posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 10:19 PM
I used to work for TWA in my youth, and one thing that was a guarantee.... a child would cry at takeoff and landing. I don't mean whimper, i mean
full out scream. We were taught then that you were to try to help the mother and the child in anyway possible. Some of the flight attendants would
carry suckers, gum, or anything else that would help a child through that experience with the least amount of discomfort for the child and the other
passengers. It was unheard of to kick a person off the flight for a screaming child.
As it was, this child wasn't screaming. It was talking, like anyone else would be. I'm sorry, but that safety procedure means nothing to a
toddler. Most of anyone who flies has seen it so many times, it's not new information, and usually ignore it. Hell, if you can't hear it... it's
all in the little pamphlet anyway. They do that for people who are hearing impaired. It's not that important.
This is just ridiculous.