perfect" is probably completely different from anything that anyone on earth can conceive of. Your logic doesn't hold up on this one.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 08:34 AM
I'm sitting here with a sore back after walking around all day.

The human backbone just isn't designed all that well for a vertically standing creature... well, that's how it feels at this moment to me.

posted on Jul, 15 2007 @ 08:54 AM
I take it from your tirade, theindependentjournal, that your a bible basher?

I bet you don't even understand the Theory of Evolution and just think about Apes and People.

Anyhoo, not everyone can be saved..

I like the bit about the Male Uterus though. Now when the missus uses the famous line

"No Uterus, no opinion", I can say

"Well, actually hunny......."

Those will probably be my last words though... Nice knowing you all

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